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Grotsmasha's Dark Angels and Successors


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Here we go, 2nd Razor for the MkIII vets



And WIP Azrael, just his face and The Lion Helm to go...


1640/1865 pts Complete

So, my plan for subsequent vows, is to use the contents of THIS thread, and speed paint as many as I can as solo vows. I've already started undercoating them so I can get stuck in once Azzy's done. First up will be Twin LC's. There's 11 AoBR Captains left, totalling 1400pts, I reacon about half is do-able.



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Your Mk III vets look amazing with their Razor! Very 30k-ish! Can't wait for your completion!


11 AoBR Captains? :) Looks like a nicely segmented pool of points there - We could sure use them... Good luck :)


Thanks Cap!!! I was really hoping to be done this weekend, but my time seems to have evaporated, I'll have some time LAATTTEEEERRRR tonight, I may get Azzy done yet. I don't think I'll get all 11 done (unless i pain them ALL as AoV) I intend on trying to get at least one each of the official Successor's in there, ooohhhhhhh, just thought of another mini to use, make it potentially 12 Company Masters...




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Vow Complete, giggedy, giggedy!!!!



Group Photo


Official 2nd Vow,

“I Grotsmasha, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete:

1x Company Master with Twin Lightning Claws and Melta-Bombs


from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 135pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Unforgiven Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”



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  • 1 month later...

So , its 2am on the 2nd and 'Path to Redemption' still lacks details, so I gots to converting.

I'm one of those people who see the finished conversion in my head, then have to work out how to make it work. So having looked at my DV sprues this morning, my head filled up with idea after idea, but with a full day ahead of me, all I could do is refine those ideas internally. But tonight, I got to sit down and have at it.

First up the DV Librarian on the DV sgt Bike, this was about 1/2 hr of hack/slash/glue, all that remains for the morning to to rummage and find a spare handlebars and arm.



Next up will be my first attempts at my own Belial, with all three load-outs.



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You're not for real - Exclellent conversion!!!


The only problem I'm seeing is what you gonna do with the force weapon (unless he's using psychic powers to drive the bike :cuss).


Thankyou! As for the Force Sword, the plan is to have it sheathed opposite the pistol.




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Yes! The librarian is awesome. He's my favorite model from the starter set. It's great to know he can combine with the bike so nicely. I was concerned with everything being the snap together type this wouldn't be possible. Well done!


I look forward to seeing him painted.



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Awesome work with the Librarian and Sergeant . I wonder how hard it would be to do the same with the Chaplin.


I did consider trying the Chaplain, but the detail on the back of his cloak would've made it quite difficult. As an added bonus though, the head and entire Crozius arm/shoulder are seperate pieces meaning you could use those as a base to work from.




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Just to warn you..... I may be borrowing a few of your conversion ideas ;)


Great work.


No worries dude, have at, it's all good.


Sweet ideas and great execution :)


Cheers!!! Thanks man.


Grotsmasha, awesome job on the body swaps on the Dark Vengeance set! The Librarian and Sergeant look great. Belial is also awesome looking and sufficiently blinged out with that torso.


Congrats also on the massive undertaking you had during the ETL and looking forward to more!


Thanks Bryan, there's plenty more I've planned for the DV boxset. After all, there's already plenty of doubling up before i add in my 2nd boxset. I still think Belial is missing something to go on his back, like the DV DW Sgt, but not exactly.....I'm not sure yet, he's just not imposing enough for me.




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Nice work on the conversions Grot! I like the Belial some nice kit bashing there. I wouldn't even worry about the SB/PS for now (unless you actually field him that way) - wait and see how he evolves in the next codex.
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Looking awesome, how hard was it to get that head carved out for the belial conversion?? Interested in doing one myself


It wasn't to bad, but if you don't have a hobby saw, I wouldn't bother. It'd be much too much effort with just a knife. Also, remember to cut out the backing in the head space to allow for the head to recess in properly.




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