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Master of the Forge on his Boomcycle!


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Hi guys, just thought I'd share with you a bit of work in progress with you. I found the tutorial on here for the quads so I thought I'd make my MoTF on a quad.


I still need to work on the weapon a bit...bit stumped on how to get that conversion beamer look without buying a FW one, so any suggestions are welcomed!



Ding dang done it! Got the forge world contemptor pic up and this is what I used. I found an old imp guard mortar, a screw, some mechadendrites, a hubcap, and a sanguinary guard jump pack nozzle!


Here's some updated pics. I had to bump it up with a couple of coins due to the techmarines headroom. It's magnetised so it can swivel.





Hope you enjoy the change as much as I do!

Just thought I'd put it up for peeps to check out! Here it is finished. I don't think it's too bad for an "on the fly" kitbash/conversion!





Hope you enjoy C&C welcome!

This is without a doubt, one of the most insane yet completely awesome models I've ever seen.

And I absolutely love it :)


Nice use of the use of the predator engine deck cover/turret ring piece for the rear wheel arches.

Personally I would have painted the hammer and his shoulder trims a bright polished metal colour (chainmail?), but that's more my own taste - it looks fine as it is.



This is without a doubt, one of the most insane yet completely awesome models I've ever seen.

And I absolutely love it :lol:


Nice use of the use of the predator engine deck cover/turret ring piece for the rear wheel arches.

Personally I would have painted the hammer and his shoulder trims a bright polished metal colour (chainmail?), but that's more my own taste - it looks fine as it is.




Cheers man, many thanks. You were close with the predator bits, its actually a landraider engine cover, and the mounting on top is that of a land raider too, come to thing of it if you had reminded me of the preator ringtop thing before this I could've saved some money! God! ;) As for the hammer etc, I think thats temporary. He's supposed to be THE master of the forge, the top guy, and he looks like a pleb apprentice with a copper hammer. He's not glued on so he will be removed and upgraded at some point!

@-Max- Cheers buddy, I thought I'd get it painted as soon as just incase it ended up just being left by the wayside. I've been sticking strictly to my marines for 3 monthsish now so I wanted something different to do. Just got 2 preds, landraider, vindicator, razorback and a drop pod, all half done to finish by mid may.


@Throne Bearer Cheers man!


@Sylen Yeah, I wanted to find something else to go there. Its not that integral to the structure so replacing it is no bother.


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