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What Flyer are you hoping for in our new 'Dex?


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So I've noticed in the last few codex releases, they've been giving armies a single "flyer"


Ok, sure they use skimmer rules to make things simpler, but they're still aircraft!


Dark Eldar have the Razorwing.


Imperial Guard have the Valkyrie.


Marines have the Stormraven.


What sort of flyer are you hoping for?

A bomber?

A fighter?

A transport?

A gunship?


Personally, I'm hoping for a transport/gunship similar to the Stormraven.

We only have 2 possible transport units.

~Both of these are land base.

~One is light armoured, with minimal fighting power.

~The other is a bad :( weapons platform, but limited in how well it performs based on terrain.


Compare this to loyalists having 5, 2 of which are skimmers!

~3 are landbased; a basic transport, a support platform, and the previously mentioned bad :).

~1 of the skimmers is just as bad :cuss, but not limited by terrain.

~the other skimmer is very flimsy, but reasonably armed for what it is.


So, what are you hoping for?

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A Stormraven-esque transport would be pretty nice.


An adaptation of the Hell Talon/Hell Blade could be handy too. A fast skimmer packing autocannons/lascannons would make for a nice and much-needed addition to the Chaos Armory.


This... the forces of chaos' answer to Landspeeders!


I would also like a Firelord or whatever the big tzeentch one was... I think each god should get a daemon engine in the new book and I would like the Tzeentch one to be th super badass flyer.

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I feel like we've just got a supremely solid choice in the Storm Eagle, transport-wise (10 Terminators is one hell of a payload), so I'd love to see more of a fighter/gunship.
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We have the Storm Eagle and the Dread Claw from FW, specified for 40k, so what I would like to see would be something different. My thinking on this has changed since that "40k or Apocalypse" designation thing began, or at least I'm open to different ideas. That and I was pretty disappointed with how the Dread Claw played out on the table.


How about an interceptor? Loyalists got all these Fast transports full of ridiculous amounts of troops and firepower and high AV, so why not give us some kind of purpose-built "flyer buster"? It's the next logical step. Something with very Chaos-y style unique weapons that stands a good chance of blasting down enemy transports. Maybe not Fast, exactly, maybe not high AV, but maybe a great cover save because of high maneuverability, a Big Gun that it could fire no matter what, and perhaps a chance to preempt the enemy to get at that in-bound Storm Raven even if the opposing player has first turn.


This way we'd have our own flyer, and instead of just getting a spike-y version of a loyalist machine we'd have our own thing that played different.

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I'd love Dreadclaws. But PLEASE, not at 88£ like the FW one. And with decent rules too !

Seconded. As much as I like the look of the model, if we get Dreadclaws in our codex, I'd like to see a plastic one that didn't have the built in delay as it flies onto the table. Also, give it some inferno bombs :D

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I'd love Dreadclaws. But PLEASE, not at 88£ like the FW one. And with decent rules too !

Seconded. As much as I like the look of the model, if we get Dreadclaws in our codex, I'd like to see a plastic one that didn't have the built in delay as it flies onto the table. Also, give it some inferno bombs :wacko:


Or at least the means to carry an Icon for the purposes of summoning things around it.

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Ok so we have four types of vehicles...


Dark Mechanicus vehicles... Harbinger, Hell Talon and s on on... (Ok >.<)

Loyalist stuff with spikes... (No, Bad Lazy GW!)

Daemon Engines (Oh god yes!)

Older stuff that Loyalists no longer use...


I would mainly like Daemon Engines... Although if I'm honest I would rather not have every army with a load of fast skimmers and fast transports and so on... As an Eldar player it upsets me XD... That or Eldar need to be ablke to move even faster and fire even more guns ;)

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In squadrons of 5-20! With a super-heavy land crawler carrier for Apocalypse! The locusts are described in Abnetts Doubble Eagle and seem quite cool. Should be smaller than the Hell Blade and cheaper than ork vehicles :)



I'm quite happy with the Dreadclaw, Hell Blade, Blight Drone and Storm Eagle actually. What would be cool is a fast skimmer with some serious weaponry or a 24" jumping walker, a bit like the eldar had for a while. (Alright, that might not be an actual flyer, but how cool wouldn't it be?)

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I would like to see a flyer with an actal Daemon bomb, a bomb dropped at some point during its movement phase that lets you deploy one daemon unit from reserves under the template as it rips open a warp rift.


Could also include some rules for enemies touched by the template to get sucked into the warp :)

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Ok so we have four types of vehicles...


Dark Mechanicus vehicles... Harbinger, Hell Talon and s on on... (Ok >.<)

Loyalist stuff with spikes... (No, Bad Lazy GW!)

Daemon Engines (Oh god yes!)

Older stuff that Loyalists no longer use...


I would mainly like Daemon Engines... Although if I'm honest I would rather not have every army with a load of fast skimmers and fast transports and so on... As an Eldar player it upsets me XD... That or Eldar need to be ablke to move even faster and fire even more guns :P



Dark Mechanichs vehicles = Daemon engines.

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+1 to the Dreadclaw request. Seriously, I never understood why the CSMs never had a Drop Pod option the way the Loyalists did back in the 3.0 era.


The best I can figure is that GW actually expected people to use Forge World exclusives in games, without realizing just how valuable the "Chapter Approved" stamp really was. Nobody I played with in that era would even consider playing with a list that wasn't RTT-legal, and thus FW stuff like Dreadclaws, Titans, and all the special SM Drop pods were stuff you just never saw.


Then again, the 3.0 codex broke the CSMs in ways they still haven't recovered from and probably never will. I'm just glad we got the Crux Terminatus bonus the way the Loyalists did; if that article had been written today it would've gone the same way as the Infernal Device on our tanks.


Edit: And please, no more daemon engines. I was tired of them when we got the Defiler plastic kit, and I don't want to see any more for a LONG time in non-Apocalypse games.

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Ok so we have four types of vehicles...


Dark Mechanicus vehicles... Harbinger, Hell Talon and s on on... (Ok >.<)

Loyalist stuff with spikes... (No, Bad Lazy GW!)

Daemon Engines (Oh god yes!)

Older stuff that Loyalists no longer use...


I would mainly like Daemon Engines... Although if I'm honest I would rather not have every army with a load of fast skimmers and fast transports and so on... As an Eldar player it upsets me XD... That or Eldar need to be ablke to move even faster and fire even more guns :P



Dark Mechanichs vehicles = Daemon engines.


Some have mortal crews... While others are proper daemon engines :)



Ok so we have four types of vehicles...


Dark Mechanicus vehicles... Harbinger, Hell Talon and s on on... (Ok >.<)

Loyalist stuff with spikes... (No, Bad Lazy GW!)

Daemon Engines (Oh god yes!)

Older stuff that Loyalists no longer use...


I would mainly like Daemon Engines... Although if I'm honest I would rather not have every army with a load of fast skimmers and fast transports and so on... As an Eldar player it upsets me XD... That or Eldar need to be ablke to move even faster and fire even more guns :P



Dark Mechanichs vehicles = Daemon engines.


Some have mortal crews... While others are proper daemon engines :P

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Something that's more than just a loyalist transport/ bomber with spikes and gribbly bits; some sort of infernal, sentient engine forged in the pits of Medrengard or some such that distinguishes itself from our Imperial counterparts.
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I like the idea of the "flyer-buster" mentioned previously. A fast skimmer with a pair of Reaper Autocannons would fit the bill rather nicely, fitting in somewhere between the size of a Landspeeder and a Valkyrie.


I think you just described a Hell Blade.

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