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Hello fallen brethren.


I come here in a quest for guidance, I'm getting ready to write a piece of fluff involving Chaos, The Truth, and what it means to truly fall.


Now to the meat of my post here. I have had a great deal of interest in the character Cypher since discovering him on the Lexicanum and I'm extremely curious for more information about him, as he seems like an excellent choice of a character to include in my work.


So Can you tell me more about him, and if there is fiction on him already, what books would I find it in. I'd like to expand my knowledge base before I strike pen to paper on this subject.

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Cypher once approached Abbadon himself on the bridge of his personal flagship (the one that can destroy planets).


When a lightning-clawed bodyguard moved to intercept him Cypher shot him through both hearts with a plasma pistol without breaking stride.

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Cypher once approached Abbadon himself on the bridge of his personal flagship (the one that can destroy planets).


When a lightning-clawed bodyguard moved to intercept him Cypher shot him through both hearts with a plasma pistol without breaking stride.

I need to read this. Where is it?

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Cypher once approached Abbadon himself on the bridge of his personal flagship (the one that can destroy planets).


When a lightning-clawed bodyguard moved to intercept him Cypher shot him through both hearts with a plasma pistol without breaking stride.


Some say he carries exquisitely matched pistols and is adept at using them two handed, that he bears a broken blade that he is never seen using in combat, and that he once beat the Emperor of Mankind in a fiddle contest...


All we know is he's called The Cypher.

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If you can get a hold of them,


The Fallen


UK White Dwarf: #231, Fallen Angels, by Jervis Johnson.


UK White Dwarf: #281, Heroes & Villains of the 41st Millennium - Cypher, The Fallen Angel.

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Cypher once approached Abbadon himself on the bridge of his personal flagship (the one that can destroy planets).


When a lightning-clawed bodyguard moved to intercept him Cypher shot him through both hearts with a plasma pistol without breaking stride.

I need to read this. Where is it?


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At the end of the same campaign as ^^ above, Cypher was captured by the DA but escaped before they could get him to the Rock. Theres also a character in the 2nd Dark Angel HH book who holds the rank of Cypher, and he is a youngish marine who carrys dual-pistols, one bolt one plasma, so that is almost definetly him.

Also, apparently the sword on his back is the broken sword of the Lion, but I can't remember where I read that so it might not be true.

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That is indeed the broken Lion sword and, before the EoT campaign, Cypher appeared to be making his way to Terra. Allegedly to have the sword reforged by the Emperor. Old fluff though, may have been retconned by now. Especially as the HH series now says that Ferrus Mannus made all the weapons that the primarchs used. Back in the day the Emperor made the Lion sword and he was only one that could reforge it.


He was said to be responsible for the plague of unbelief that broke out during the EoT campaign as well iirc.

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That is indeed the broken Lion sword and, before the EoT campaign, Cypher appeared to be making his way to Terra. Allegedly to have the sword reforged by the Emperor. Old fluff though, may have been retconned by now. Especially as the HH series now says that Ferrus Mannus made all the weapons that the primarchs used. Back in the day the Emperor made the Lion sword and he was only one that could reforge it.


He was said to be responsible for the plague of unbelief that broke out during the EoT campaign as well iirc.


your first half is correct brother, but unfortunately the second part is not. Typhus (typhon?) was responsible for the plague of unbelief as well as his followers of the plague god, cypher is in fact the one referred to as The Voice, who rallied imperial forces to combat the onslaught of Chaos forces. my source is the 3.0 version of C:CSM, The Voice being one of his nicknames, and he was able to be taken with imperial guard armies as well as chaos. this is because he uses whatever forces are available to him and turns them to his cause, but this is often followed by a great amount of animosity in the ranks and a large number of fallen angels following in his wake. but, you are correct in that he did play a large role in the EoT campaign. hope this helps

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I'll have to check my books again, but that doesn't sound right. The Voice was preaching against the Imperium during the 13th Black Crusade.


Yes. In fact, he works for Abaddon.

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Ahhh, here we go. The 13th Black Crusade, pg 16:


...the Ordos Cadia believe this 'Voice of the Emperor' to be an individual of the utmost danger. Lelithar is home to several thousand PDF regiments divided into 65 army groups, and it appears that an estimated 40% of their personnel have thrown in their lot with the 'Voice.' Many of these units have deserted, a large number actually making it off world...


General Grail, the book's POV author, goes on to describe how agents of the Throne are already hunting him down. Page 31, in fact, has a propaganda poster showing Castellan Creed all zombified with a big title CREED THE KILLER. HEED THE VOICE!


Pretty sure that makes him a bad guy.

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