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Zone Mortalis


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We had a first test game of the Forgeworld ZM rules the other day.

Used our necromunda style city ruins to made a really dense terrain(Wish i'd taken some pics but i'll try to remember next time).


It had to be said that the close environment really suits a Khornate berzerker heavy list.

I utterly destroyed my mates Ultras in three turns.



Has anyone one else played and ZM games? and how did it go?

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Yeah and Khârn is monstrous, my list was him, 10 zerkers with champ and powerfist and 2 plasma pistols, 5 chosen with flamers and mark of khorne


and was it messy, we made a rule that inflitrators could blast through the wall so still outflanked but made dangerous terrain tests.


turn three everything went to plan with Khârn killing a dreadnought, the zerkers killing some assault marines and the flamers burning a termie squad.

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I'd love to give ZM a go, but the board sections are way out of my price range. Wouldn't mind knocking up a cheap imitation with some foamcore, though.


Rules look very interesting, but I haven't really read them in great detail...

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Its hillarious fun...although the one thing I would change is the unit size limits. It really screws armies like Orks etc against Marines. Because 10 Bozys out of max 30 or 40 is nothing. You could literally kill the whole squad with bolt pistols.
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As a side note we also plan a few house rules for next time to tidy things up a bit.


Firstly the Combat squad rule can be applied to any unit (in a 1000pts game its tough to keep within the Force Organisation slots).

And warp forbid you chose to play as marines then Tactical squads can take a second special instead of a hvy and Assault Squads can drop the jumpacks and are the same price as tactical marines.

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