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Techmarine + Servitors


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I got bored at work the other day and spent some time fiddling with the codex.



What do you guys think of a unit like this.


Techmarine, with servo harness, power weapon, and combi melta

5 servitors with just the arms

Sanguinary Priest with Power Weapon




I think the servitors would end up being fearsome.


On the charge you would get 2 regular I4 Str 4 regular attacks per servitor, followed up by a power fist swing for each servitor.


Between the techmarine and the servitors you would end up with 7 power fists for a total 100 points....

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How does that even work? Your numbers make no sense.


100 points total? Just the Chaplain alone is 100 points. The total for what you are talking about is 340. They still only have a 4+ armour save and a 4+ feel no pain and 3 T. A brief spray from any army could slaughter if you roll poorly. Not to mention WS of 3, meaning they still need to hit for those attacks to go off. If they get charged first(with that speed it is likely) they are toast. I doubt they will make it very far into the initiatives, and even then the few survivors still need to hit.


Potentially useful if kept safe, but you could do so much else with those points.


For example


RAS, 235 points

10 men, 1 PF, 2 meltaguns. They have jump packs.


Fly up, drop nearby, spray with 8 bolt pistols and 2 meltaguns. Right there a few would be dead most likely.

Next, charge them, and beat with I4 S4(without furious, and with the few points I spent you could fit in a priest with jump pack and still be under) to finish the squad before they can get to I3 or I1. Not to mention the 3 attacks the squad is getting with their 1 powerfist if it does make it that far. Also, the RAS would take few wounds from WS3,S3 attacks during the I3s turn. With a 3+ armour save it isn't hard(and a FNP if you buy the priest).


I just think the techmarine squad would be a dump of points during a match.

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Oh I know it's crazy. Just wondering how it would work.



This is what I meant by 100 points.


The servo harness is basically two power fists for 25 points. Each servitor costs 15 points and basically comes with a power fist. So if you get 5 of them that is 75 points plus 25 for the servo harness for a grand total of 7 pseudo power fists at 100 points.



If you add a priest to the squad they turn into assault marines without guns. 3 attacks on the charge - 1 of which is a power fist.


You are still rolling 4s to hit and the chaplain would offset that.


4 up save with 4 up feel no pain to counter act t 3.


I think it is deceptively mean in combat and if you put it on the table, your opponent would wonder what the hell it is.

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Techmarines and Servotors are really meant for repairing those tanks. Its a consideration in a BA MEch list really. The unit you have there is quite a points sink any gun with AP4 will take those servitors out quite easily. For the same points cost you can get 5 termies with T/Hammers and Storm Shields along with that Chaplain you were talking about. Now you get on the charge 15 S8 T/Hammer attacks & 4 Crozius attacks while re-rolling to hit. A lot better if you ask me.


The main complaint about the unit I've listed above is usually about the lack of manouverability since they would be footslogging, but your unit is doing the same by the looks of it.

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I'm all for uncommon units. If you play games above 1750 points you should definetely try them out, because then you have some spare points to pull off funny things like that, while still having a solid army.


In my experience opponents struggle against things they don't know. The element of surprise is priceless and it spices up the games.

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I've been trying this unit a few times, but they didn't work as I wanted.

Techmarine with 5 servitors and they were "borrowing" :( razorback from Devastators.

I thought that they would be great and quite cheap anti tank, but tanks move too fast for them.

And against infantry their "Servo Arms Power" is often just too slow <_<

Hope this helps :(

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I'm really bummed the BA techmarine is not an independent character.


If he were, I could definitely see myself sticking one in a big unit of assault guys.


Something stupid like:


Land Raider Redeemer




Honour Guard with 3 Power Weapons, a Power Fist, and a Chapter Banner

Techmarine with Servo Harness, Plasma Pistol, and a Power Weapon



That would be pretty cool.

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