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CT Regional's tournament


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Hot off the heels of the "which list to take" thread about the rggionals in the list forum ( Found here! ), I'm back from day one.


Good news bad news - day one and its been 2 wins 1 loss.

I beat my nemesis (top player in the country)- IG- buuuuut.....


lost in round three to another semi-nemesis with a frickin pally list. HAAAATE them...so much. bleh.




Its going to be an exciting day two. There are a lot of top players abound, with some scary stuff.


Batreps and pics up soon.

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Hot off the heels of the "which list to take" thread about the rggionals in the list forum, I'm back from day one.


Good news bad news - day one and its been 2 wins 1 loss.

I beat my nemesis (top player in the country)- IG- buuuuut.....


lost in round three to another semi-nemesis with a frickin pally list. HAAAATE them...so much. bleh.




Its going to be an exciting day two. There are a lot of top players abound, with some scary stuff.


Batreps and pics up soon.




Should of brought Mephiston. :blink:


Congratz on day 1 Mort , don't let the loss get ya down! still very much in the running for a top finish. Looking forward to battle reps afterwards.

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Game 1 - Eldar - 3 Objectives - Pitched Battle



His List:




8 Warlocks - lots of stuff

3x 10 Guardians -Scatter Laser

1x 10 Dire Avengers - Exarch, dual catties, bladestorm

2x 5 Reapers - Exarch - tempest, crackshot

Wraithlord - BL, EML.



He wins first turn, but deploys into a part of the board with fewer objectives to make use of the terrain (his first real mistake).


I set up in such a way to give my rhinos cover, but let my razors take some fire, and hopefully draw fire with my bikers too.



I know he doesnt have much in the way of antitank long range, so I feel im in an okay position.


My jumpers I put into reserve and elect to deepstrike.


He marches his mad death squad ahead and then runs forward.

Some shots come my way and he doesn't do much in the first round beyond immob a razor.


In my turn I throw some shots downwind towards the wraithlord taking off a wound. The bikers i zoomed up on the right flank hoping to engage his squishy units in later turns.

The DC and RAS rhinos move up just a bit- not making full use of their speed, ready to position themselves for an eldar deathstar approach.

I move the razor in such a way to support everything. If he does charge in- he will be countered by everything!



In his 2nd turn, he makes a decision (after casting fortune on the warlock squad) to split off Eldrad- mainly cause eldrad doesn't have fleet.

He moves his seer council closer to my vehicles in the attempt to pull of a huge multicharge.

His units shoot up my bikes a bit, and i lose 1 in each squad on the right flank.

Eldritch storm spins my DC rhino ass facing the enemy and it is shot and blown up- leaving the reapers to put the hurt on the DC - they leave 1 or 2 models standing after all the shooting. :( Poor DC.

Theyre shot out of range for the seer council, but they still charge the vehicles- the rhino blowing up!


In my 2nd turn my guys drop down and everything in transports unload. I reposition the surviving chaplain with the 5man squad (in retrospect should have been the 10man- but was hedging my bets that the bikers and the plas/las razor would pop eldrad).


They fail! Missing both multimeltas, and the lasplas fluffing or eldrad saving.


The bikers charge into guardians, the 4 remnant squads charge into the seer council. Who fail to break them- the guardians hold strong for a while.



Much to my dismay I learned that that bastard spear power can be used even if its covering your own models <_<.

So, i take a fat load of casualties before hand.

I still manage to kill most of what i need killed.




In the following turn, he tries to shoot at what he can, and charges in with what he can against the assaulters.

Thankfully I dont take much damage from shooting and in his fighting turn I wipe out the rest of the seer council and take out the dire avengers


My guys reposition themselves for the attack!!

The assaulters move forward and engage the reapers and another squad of guardians- I load up the chaplain and 2 randoms into the last mobile vehicle and make for his objective, while my others units establish a base on mine.

The las/plas and melta bikers finally nuke eldrad- even with his shiny 3++ rerolled. and my models trudge forward.




By the 5th turn I manage to wipe him off the board, claiming all objectives.

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Game 2 - IG - Dawn of War - Capture Control (2 objectives)



Command sqd

Officer of the fleet

1 chimeras - heavy stubber,



1 Inf Platoon cmd (melta)

2 inf Sqds (melta)

2 heavy weapon teams (lascannons)

1 vets sqd (melta and flamer)

1 chimeras - heavy stubber,


3 Vendettas


2 leman russ battle tanks

2 hydra flak tanks

1 medusa - closed top, hull breacher.



This is the current South African number 1's list. He hasn't changed it in about 2 years, and as far as ranking scores go he's about 60 points clear of the #2!! When he plays in tournies he usually just wipes the floor with people. Anyway, Our tourney record prior to this was 3-2 to me. I had not yet beaten that incarnation of this list.


Luckily we were playing DoW - which gives me a tiny chance against the alpha strike.

If i can get first turn, then I may even have a shot!!


As it turns out- i did!!


I deploy my jumpers split into combat squads, stretching out to push back. I see which corner he is most likely to move in from and I put my objective on the halfway line, closer towards that corner (on the right).

Cleverly, in an attempt to split me up, he places his objective in the unlikely corner, as far away from the other one as possible- its still not the best angle of approach for him, but he cant play my game.


He places his 2 lasteams on the objective, a chimera with jnr command on the right flank and everything else he leaves off for now- coming in on first.


In my turn, i boost everything on and up - my libby moves up to fear the lasteam.

The bugger passes a ld5 check.


I wait for the pain!



Luckily I make out like a frickin bandit!!

He duffs a lot of his sighting rolls and fails to do too much damage to me beyond stunning a rhino and taking a few of the 5man jumpers down.


In my turn 2 I realise I can turn the game on it's head considerably if things go my way!

I move my bikers up, 1 each from 2 squads in cover, ready to take shots on the vendettas.

My libby splits- wanting to take another shot at fear- and failing which charging!

LOTS goes according to plan.


I blow up 1 vendetta, stun another and shake one more. I get off fear with one libby, but he passes again!

I charge in with what I can - the jumpers on the right managing to immob and then take all teh weapons off the other vendetta!

The libby stays locked in combat, along with 2 jumpers and a remnant troop squad.



In his next turn marbo comes on. He respositions a bit and fires. Again, he doesnt pop what he needs to- he does take out bikes here and there, but not enough.

He's booseted his one vendetta off to get a 4++ while it cant shoot.

He rolls poorly for his wound roll with marbos bomb and my assault guys in combat with the vendetta are still there - and they wreck it.

The other veteran squad that jumped out to engage the bikes now sitting in the open

I dont want to send my razorback squad which is sitting on the right objective to their death yet. They could wipe out the vets- but then theyre there to be shot at. i get them out and move around, while my jumpers engage the vets.


I start cleaning up on the left flank, and hold the objective, fighting my way through the bastrd russes.

He fightts back where he can, but loses all his birds- not before takin down my dc rhino, the occupants now having to slog it accross the field- luckily the get into combat where possible and the chaplain rerolls help against the vehicles too!




the game ends with him having 1 mobile chimera and 2 hydras left- and a host of BA slowly trundling towards me. He is contesting the 2nd objective, but im safe with the first.


BA victory!

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GAME 3- Grey Knights - Kill Points - Spearhead.


I pull frickin pallies <_< in a KP game. bleh.



10 Pallies- 2 hammer, 3psycans, 1incin and other stuffs.

5 Pallies - Hammer, 2 Psycans and stuffs

Dreadknight - incin/swrd, jump thing

Dreadknight - incin/psycan, jump thing



18 models.



I got first turn.

I made a mistake in my delpoyment, hoping to box myself in and limit the angles of attack from him. However, this limited me more than anything with my mobility and need for speed :(

He went into reserve fully- strikin the pallies.

He Combat squadded the big one when it arrived (with 1 dreadknight) in turn 2.



He took out a razor upon his arrival!


I tried to shoot what I can- hoping to play a shooting game- and whittle him down, and then either counter or keep at bay with fear.


It didnt pay off- what happened was, i couldnt use my bikes to turbo out behind the pallies and then use fear on account of them always being in DT. This meant I had to shoot what I could and he passed the majority of cover saves.


He failed about 3 or 4 LD checks during the game, but just waltzed on back in and shot me up badly.

I made light work of the Dreadknights- forceweaponing one and shooting another to death.

But, I couldnt get my rhinos where they needed to be on account of my poor set up choice and couldnt dictate any charges.


The game sped to a hastey conclusion finishing up in about 45 or 50 minutes - ending in 6th turn.

To add insult to injury, he lost 5 pallies to a deepstrike mishap....and he STILL kicked my ass.


I think he got 12 KP and I got 3. 2 DKs and 1 pally squad -he had 3 pallies left in 1 squad, and 4 in another.

Very aggravating game :(


BA loss!


(must be noted that my opponent was also super good!! Not to take anything away from him. He's currently the #5 ranked player at the moment! His first game tomorrow will be against DE - the current #3 !!) Lots of fun.

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Sucks to pull a paladin army in a kill point game... that's one of those ones where you really need to table them in order to win. Looks like you were fairly convincing in the other two games though. All the best for day two - your battle reports are much better than mine, but lets see if we can make it two tournament wins in the same week <_<
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Sucks to pull a paladin army in a kill point game... that's one of those ones where you really need to table them in order to win. Looks like you were fairly convincing in the other two games though. All the best for day two - your battle reports are much better than mine, but lets see if we can make it two tournament wins in the same week <_<

Thanks dude!! I find pictures help break up the general monotony of text walls! even if theyre done on a cellphone or whatevs.

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Great bat reps as always Mort.


leaving the reapers to put the hurt on the DC - they leave 1 or 2 models standing after all the shooting. Poor DC.


The gun the reaper's carry is Ap 3 isn't it? So the Death company should get feel no pain. That plus cover from the crater they were in (at least I got the impression they were in cover) means you got really unlucky rolling those saves to loose so many.



Sucks drawing the Pally army in a kill point game , with 5 kps in his list its an uphill battle. What about giving him first turn instead? If he goes full deepstriking , you go full reserve or if he deploys you roll onto the board far away from him and plink away at him.

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Great bat reps as always Mort.


leaving the reapers to put the hurt on the DC - they leave 1 or 2 models standing after all the shooting. Poor DC.


The gun the reaper's carry is Ap 3 isn't it? So the Death company should get feel no pain. That plus cover from the crater they were in (at least I got the impression they were in cover) means you got really unlucky rolling those saves to loose so many.



Sucks drawing the Pally army in a kill point game , with 5 kps in his list its an uphill battle. What about giving him first turn instead? If he goes full deepstriking , you go full reserve or if he deploys you roll onto the board far away from him and plink away at him.


Wasnt the reaper launchers as much as those bastard tempest launchers which reroll to wound and ignore cover :devil: (and are ap3)



Day two was horrible guys ><; Worst tourney showing in a long long time, and just lost my regionals title- and will almost def lose my #2 rank in country - but...i'm glad I did it. It crystalised a lot of my beliefs and I will put up the batreps soon.


I'm also putting a corbs tactica together. I felt i needed to not take him this tourney to see how much I missed him- and...man...way too much.

Anyway- reports soon!

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well happens . I think the old list was better or for the at least more stable[and considering mixed aproche builds already are bit random it is important imo] .



as gk goes well draw is all you can get against a draigo wing. unless he goes crazy and suddenly rolls 11x1 in one turn or something like that.


also servs you right mort for taking corbs out of the list after so much testing . :devil: models hate it and dice punish for stuff like that.

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also servs you right mort for taking corbs out of the list after so much testing . :D models hate it and dice punish for stuff like that.


Dude- Corbs is sitting on the battlebarge saying: "Now, if you had taken ME along..."


seriously. Such a joke how useful one reroll is.

Definitely cannot recommend this unit more strongly.

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I would pay 100pts for a re-roll even If I didnt get a model for it and it would always count as -1KP in kill point missions. [or I could play SW and pay 10pts for a totem :D]. re-roll on everything . eternal game changer.


but anyway stuff like that happens . corbs tactica will be nice for new [and old] BA players and bad tournament is always incite for more testing and rethinking on builds .


did you hear that last adepticon had 200+people and 0 nid players . now that is something to be sad about.

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also servs you right mort for taking corbs out of the list after so much testing . :) models hate it and dice punish for stuff like that.


Dude- Corbs is sitting on the battlebarge saying: "Now, if you had taken ME along..."


seriously. Such a joke how useful one reroll is.

Definitely cannot recommend this unit more strongly.



Surely Corbulo had the foresight to know you should of taken him along? :yes:

Corbulo is a boss. I never take him out of my lists anymore. The re-roll is incredibly useful when used correctly.

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I would pay 100pts for a re-roll even If I didnt get a model for it and it would always count as -1KP in kill point missions. [or I could play SW and pay 10pts for a totem ^_^]. re-roll on everything . eternal game changer.


but anyway stuff like that happens . corbs tactica will be nice for new [and old] BA players and bad tournament is always incite for more testing and rethinking on builds .


did you hear that last adepticon had 200+people and 0 nid players . now that is something to be sad about.



Wow, I agree with everything you said jeske . looking forward to the corbs tactics I've just started using him and will def need new ideas

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For those that are a tad curios and as a teaser... my day 2 games were vs. Space Wolves, Space Wolves and BA.


The first SW player i near tabled in just under an hour. The second SW player got his own back and after silly rolls on his part, beat me badly - i almost pulled it back in the end, but to no avail.


The fourth game was vs. a BA rodeo/term support list. I took a big hit in turn one with unexpected stuff- then again almost managed to pull it back, but to no avail.

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Game 4 - Wolves. Mission - Capture Control- Dawn of War


Lord - Thunderwolf - stuff

Lord - Thunderwolf - stuff

Priest - stuff


4 Thunderwolf Cav - 3 Shields - stuff


3x Wolf Guard with Fists

3x 5man Squads - melta, banner, wulfen


1x 8man Squad - melta, banner, wulfen + Arjac

3x5man Wolfguard - 4MLs



Sydney is a solid player and he knows his stuff. I usually get a little lucky playing him in tournies (or his luck is bad - either way)

and sadly for him this time it was no different.



I got first turn in Dawn of War.


I put my objective in an area I thought I would be able to defend from, and an area i thought would form the main battle ground.

You see, there was a big hill/mountain blocking most of the right side of the board, meaning that he couldnt deploy his fangs there. If he split his forces by placing the objectives far apart he'd also be playing against his strengths.

He did it, however! And put his objective far away from min in the top left flank corner- Making a draw a lot easier to get if push came to shove.


In setting up i combat squadded my jumpers up - and placed them right up against the length of my boundary- pushing back where i could - the libby in one.

He set up a rhino squad on his objective. That was it.


In my first turn, knowing the wolves were coming I pulled the jumpers back from the 24" line. I needed those fear libbies alive to help deal with those wolves. I consolidated my units as i boosted and moved them on, making a nice lager in order to deal with Arjac and the boys for when they came.


In his first turn, Arjac came down, he went in hard on the left flank with 2 rhinos in the middle, a fang squad in the middle-left and all the wolves on the left. He sent the fangs to cover to take shooting positions.


Arjac shot up the 5man +libby jumpy squad hoping to take as many casualties as possible - he took a few.


In my turn, I moved everything up that could, to engage arjac and the boys.




Then, I used the first libby fear on the wolves. He rolls a 9!!! Boom!!!!

2 lords and 4 cav - off the board!!!



Then, I used the next libby fear on the fangs in the middle. He rolls an 8!!! Boom!!!


800points gone in a turn!

I focus everything I have on Arjac while the rest of the army moves into strategic positions.

I take down a lot of the squad but not loads.



He knows he's now in trouble.



In his turn he tries to take down key units- he blows up the DC rhino, but fails to kill off the turboed bikers

Arjac and remnants also fight off the libby squad that took out the lords - arjac has to pile into the libby - kills him but is the only guy left- 2 of my jumpers survive. He spends the next few turns just wrecking anything that gets close to him- including a 5man squad, another remnant squad and a razor.


Up board however my DC dismount and charge up to his rhino squad with priest. Rerolls on chappy killing the rhino.



I move the rhino in on the side to provide cover, while my bikers shoot and charge the fangs- tying them up.


My other bikers move up to engage the other rhino on the objective. No use killing all that for just a draw.

Same with the rhino!




By the time the dust settles, there is precious little left of his army (Arjac, a pod and 2 Fangs) and I have both objectives.




BA victory!!

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