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Pyschic Powers

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Okay, here we go with this party. It's like "finish the sentence", but with magic. ^.~ Make a Thousand Sons specific psychic power for the current codex/rules. Tell us a little about your spell.


Here's my version of the shield. Feel free to post your own version.


Kine Shield (30pts): The sorcerer taps into ancient energies to reinforce the sorcerous power animating his squad and uses this precious time to rejuvinate his own flesh. Cast at the start of the Chaos turn. The psyker gains the Feel No Pain USR and his unit gains a 2+ Cover Save. Lasts until the next Chaos turn.


Brutal.. but cool. I use it in my group often. Just nullify the power or charge 'em. Fluffy because it shows that the psyker is still very much made of skin, and that he is one heck of a forcefield maker. Also, this cover save can be taken away by a simple Flamer or even the dragon special ammunition.

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Hmm let's see.


Inanimate Possession(30 pts) - Pick one enemy vehicle within 24 inches, psyker must pass Psychic test in order to use power. If successful, the psyker's turn is instead used on enemy vehicle. It can move normally as well as attack other enemy units. May not be moved off of the table or into impassable terrain. After this, affect vehicle is Shaken and Stunned, if applicable.


It's my take on the ability where some of the KSons were controlling machines through crystals that had been implanted in them. I just figured that ten thousand years in the warp would have allowed these same individuals to be able to "hack" straight into the machine itself like Ruven did when he Navigated the Covenant of Blood. Although I'm hesitant about the price since someone could hijack a Titan with this in an Apocalypse game. Then again, if they get within 24" of a Titan and survive long enough to use it, maybe it should be cheap enough to take.

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I wrote this down in an much much much earlier thread. EDIT: ooops sorry was it meant to be just one psychic power... :S



1) Seize initiative on a 4+. (pre-game)


2) 3+ cover save to vehicle after enemy has hit and penetrated. 24"


3) Re-deploy D3 units after deployment and infiltrators. (pre-game)


4) Before friendly IC dies can choose to remove him from play. IC cannot attack that turn but does not count for kill points or any combat resolution.


5) Move up to D3 objectives after enemy has deployed.


6) Remove 1 objective by end of T3


7) Reduce cover save by 1. Unlimited range.


8) Warptime


9) Sorcerer becomes I10 until start of his next turn.





1) Warp Fire: Template, wound on 4+, AP3


2) Coruscating flame: Base to base, S3 + D3, AP 4


3) Wall of fire: Anywhere up to 12" from the caster draw a line up to 12" long. Cannot see through the flame. Models moving through the flame take a S5, AP 4 hit each. Vehicles hit on rear armour.


4) Fireball: 24", blast, S6, AP3


5) Conflagration: 24", large blast, S4, AP5


6) Draw a line 24" from the sorcerer, must have line of sight to first target. All enemy non-vehicle models in the line suffer 1 S10 AP2 hit. Friendly models are ignored.


7) 24", any friendly vehicle suffering from a shaken or stunned result can be controlled and used as normal.


8) 12", enemy vehicle can be controlled by the sorcerer.





1) 24" S4 AP5 Assault 4


2) 24" S6 AP4 Assault 2 Rending


3) 18" S8 AP- Assault 1. No armour or cover saves allowed


4) 18" S10 AP1 Assault 1 Lance


5) 12" target any enemy unit or vehicle (including immobilized) and reposition anywhere within 24" of the original location including difficult and/or dangerous terrain but not off the table


6) 18" enemy must take a pinning test on Ld7 or under


7) 24" S1 + D6 continuous. Perils of the warp if you roll a double.


8) 12", line of sight. 2D6 equal or higher than the weapon's strength being targeted for it to fire at it's own rear armour.


9) Enemy models in base to base strike at I1.


10) Unlimited range, 3 blast or 1 large blast, roll 1 D6 for the scatter, for the duration of the enemy turn treat the area under the template(s) as difficult and dangerous.


11) Range 18", enemy units WS and BS reduced to 1 until start of psykers next turn.





1) 24" Enemy non-vehicle unit must pas a Ld test or fall back 2D6


2) 24" Enemy non-vehicle unit must pas a Ld or not be able to shoot or assault in the next phase. It may move and run as normal.


3) Unlimited range, all shrouded or concealed units are seen as normal.


4) 18" enemy vehicle only. If successful all guns must fire at nearest enemy's friendly unit.


5) 24" all enemy units must roll for night fighting to see the unit.


6) 24" all enemy units must pass a Ld test before they assault target unit. If they fail they may not assault.


7) 24" Target enemy unit acts as if it is moving through difficult terrain.





1) 24" boosts kine shields to 3+


2) 24" 2D6 hits, S5 AP6


3) 48" Assault X (keep rolling D6 to determine amount of hits, stop rolling once you roll a double) S4 AP-


4) 36" S9 AP1 Blast. Will always scatter full amount if arrow is rolled.


5) 24", enemy invulnerable shields are reduced by 1 to a minimum of no save


6) 12" grants a friendly vehicle a 4+ invulnerable save for duration of enemy turn.


7) Any model in base to base with the sorcerer sufferes D3 S4 AP5 wounds with armour saves allowed.

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Pavoni: "You Shall Not Pass!" (Yeah, needs a better name I know.) Gathering his power and his rage at the indignities heaped upon his legion, The Sorcerer vows no more shall happen, and unleashes this against the enemy in the form of a powerful Kine dome.

Used at the start of either players turn, the Squad may not be assaulted this , all successful to hit rolls against the squad must be rerolled. If the Squad is in combat when this power is used, the enemy squad is pushed away D6+3 inches and each model takes a S3 AP- Rending hit. The effects last until the end of the turn.

Pyrea: "Your Weapons are broken!" The Sorcerer focuses on an gun, a sword, shield or trinket carried by the enemy. With a surge of heat, the item he focuses on bursts into flame, shattering into pieces. Range 24" Used at the start of the Sorcerers Shooting phase. Nominate weapon or piece of war gear carried by an enemy model, on a successful psychic test, the item is destroyed, though in the case of vehicle weapons, they may be repaired by a model that could normally do so (ie. tech priests). If the target is a force weapon, then the the bearer will take S4 AP3 hit as it acts as conduit for warp energy as it dies.

Athanaeans: Fear of the dark "Gathering the nightmares and fears of the enemy, he projects these upon their fellows. Many a man has slain his greatest fears only to find himself standing above the corpse of a great hero, sergeant or friend. Used instead of shooting a weapon. Select a unit within 24", all models within it immeadiatly attack the other models in the unit as if they were enemy models. Independent characters and models with the Fearless rule may try and resisest by taking a leadership at -2 Leadership.(In the case of a unit with the fearless rule, each model tries independently of the others.

"See the truth of the Cosmos". The sorcerer shows his enemies their insignificance in the cosmos, and the lies and dark secrets of that which they fight to protect. Choose a unit within 24". The target suffers a -1 leadership modifier for the rest of the game, In addition, any targets with the rule "And tehy shall know no fear" lose it for the rest of the game.

Raptora: "The Black coffin" The enemy is encased in a box of darkness, and when the box fades away, the Sorcerers opponent lies dead, his body cut as peirced by hundreds of blades. Use in the the Sorcerers shooting phase, range 12", the target takes D3+2 S8 AP2 Rending hits.

Corviae: "Omnipresence" use at the start of the Sorcerers shooting phase, pick an enemy unit in 36" It may not take cover saves against any shooting/psychic attack this turn, and all invulnerable saves that are successfully passed must be rerolled.

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The Eye of Magnus (25pts) : Draws a small part of the attention of the all-seeing Magnus that leaves even the most powerful of the warriors defenseless.


Cast at the start of the Chaos turn. The cibled model loses any Invulnerable save it has, minus cover saves. Ends at the next Chaos turn.


EDIT : typo.

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Pavoni: Wedjet. The sorcerer scribes a glowing eye in trailing warpfire that glares balefully upon the foe. The sorcerer must pass a Psychic Test to use this power. Any unit wishing to assault his squad must take a Leadership test. Failure results in a failed Assault, as though the unit was out of range. Success forces the unit to treat the intervening ground as Dangerous Terrain.
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