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Life Size Chainsword Replica

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I've been working on this for about a month now and after a lot of blood, sweat, and tears I am happy to say it is finally completed! It's based on the design by Studio Oxmox for THQ that was given away as promotional prizes with the release of the Space Marine video game. This measures 37" tip to tip and weighs around 4lbs.


Constructed out of lots of materials -

The handle is resin cast around pvc pipe which forms the grip itself and runs about 2 feet into the blade to give it strength and stability. The blade is pink foam sheathed in MDF and then fiber glass for extra strength! The details on the blade are mostly styrene plastic with some resin bits as well.


The inscription on the side reads in High Gothic "Imperator Dentes Ruminant Omnes" which roughly translates to - The Emperor's Teeth Chew All.


The Hilt reads "Pax Imperium" which translates in essence to - The entire world (galaxy) is the Imperium, or basically we rule all!


Painted with an airbrush and by hand using acrylic paints and given many coats of spray varnish to protect it on the bloody battlefields of the 41st millennium!


There's a post on my blog with step by step pictures and descriptions of how I built this for anyone interested. You can check it out here - Steamtech1876 Blog


Thanks for looking!





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That's awesome. So cool. Reminds me of a competition that Kotaku did when you had to make your own chainsword, the winner getting the THQ one. The winner though made a chainsword in which the blades actually turned. It looked way cooler than the thq one imo. This one too I think is better, so congrats!
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Great bit of work, looks great. I think maybe some more smaller details would help thsi out though. Its looking a little too much like a scaled up model of a chainsword rather than an actual one if that makes sense? Or maybe it just needs a bit of blood spatter :lol:


Great job!

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Awesome, tho "Pax Imperium" should mean "The Imperial Peace", no? I mean, Pax Romana, for example, means the roman peace, and pax, generally, is used in the Roman-Chatolic Church as the peace of the Lord, is the latin mass. I think, at least.


- Nat

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Thanks for the great feedback! It's very gratifying and I really appreciate it :cuss


Awesome, tho "Pax Imperium" should mean "The Imperial Peace", no? I mean, Pax Romana, for example, means the roman peace, and pax, generally, is used in the Roman-Chatolic Church as the peace of the Lord, is the latin mass. I think, at least.


- Nat


It literally means Peace of the Empire, yes! The Imperium shows up, kills everything they find and then say they brought peace to the galaxy for mankind! Pax Imperium :P


My rough translation was like 80 grit rough when I was really looking for 220 grit haha. My bad but good catch!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Santa,

It's about 8 months til you ruin my roof again. Last year I asked for a new Storm Raven and I got nothing. Please for this year could you convince this fella ^ to make me a chainsword with as much badassery as this one... I swear I'll be good, and i'll forget all the beer cans, and reindeer poop you left for me to clean up the past christmas'es. Thanks in advance- DK2K :tu:

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