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Validar's Grey Knights


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Alright. I have been a lurker on B&C for quite a while. I were a crazy GK fanboy back when I started 2 years ago, I simply loved the concept, but knew I could never play GK because my skills as a player would simply having me losing every game I went in on. In spite of that my first mini was Stern and I brought my share of metal minies while I drolled over all the fancy rumours of the new GK codex.


Then Ward came and ruined it. All the dark mystery unveiled in the new codex, completely shattering my wish to make an army of these grey-armoured knights.


Years later one of my greatest warhammer friends, who also has an uncanny ability with a brush, decides to get rid of his Knights at a price that is way below what an army of his skill deserves. I had to do it. Turning my blind eye to all the crazy fluff and finding my way back into the feel of the Hunters of Daemons I have played many games with this fantastic army and I have even had the experience of winning a turnament with the army! I even had the honor of winning not by battlepoints, but painting, fairplay and fluff knowledge - the greatest experience of my life as a hobbyist thus far.


Enough of my rambling, pictures! Each unit has its own name and tiny fluff text beneath the picture, which I have added to give the GK feel to it all :)





Brother-Librarian Astela N’kor

Astelas distaste for the Mortal Combatants of the Imperial Guard is well known in the Ordo as well as in the Chapter. In spite of his radical view on the Emperor’s Subjects, Astala is recognized for his Tactical Insight and Psychic Might.




Vindicare Assassin Marticore Verlance

Known amongst his order for his wholly unusual fervor in his art of assassination. In complete opposition to most assassins, Marticore is dedicated to the destruction of the enemies of the order with a dedication bordering zealotry.

Exitus Acta Probat: The Outcome Justifies the Deed.




Terminator Squad Sentio [To Judge]

Squad Sentio earned much of their honor in the purge of the heretic uprising in the C'turin sektor, fighting corrupt and mutated humans of an overwhelming number of cults that sprang up during the early 975M42.




Strike Squad Fedelis [Faithful; Loyal]

Strike Squad Fedelis earned their name after combat with a Greaeter Daemon of Slaanesh where they resisted Six Temptations before slaying the beast. Two members of the Squad took their own lives instead of giving in to the Daemon. This act have earned them the right to ride Land Raider Virtus into combat on several occasions.




Intercepter Squad Validus [strong; Mighty]

Squad Validus have been attached to Librarian Astela N'kor throughout several campaigns and are known to be a weapon the venerable librarian enjoys to employ in precise strokes at strategic locations that turns out to be vital for the outcome of the battle.




Brother-Dreadknight Exertus [Tested; Veteran]

Venerable brother Exertus have proved himself beond what could even be expected of the most senior members of the Ordo Millitant. His deeds have earned him a seat amongst the Chapter commanders many times, but it seems that brother Exertus is content with his place as a venerated warrior with no less formal authority than that of his brothers.





Land Raider Virtus [Valor; Excellence; Courage; Character; Worth]

Virtus have served the Brotherhood for as long as anyone can remember. As such, the Legend of its name is long lost in history. In spite of this the echoes of this ancient vehicles past valors are whispered in hushed, awed voices.

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Furthermore I have written an army of the dreadful attack on the K'torn III, which came to play a great role in the Jovian Cataclysm campaign. This was played against GuitaRasmus (look here for his fantastic Death Guard showcase).


Due to the nature of the Hall of Honor, I won't post it here directly, but you can see it by going here. It is a narrative rapport with focus on game highlights and epicness. The pictures are credited to Rasmus and the text is written by me.

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Ah, the archtypical B&C reply :P


The weapons aren't drilled out simply because he (the one who painted them) wanted to do it as a small protest to the community putting up more and more demands as to what a good looking model needs.


Personally I only find it to be a (small) problem with the psycannons - the stormbolters and the rest of the weapons are such a minor detail that it gets lost in the paintjob :(

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