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Flamer's, and other template weapons (But really line of sig

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Ok, so knowing that flamer's ignore cover, as do other template weapon's, and it stating that you have to cover the most models possible, what occurs if you can only see 1 model from a unit? The rest are at coherency, and the only way to cover the most models is by not covering the sole model you can see? It seem's to me that this mean's you are now targeting model's that are out of line of sight, yet it also adhere's to the RAW.

I was just wondering this as it has occured a few time's in game's, with deepstriking dread's etc.

Also, would this apply to weapon's lke the Vindicaire's exitus rifle. He shot at a unit within range, well 1 model was, then the wound was allocated to a model out of range by at least 10 inche's. Is that possible? can you allocate to a model out of range? The other model was also out of sight too.

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Allocation has nothing to do with LoS, the vindicare can put wounds on people out of LoS and he just needs to see the unit targeted by the shot when he rolls the dice.


Also, the flamer can cover people out of LoS, so long as the firing model can see the stuff on a single model required to start shooting at it. This is no different than a dread or something crashing through a wall to charge things outside of his LoS, so long as it is agreed that the wall is not impassable or somethin'


Hope this helps.


Remember 4th edition, when only models in LoS can die? That was brutal. Maybe you're thinking about that?

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Also, would this apply to weapon's lke the Vindicaire's exitus rifle. He shot at a unit within range, well 1 model was, then the wound was allocated to a model out of range by at least 10 inche's. Is that possible? can you allocate to a model out of range? The other model was also out of sight too.


Page 24, under REMOVE CASUALTIES, second paragraph.

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Lol yeah I think I was thinking of 4th. Brutal but more realistic I felt. Many thanks for the replies.



Well remember too, that units are not as static as our mini's are on the board. They are fluid as men move around and take cover, or change positions for a better firing arc. The same reasoning applies to why your own unit does not provide cover or block LOS.

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