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CT Regional's tournament


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Game 5 - Wolves- 3 Objectives - Spearhead.


Wolf Lord - Saga of the bear, frostblade, wolves, Thunderwolf, stuff

Priest - jaws/LL - chooser.

Priest - LL/murderous


4 Wolf Guard - 3xCmbi-melta, 3xFist (1x Arjac)

7 Hunters - melta, wulfen, banner


7 Hunters - melta, wulfen, banner


7 Hunters - melta, wulfen, banner


8 Hunters - melta, wulfen, banner


2x6man Fangs - 4ML, 1LC



Well- it seems like Arjac was teleported back up and got the biggest asswhupping from the lords of Fenris and instructed to come back with the heads of the BA libbies that embarrassed him before or never return.

And he did. Man....my BA took a thumping here.



I was up against Quinton- fast becoming a top ranking player and hot off the heals on coming 2nd in the March Veterans beating me there too - i was itching for revenge!!

We placed objectives (he won to place two) and also won to go first.

He set up like this ->




I had a long hard think. There were two objectives within my reach, but id be fighting through him to get to his.

I really, really wanted to deepstrike the jumpers, but needed them to support the assault on the drop pod arjac squad when they landed.

This I think was my biggest mistake. I should have struck them in.

This is how I set up:



In his first turn he took some limited shots at things, but everything was either too well hidden or getting a 4+ cover and no damage was done.

Arjac and the boys also decided to play it safe.


I then moved up what I could - perhaps being a bit too slow, but reluctant to just blaze out in front of the fangs.

As you can see here, the DC/Rhino RAS took their time. I think this was my second mistake.



I didnt do too much damage- immobing a rhino and stunning another one.

In his next turn he tried to shoot what he could- limited options still- but moved forward with Arjac et al to at least take out the bikers (my bait!)


Now, this is whats waiting for him in return!!




So, I unleash hell on that squad.

Shoot it to crap, and then charge - with 10 RAS(1fist), a libby, 8 DC(1hammer,1fist) + chaplain.


Now....DC were init 5 -everyting else 4.

Would you believe Arjac survived?!?!?!! ALL of that?!!!!! Wolf banners :o

While I will not jump on the "its broken!" band wagon - I will never, ever take seriously, the person that argues that Wolf banners are not worth their points. I shall file them under "mentally lacking" in my head!


Luckily for me, I fed him the chaplain- and cuz of his rule he could only nuke the chappy.


In subsequent turns, i get charged by the Wolf lord, and then everything starts going down hill from there.

I expected to get charged, but only after I wiped out the squad, and then counter with the DC



OH MY ************************* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I JUST spotted that I got snaked in this game...as im writing this...DAMNIT...im really upset now :).

If im not mistaken, it was just arjac that survived...however..

count how many guys came out of that pod!


Bleh...aaaaaaaaaanyway ;)


moving on.


I know as cool as my RAS/libby/priest combo is, its not going to stand up to 3 squads of hunters - even with MM biker support and another 5man with PW. But i need to pile em in


Their ride sadly goes boom -> but im able to attack back in my turn




Again- they dont do nearly enough damage as they should (their priest getting taken out though thanks to my Sang Priest with Claw ;) )


Its getting to last ditch efforts- his lord is also thumping my models on the other side of the table, and even with 3 fists in the mix- im losing, I lose one combat, break with the jumpers- rally- recharge in- break again. I even throw my last 5man squad at the guy in an attempt to get him dead and at least take one objective and hope to contest the middle.

But not bloody luck at all.


In the 4th turn I make some desperate attempts at stuff - tank shocks where i can...



My DC finally go down, a lone man gets nuked as do my bikers.


By the end of 5th I now have 1 lonely jumper - a broken weapon razor and 5 dudes - i go second.


I then pull a blinder on Quinton that makes him SWEAT...




My razor contests the one, my 5man squad charges a useless rhino- in order to get up to the other objective, contesting that!

And my lone jumper rallies, then flies over to the objective, using a run move to contest that!!


I inform Quinton that its time to roll for end game, and if its a 1or2, then its a draw - and he craps himself having not even seen what i pulled out there - and thoroughly thumping me....


However...it was not to be and the game continued.

I had agreed that if it continued it would be a massacre.


Defeat to the wolves. (the cheaty cheater wolves <_< )




Last one vs. BA coming up soon!

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Am I missing something? Looks like 10 guys in that pod, 9 and Arjac. Do I take it then that Wolves pods only carry 10 models (like ours), and Arjac should take up two spaces?

Yep. Arjac takes 2 spaces and like us their pods only hold 10

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Am I missing something? Looks like 10 guys in that pod, 9 and Arjac. Do I take it then that Wolves pods only carry 10 models (like ours), and Arjac should take up two spaces?


You are correct. What annoy me most is that 1 wound made all the difference - i did 6 fist wounds on 2 guys (1 Arjac, 1 other) - arjac failed only 1 and the other guy died. Had all 6 gone on to Arjac, its much more likely he would have died :)

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Dang dude, that really sucks. Looks to me like the only thing that kept you from winning that was ungodly good luck on the wolves part (apart from the pod thing).


That and the 2 errors not to get up asap I think. The terrain didnt do me any favours either, because you do not fight wolves in protracted battled. You need to hit hard and fast and with everything you have. I went the slow route!!

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Game5 - Kill Points - Pitched - Vs. Blood Angels.


His List:



Libby - Bike, Shield/Fear

2x Priests - 2xMB, 2xJP

5x Terminators - 5x Hammer/shield


10 Jumpers- 2MG, PF

10 Jumpers- 2MG, PF


8x Bikers - 2MG, PF, Attack Bike - MM

4x Bikers -2MG, PF, Attack Bikes- MM


Now, Simon the BA player has beaten me before in a tournament, so I wasn't about to underestimate his list or ability.


Because he didnt have excessive shooting I deployed everything on board (even though I lost first turn).

Karma came down to hunt me though, and the thunderwolves of Fenris were laughing- when in the first round of shooting he moves forward with his libby and casts fear on my RAS with attached libby.


I had a psychic hood!!!!


I failed!!


I could still pass my LD check!


I didnt :)

They hit the board edge and I lost 360 points in a flash.


The name of a certain Sanguinary Priest flashed in my head as i removed the models.



This is what it looked like post event ->




I moved up somewhat aggressively to draw him in with what I could. I also think he moved a little too close with his bikers, and figured I would potentially have a charge from the libby/ras/priest squad. So i prepped for that. I knew i would be Meph countered, but I needed to get stuff out the way ASAP.


4 of my attack bikers missed this turn :) so, shooting was largely lame.

The squad however did get the charge off, and they actually wiped out the full biker squad thanks to all the special weapons and FC! Whoop Whoop!


I moved back and he went into his 2nd turn.




He moved everything up and shot what he can of the DC! He blew up the rhino leaving me in a crater - and additional casualties allowed me to remove models near to his oncoming terms -meaning I could stay safe from the charge.

Mephy charged into the RAS, a PF combat squad charged into my bikers - and everyone else stayed away from the DC - allowing me a decent counter. Obvs mephy took out the two characters and then a few other models.


In my second-

Now this is why I play my RAS with PWs - for situations like this.

I need to now go all in.

Everything disembarks and gets ready to charge- DC move forward to try tie up as many units in combat as humanly possible. My DC is still chunky, meaning the chappy charge will be great.


After shooting, I manage to actually break the 2 remaining terms!!! Win.

The DC charge in as do the RAS and after the round of combat, they've cleaned up quite nicely!




However, from this point, my bloody RAS-5mans just failed to deliver and the 4+ fnps on bikers proved problematic.

In his turn, he charged my unit, also moving his other fist unit across to support - and using the priests to try MB the tanks.


In my turn, I was forced to split off the chappy to ensure that the terms remained falling back - the DC charge was as a result VERY poor - sods law - with me rolling like chump for the hits/wounds with fists and hammers and things. Also failed to get a decent double charge off- which would have saved me.


The combat was protracted - which eventually allowed Mephy (who didnt break out of combat when I thought he would thanks to my silly resilient RAS) to get in and start cleaning up - and it went from being quite a tight game,that I could have pulled a tabling on- to being a bit of a wash out for the BA.


When the game was done, I had 2 or 3 KPs (out of 16 i think) on the board, and he had 4 or so.

However, he only had 11 to start with. So, it was a bit of kicking.


I couldnt help but think how the game would have been different without the 360points "handicap" ><;

(now I knew how the wolf player felt! :lol: )



With the dust settled the top 10 was ->


1 | Rudolf Joubert | Grey Knights|15 (The pally list that beat me!)

2 | Luca Piemontesi |Imperial Guard|15 (The IG list that I beat!)

3 | Simon Pollock |Blood Angels|11 (The BA player that beat me!)

4 | Quintin Mchaffie| Space Wolves|11 (The SW player that beat me!)

5 | Robert Koning|Space Marines|11

6 | Nigel Perry|Orks|10

7 | Murry Knox|Dark Eldar|10

8 | Brindley Uytenbogaardt |Blood Angels|9 (Meeee! )

9 | Sidney Pols| Space Wolves|8 (Wolf Player I beat!)

10 | Nicholas Rorich| Chaos Space Marines |7

11 | Liezl Retief|Chaos Daemons|7

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