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Nurgle Warlord (rule and pic)


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I posted this is the homegrown rule section, but I guess all of you true Nurgle followers might be interested aswell! I hope the pic and Nurgle-relation justify it =)


Idea: To create a ruleset that fits the model I have converted (Not quite finished though, needs more rot and nurgle)


Theme: A nurgle Warlord, leader of a fairly big host with multiple smaller armies joined.


The character: A true Nurgle champion. Slow, resilient, poisonous.





Named Nurgle Warlord:

WS: 5

BS: 4

S: 4

T: 5

W: 4

I: 4

A: 4

Ld: 10

Sv: 2+/5++



Sword of Decay: A Power Weapon. Coated in posion, that wounds on Z+.


Pus Cannon: Template S(x) AP(Z) Heavy 1, Poisoned(Z+)


Terminator Armour, Mark of Nurgle, Blight Grenades


Special Rules:

Independant Character


Feel No Pain (Z+)

Eternal Warrior

To represent the steadfast slow nurgle approach:

Blight Grenades

Slow and Purposefull

Counter Attack (I took counter attack, to represent his favoured tactic: To wait for the enemy's charge and gain favour of it)


Custom Special Rules

Parasite Infection: +D6A, Poisoned(Z+), I3. Does not benefit from weapon or wargear.

Mixing Poison: His body is a host of some of the strongest poisons from Nurgle. In battle, his armour activates and starts spreading poison through his body and venting in the air.

Keep track of the current game turn. The value Z, dertermins what level the poison has reached. Substract the game turn from 7, this is the value Z.

Example: Game turn 1. Z=7-1=6. He would always wound on 6+, FNP(6+) and the Pus Cannon is: AP6 and Poisoned(6+)

Example: Game turn 5. Z=7-5=2. He would always wound on 2+, FNP(2+) and the Pus Cannon is: AP2 and Poisoned(2+)

For potential futher game turns, the value can't decrease futher, Z=2. Take a thoughness test at the beginning of each game turn beyond 5. (6 and 7 usually). If he fails, the poison has grown too strong, and the Warlord is killed outright.





Point Cost for the known:

Chaos Lord (initial stats, modified with -1 BS, -1 I)

Terminator Armour

Mark of Nurgle (+1T)

Daemonic Steed(the stats are modified with +1W +1A like a lord with deamoic steed)

170 Total


Point Costs for the rest:

Eternal Warrior: (usually costs 35pt, codex bt, codex sw, old chaos codex)

Slow and Purposefull: -5-15pt

Blight Grenades: 5-10pt

Counter Attack: 10-15pt

Parasite Infection: 10-15pt

Mixing Poison: ? Grows very potent in the later turns, could potentially require a high point cost, what do you think?

Sword of Decay: 25pt (the average poison in 5turn game is 4+, considering you loose +D6 attack it might roughly equal a manreaper/Daemonic weapon)

Pus Cannon: ?


My initial thought, would be a point cost of ~250-285pt. With the major point being, that he has low initiative and his defense is T5, 5++ like a normal nurgle lord, FnP and armour save is ignored by most things you would send to kill him.

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Hey man that's a really nice model - the conversion work is cool.


I'd say that your house rules are bit convoluted though. Keeping it simple is a good rule of thumb really, I'd suggest making his weapon a poison (4+) power weapon for 20 points (like a dark eldar agoniser). It's in keeping with the theme and makes thing simple for you and your opppenent. I'd also recommend getting rid of slow & purposeful and counter attack TBH. Plague marines and Typhus aren't S&P and counter attack doesn't seem to fit to my mind.


Of course take all of the above with a pinch of salt. They're just suggestions...

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New pictures. First with more conversion, and the second with his terminator command squad. Note the beautiful harmony, the synergy of 7man squadron is something that takes my breath away every time.

(the squad is not finished though :) )


As for the rules, I think I will just pass it for now. I think it comes too close to Typhus to be truely special.




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Yeah, he's looking great. I'm not too sure about the tyranid heads you've used to frame his head, but then it's difficult to say without paint. It might as well turn out as great as the rest of him does.

A close-up shot or two of the other squad members would've been appreciated too. :P


Cheers, JT

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Might be far fetched, but it should represent the tyranid hive mind controlling his brain or something. Small spores/eggs that he's inhaled turning into larger worms. That he is infected. To make reason that Tyranid and Nurgle Chaos would ally :) A new stradegy of the hive mind! Apart from that, it would just represent some parasite, even though they do look like tyranid :)
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