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What Flyer are you hoping for in our new 'Dex?


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A Chaos Harbringer.


But on the more serious side something with a little transport capacity and a decent weapons platform. Or some twisted Transport/bomber. i don't know, and don't think i care that much as long as itlooks awesome and makes the other guy either get a weird boner and surrender or crap his pants and run off screaming.

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On another note, I'd like to have a decent POTMS for Chaos.

We just have a cheap counterpart which lowers BS, doesn't give us the chance to shoot another target even after moving...

According to the Storm Eagle experimental rules, Chaos can have it at -20pts than the SM, but lose POTMS, ergo, for FW, POTMS=20pts.

Then, we have the option to give daemonic possession for 20pts.


POTMS=daemonic possession.


No. Wrong. Crap.


I want a real POTMS counterpart. Period.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd say we stick with Drop Pods, and give them an Icon as standard, and really good armour. Maybe an option to replace troop capacity with heavy weapons. Then we can slam down a drop pod in the heart of the enemy and (unless they add a rule to allow other models using this icon to do the same) deepstrike a load of summoned daemons and assault! Chaos have some of the best Deep Striking units in the game and I'd hate that to all change just because we're copying the Blood Angels/ Gay Nights and every other stupid Spac Marine codex.


Also, why have they all got their own codex? It's rediculous! It's like us all having a codex for each Chaos God. Stupid money-grubbing...

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On another note, I'd like to have a decent POTMS for Chaos.


POTMS=daemonic possession.


No. Wrong. Crap.


I want a real POTMS counterpart. Period.


Different levels of Daemonic Possession would be nice. As in, how much would you sacrifice points-wise for what levels of power? Also, god specific possession in the form of vehicle rules for Marks would be fantastic. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to beef up a Defiler to have better stats by paying more points for a higher grade of Daemon to possess it, then giving it a Mark of Khorne so that it gets some Khorne related USRs or another attack or whatever? Sort of like how we used to be able to build up a Lord until he was Daemon Prince level, but for vehicles.

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GW owe it to the game not just the C:CSM players to produce a better dex after all the main part of the fluff for the game is based around the Heresy and it's aftermath. How lame is it that Chaos armies are so uncompetitive when they are supposed to be the Imperiums biggest threat and it's most hated enemies? I still don't understand why so much loyalist equipment is denied C:CSM after all drop pods, speeders, etc are not post heresy inventions and it's not for game balance with the current 'dex.


So I say yeah to Drop Pods or Dreadclaws and access to either a stormraven or storm eagle at the very least, oh and please can we have them in the Codex and not some FW supplement that will keep them out of many tournaments.

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Yeah, dreadclaws with a re-deepstrikable transport option and hell talons/hellblades for more gunship/interceptor type roles.


I dont want to see another stormraven variant on the field. Let chaos play differently.

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Guest Vortex

Yes, a flyer or two would certainly be nice to see. I like the Storm Eagle, but something more suitably Chaotic is definitely required. It'd like some manner of transport (perhaps a heavily modified Dreadclaw?), with options to function as a fast harasser type or mount some powerful armament.

Or maybe an assault boat like that one... the shark-pattern... thing... Whatever it was called. I think I remember reading about those in use by Chaos forces somewhere. ...Unless it was Orks.


Either way though, Chaos needs Drop Pods in the new Codex, and if that just so happens to be the Dreadclaw or something like it, I don't see why it can't also function as some kind of flyer. I love the Dreadclaw and would use them but they're just so expensive that I can't justify it for what it does.



Looking forward to a cool original design at least, or a design similar to the Hell Blade/Talon, which I'm quite fond of. Something that looks like it's going to plunge into the heart of an enemy force and just rip it out, yes...

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I could do without fliers. The boards are already too small for things that are 12"+ and very tall. Cool for games with friends, but I hope they don't make fliers bigger than they are now in game-terms. Don't get me wrong, I want all of you to have fun with the hobby and be able to use whatever miniatures you want.. I just don't think a 6x4 is the place. Apocalypse... Yep.


I really and truly feel for the people who have three stormravens all painted up and prettyfied, only to lose them all turn 1. Then, for the rest of the game, they get to watch from the sidelines as the rest of their army fights on foot. Of course, we have other things that can be removed in one round of shooting: Infantry squads, land raiders, land speeders, any sort of vehicle... but I'm just saying. All the effort to expand something seems wasted when that thing can be removed and has little chance of acting like REAL air support: Quick, get-in-get-out support fire. Hopefully they can show up, AA can attempt to disable them, and they can zoop off to arrive later in different turns. Now THAT'S realism.


Wait, did I just say realism when talking about 40k? Disregard (or should you, since we don't know how 6th will be)


But I won't turn this into a rant about my disliking fliers of any sort. I do feel that it is a good mood for GW to add some fliers to all races. I would like to see a Helltalon or some varient, though I would not play one myself. I'd like to see pods as well, but they do not fall into a "Flier" catagory to me, since space marines already have some and it's simple just to drop them down and be down with it when they discharge the gribblies (or dusties) inside of them.


Fliers do have a place in 40k, but I hope they keep it out of the main game and do not expand it BEYOND what is currently existant in "normal play". IE, stormravens etc.

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Ah, come on... I want to have a model I can only truck into the game table using a forklift! (Yeah, right...)


Griping aside, I would REALLY like it if each successive Codex stopped with the 'oh @$%*@, we messed up on the last one!!!' and changed the scales so that the New Terror Weapon of Unstoppable Doom is now the Rhino/Objective Marker/Small Piece of Paper routine...


How can you tell that I'm still unhappy about the 'SQUEEEE!' factor of the Grey Knights reboot? (irony!)

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The Harbinger is not an option IMO, I just don't see GW or FW making anything that's 4' x 3' in size. The Manta's almost too big itself, and people want something even bigger? Have you seen the cost of a Manta?


The Hell Talon is also almost too big, compared to the current crop of "flyers". I don't think a lot of people actually realize how big it really is.


The Hell blade is perfect size and matches up well size wise to the Razorwing, Stormraven, and whatnot. I believe that would be the most likely candidate.


That being said, I wouldn't count out a drop pod of some sort for us. I doubt we'll get the Dreadclaw, but you never know. It's more likely we'll get an all brand new pod.

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Better psyker powers. Actually balanced ones that are characterful. I can't stand crap like Siren or Lash.


Good thing Flyers don't get the option to take Siren or Lash, then.


Hell Blade is a cute little interceptor, but it's woefully underarmed compared to what it has to go up against. Even Valkyries mount stronger weapons. So while size is an issue, so are options, and Hell Blade has too few.

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Hell Blade is a cute little interceptor, but it's woefully underarmed compared to what it has to go up against.


Now that we've seen the Storm Talon load-outs this is even more true than it was just a couple of days ago.


I'd like to think that what Forge World has been doing would be an indication of things to come for Chaos Marines. I was pretty stoked by the Chaos Contemptor and the Decimator.

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If I may dream for a moment then I'll request a different flyer for each Chaos alignment (the big four plus undivided). Being of a Tzeentchian bent myself, I'd love to see the old Epic flyers in 40K (Firelord, etc).


More realistically: a multi-purpose kit that can be made to represent different versions/alignments of the same vehicle.

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Good thing Flyers don't get the option to take Siren or Lash, then.


Not sure why I posted that. Oops.


Back on topic though, I did want some sort of flying psyker thing for CSM a while back. Kinda like a Thousand Sons thing. But now they separated Daemons and CSM I am not sure anymore. I never really got that into flying machines except for Deff Koptas.


Either that or bring out the Doomlords.


EDIT: Spelling

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A big friggin' dragon. I would love some monstrous creature to mount a chaos lord on that eats other flyers.




Drop pods (dreadclaws), some sort of lightly armored fighter with decent weapon options and some sort of transport. Just no flying dragons in freakin 40k please.

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I dunno. I just don't know anymore. Played a game of Apocalypse yesterday, and got our butts handed to us. The imperials had five or six flyerswhile we had none and just two AA-Auto cannons that got blasted the first turn. And even if we would have had say two or three Hell Talons or what ever we still pay more for them than the imperials do and they get better stuff.


I just don't know anymore. I hate this game and i'll never be good at it.


I just wanna put all my minis in a big pile, spray them with kerosene and burn them all.

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