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IA: Ghost Chapter


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IA: Ghost Chapter – The Secret Of the Ulramarines

Created in secret as a countermeasure to a feared future heresy, the Ghost Chapter remains ever vigilant in their duty to protect the Imperium.



4th Company Sergeant

After the defeat of Horus, most of the Emperor's soul is said to have dispersed from his body, merging into the warp in much the same way as that of the shamans, so many millenia before. It is believed that the Emperor - while apparently designed and empowered by the shamans to live forever - also possesses their ability to reincarnate, and that this would be his eventual goal. Avoiding discovery by the Chaos powers, it is believed that the Emperor was able to plant the seed of his reincarnation, a potential new soul awaiting birth: The Star Child. However, it is also believed that this new soul cannot be born while the Emperor is still tied to the Golden Throne, no matter how tenuously. This is the heretical belief Cult of the Star Child.

Council of Kar Duniash


So was born the Ghost Chapter, named for the fact that they had been formed by those that had reported as lost in combat by their parent Chapter. They are a Legion of the dead, defenders of the Imperium of Man.


The Ghost Chapter has no homeworld of their own. The larges portion of the Ghosts are housed within the Realm of Ultramar, but small contingents roam throughout all the Segmentums of the Imperium aboard a portion the Legions fleet of ships.


The Ghost Chapter does not recruit, they have no real need to do so. Most of their number come from exaggerated losses reported by the Ultramarines along with new recruits that the Ultramarines send directly to the Ghosts.


The Ghosts are strictly Codex adherent in organization and markings. The only real variant noted from the Codex is the complete lack of a chapter badge on the armors of the Ghosts' marines.

Most of the Ghost Chapter remains hidden within the Realm of Ultramar waiting until the time they'll be called to defend the Imperium of Man. Fleet-based contingents can be found in every Segmentum within the Imperium. It is their duty to observe and report on what other chapters are doing and what enemies may threaten the Imperium.

Several times throughout history these roaming contingents have responded to calls for assistance from chapters that have faced insurmountable odds. Their arrival to save the day and quickly depart has been the face that other Adeptus Astartes have come to know this mysterious group of Space Marines.

Combat Doctrine

The combat doctrine of the Ghost Chapter can be described as Codex Adherent, as they follow the rules of combat as created by their Primarch Roboute Guilliman. There is only one alteration they have adopted out of necessity. That of course being their need to collect any dead and damaged equipment before quickly departing post battle.


The Ghost Chapter carries the Geneseed of Roboute Guilliman their Primarch. It remains pure and has shown no sign of defect. Purity is the greatest gift given them by their Primarch.
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The gene seed and founding being unknown is fairly overdone. It can be done, and What I think your direction is could be something awesome, but you need to give us more to avoid being a legion of the damned.


That's my thoughts, I'd be glad to assist you further.

I quite like the idea (then again i've always been huge fan of legion of the dead so...) but think the idea would work better if the first time we saw the chapter was later in the history, unless they are similar to the space sharks and are out beyond the halo stars. Maybe sometime after the age of apostasy? They could even be a chapter rumored lost or destroyed early in the imperium's history that now reappear.


Also, Marines are extremely proud of their chapter (from everything I know) so lack of chapter badge may need some explaining as well.

The direction I'm going ...


Well lets see. The Dark Angels have a couple instances where they pushed for the creation of a chapter (Disciples of Caliban) or simply had a successor chapter just appear out of nowhere (Consecrators). Why can't other Chapter's of Legend, the Ultra's specifically, do the same. Create a successor chapter themselves without authorization for a 'special' mission? I'm not saying it is the Ultra's right now, could be any of the Chapters of Legend ... the fact that they appear so ultra-like may be a ruse to point away from the real creators afterall.


First appearance ...


I was going along the lines of when the Consecrators were first seen.


Chapter badge ...


Perhaps the lack of a chapter badge is their chapter badge, or they simply (as stated in the proposed IA) just not show it publically.

  Ecritter said:
Any thoughts on feasibility?


It could work, I'm just not sure what circumstances would occur where a Chapter of Legend needs a successor to just appear as if from nowhere, instead of via the traditional Foundings.


Mystery is a fine thing, but it's always nice to have the mystery serve a purpose towards something else. Like in your White Hand Chapter, where (at least in-universe) the mystery surrounding the geneseed also serves the purpose of keeping your chapter out of trouble.


What I'm driving at here is the old fashioned question "why all the mystery?" Have you got a grand design in mind, or is it all still up in the air at this stage?

  Ecritter said:
Still up in the air really. I've not even decided from what Chapter this one has sprang. In the end I was thinking that leaving it all mystery would allow for more of an open option in design.


I'm not really a fan of mystery for mystery's sake, but I suppose it does leave you a lot of room to insert ideas as they occur. :yes:


I don't really have any suggestions as to which way to take the Chapter, though, since I don't really get anything about their personality apart from they're probably quite introverted.

What do you reckon the average Grey Ghost is like, personality-wise? It might be easier to expand on them once you've got a sense of the Chapter's identity.

  Ecritter said:
New idea posted, you'll hate it .... I know every UM player will hate it at least. Tell me what you think.


I'll do my best to remain impartial. :D


One bit that strikes me as odd is that the guy who wrote the codex now secretly ignores his own codex to create another chapter of 1,000 marines who are strict followers of the codex he just ignored.

  Ecritter said:


The Ghosts are strictly Codex adherent in organization and markings. The only real variant noted from the Codex is the complete lack of a chapter badge on the armors of the Ghosts' marines.


Sory to be a stickler old chap, but a strictly Codex organisation calls for one thousand marines, and you don't actually give the numbers anywhere else in the IA as it stands.


It's easily fixed, of course, it's just right now your organization doesn't do what you wanted it to do. :D

Not to kill your idea or anything but if this chapter was there why didn't they use it after the Heresy to break the Night Lords up (in the massive assault that ADB has described to be in his latest Soul Drinker book) instead of gathering the Ultramarine 'Legion' and therefor pulling everyone from their existing combat deployments?

Well, it's not boring! So, all Ultra successors skim off members, report them dead, and send them off to join the Ghosts? There are a few crinkles to be worked out before that would seem workable. Chief among them, keeping that kind of secret when 100s of chapter masters, captains, apothecaries etc etc know about it.


My main query is what's their actual threshold for returning in force? If neither the Age of Apostasy, nor the invasion of Ultramar by Tyranid hive fleets, nor the 13th Black Crusade prompted them to intervene en masse, just what are the waiting for? Even if we accept Guilliman was prepared to be this deceptive, the logic of weakening the "official" Imperium by so much in order to have a strategic reserve seems questionable. If those marines were actively engaged with their original chapters, maybe the calamity the Ghosts are meant to ensure against could be avoided altogether?


Not saying I think it's unworkable by any means, but think there's some more thinking to do.

Its just the UMs and maybe one or two other chapers feeding the legion.




The UM angle was a quick idea ... and I guess it has flaws :huh:


Originally my idea was for the marines to be mine, as in me as Primarch. Yes I was making them as me being one of the lost primarchs.


Which idea should I work on?


Keep in mind that this is a just for fun chapter idea, they will never take part in any group activities (like the Deathwatch Challenge going on), they are just for fun.

If they are for fun, make sure they are fun to read about!

Not ridiculous, but fun. Like the x-files. Go overboard with strange mysteries, weird quotes, conspiracies and peculiar names.

Call them the X-marines, the SpAce Marines, or something that will produce a few laughs. We all like those :o


If you're going for a 'serious' approach, make them fit within the shared universe.

The IAs which are most enjoyable to read are those which makes you go 'hey, that make sense, why didn't I come up with that!?'

Fitting within the shared universe is important, not because people thinks you should, but because humans (all of us) generally enjoy stories with internal logic.

As a species we like when things make sense to us :)

Your current proposal makes very little sense in the shared universe... It's certainly original, but it's also illogical for the story you describe to take place.

At least without you having to introduce a lot of new information to the 40K setting.


Your White Hand Chapter is a good example of how to make something original, that follows the internal logic of the shared universe.

They are a great read, because they add new bits of information which goes along with the information we already have. It seems plausible that a band of Word Bearers would remain loyal, plausible that the survivors won't be executed after the heresy, plausible that they would be imprisoned, preaching of the Emperor, etc. etc. etc. (Can you tell I like them?).


Sorry for rambling...


Anyhow; make a deep-cover, x-files, black-op, chapter if you want to! But make them fun ;)



  Aegnor said:
It's a bit lame, but maybe the Emperor granted Roboute a vision of some future need - the signs of which haven't occurred yet?



Its good, but it'd be very hard to relate in the IA, especially the thing about a secret chapter can only do it part.


EDIT: Then again, me being Primarch is cool too ... course it'd take alot more work on my part. But I already have the story in mind.

  Ecritter said:
EDIT: Then again, me being Primarch is cool too ... course it'd take alot more work on my part. But I already have the story in mind.


I have to admit a certain curiosity here.


What exactly sets Primarch Ecritter and his kin aside from his nineteen brothers and their kin? And what did you do to get written out of history?

  Ace Debonair said:
  Ecritter said:
EDIT: Then again, me being Primarch is cool too ... course it'd take alot more work on my part. But I already have the story in mind.


I have to admit a certain curiosity here.


What exactly sets Primarch Ecritter and his kin aside from his nineteen brothers and their kin? And what did you do to get written out of history?

Would also like to know this :P


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