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The Paladins

Dark Apostle Thirst

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Right. This is only temporary, not going to do a full length IA for these guys but I will do a series of quick pointers to cover my ideas. I think I will go back to the Lords of Shadow soon though...

Anyways, Paladins.

Their scheme -


Dark Angels geneseed

Fleet based chapter to hunt for Fallen

Very zealous

Because of fleet based recruitment and refusal to stay in any one area for more than a century (unless Fallen present, of course), the chapter has had a wide variety of cultures integrated into their beliefs. Something that unifies them all is that they all use music in some form to express their devotion to the Emperor on their respective homeworlds. Marines are taught to remember these songs from when they were humans, to reflect their personal devotion to the Emperor. Over time this has become second only to the hunt for the Fallen as the dominant influence over the Paladins

Heavy focus on the individual

Standard codex organisation and tactics

Often encourages start of Sisters of Battle bases on worlds that don't already have them. Strong faith and acceptance of a wide variety of beliefs causes mutual respect between the two organisations

Techmarines viewed with a mixture of pity and respect, as most give up their own songs for the chants of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but do so for a greater purpose

The Paladins who use instruments to make their music very rarely bring them to war. While the singers of the Paladins often view the battlefield as their stage, the rest content themselves with humming their rhythms or drumming the fingers to their own beat - if they allow themselves to be so distracted on the field at all.

A few recruits of the Paladins have no music, or cannot remember what they were taught on their homeworlds. They are astartes, so they turn to war instead to be like their brothers. These warriors make music through war. They forge their own blades, created to let the air whistle through them, and modify their bolters so that every bullet fired brings the sound of drums. Though every marine turns war into an art to varying extents, these Paladins make this true in the most literal of ways.

The captains of the Paladins also have an informal name amongst the others of the chapters. Because of their tendency to lead their company not only in battle but in song as well, they are referred to as the Maestros of the Paladins. Each is respected not only for their finely honed tactical sense but their ability to merge the almost any combination of musical talents into a masterpeice. Sergeants, as they gain experience command, also learn how to meld their squads' gifts on and off the battlefield.

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Let me guess, rock star theme?

I would never, ever, ever, make a rock star themed chapter. A rock star themed deathwatch member, now, that's an entirely different story... <_<


Seriously though. I only ever made one joke attempt at an IA and I never intend to do so again. I'll write this chapter with broad strokes - I want it to be fairly unique and interesting by itself while still allowing an incredible amount of personalisation in any given example of them. Most IAs tend to go for a personality type associated with the chapter - IE Ace's Red Lords being arrogant and obsessed with purity, every single one of them, or your White Hands being fatalistic as a by-product of their recruitment and teachings - but for this one, I want for anyone who likes them to be able to start from scratch when making them.


As for the Paladins themselves. One guy might be playing the rough equivalent of a typical Middle Eastern song. Another might hum a song that he was taught in the chapel as a child. A third might use a violin. I'm pretty sure there will be more than one drummer running around, though the manner of drums could be anything from a full rock set to a bongo.


All that truly unites these marines is that they all show their devotion to the Emperor through music.

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There simply aren't currently enough violin playing Astartes, so go for it, DAT! ^_^


Would curious to understand a bit more about how the focus on the individual works - do they tend to keep to themselves away from battle? Are the squads not set or more flexible than the norm (and hence not so important to their sense of identity?)

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I'm intending to keep instruments and battle seperate, typical orchestras are going to be heavily disadvantaged when it comes to firefights :P I might have a few drummers to keep everyone on the same beat though, as their playing their music in their heads, or whatever. I know if I'm listening to a steady rhythm and walking I'll try and match my foot falls to the music. I can't imagine what that would be like to an astarte, let alone an entire force fighting to a single beat :devil:


Maybe instead of standard bearers they have drummers. Hmmmmm.



But as for the original idea of music themed chapter, most of what they would do in their free time (besides training) would be practicing with their chosen instrument, to worship the Emperor. Chapels would have a stage, yes, and it would be for groups of astartes who make good music, but it wouldn't be limited to rock bands - you'd hear all kinds of symphonies, or chants, or dubstep, or tribal songs, or yodeling, etc. etc. etc. While the singers might do some chants and what not while exitting the drop pod, and the other guys might hum or drum their fingers, there wouldn't be actual instruments brought to war.

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But as for the original idea of music themed chapter, most of what they would do in their free time (besides training) would be practicing with their chosen instrument, to worship the Emperor. Chapels would have a stage, yes, and it would be for groups of astartes who make good music, but it wouldn't be limited to rock bands - you'd hear all kinds of symphonies, or chants, or dubstep, or tribal songs, or yodeling, etc. etc. etc. While the singers might do some chants and what not while exitting the drop pod, and the other guys might hum or drum their fingers, there wouldn't be actual instruments brought to war.




And Astartes.


Somehow I can tell you're with the Heresy Department. :lol:



On a more serious note, this is a pretty novel idea for a chapter!

Colour-wise, I'd reccomend a different colour for the eyes to make them stand out, maybe green or orange:



Cleaning up un-needed images. Keep the Liber tidy and all that!

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Dubstep isn't in my taste either, but I figure if even I know what it is, then chances are you guys do too :D

Thanks, Ace, I'll edit the scheme appropiately. Had totally forgotten about the eyes :P

EDIT: Does the blue work too? If not, I'll go with the orange ones -



How do you place your images side by side, BTW?

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EDIT: Does the blue work too? If not, I'll go with the orange ones


Blue works fine. I just went with green and orange because I don't use them as often. :P


How do you place your images side by side, BTW?


Leave no space between your image codes, and they'll appear side-by-side.

I usually do them in pairs, because not everyone's monitor can fit three or more of those images side-by-side, as I found out many moons ago.

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EDIT: Does the blue work too? If not, I'll go with the orange ones


Blue works fine. I just went with green and orange because I don't use them as often. :lol:


How do you place your images side by side, BTW?


Leave no space between your image codes, and they'll appear side-by-side.

I usually do them in pairs, because not everyone's monitor can fit three or more of those images side-by-side, as I found out many moons ago.

I like blue so I'm going with that :D Thanks for the info

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I'm intending to keep instruments and battle seperate, typical orchestras are going to be heavily disadvantaged when it comes to firefights :P


While I'm with you on the Woodwind Section masquerading themselves as an assault squad being a bit of a bad idea in general they don't necessarily have to take actual instruments into battle to make sweet, sweet music with their warring.


Astartes are bred to love war, as we all know, and if these particular ones are also encouraged to love music its not going to take long for them to draw parallels between the music they play in their cells and the clamour of war....


The deep rumbling bass of Landraiders, Rhinos and Demolisher cannons.

The percussive beats of hundreds of ceramite shod boots marching in perfect step.

The interplay of boltpistol snaps against thumping heavy bolters.

The whine of the lascannon, the breathy roar of the flamer and the screech of the chainblade against armour.

The hum and crackle of power fields activating and discharging.


All of these and more make up the glorious song of war. As true artists the brothers would be able to appreciate this ensemble, but like any artist they might want to try to distill the raw product into something more refined and they don't need to bring out the electric guitars or masterblasters to do it. :P


At one time the Samurai used to make holes in their arrowheads so that they'd whistle and howl as they fell onto their enemies(thanks Shogun:TW!!). The Paladins could take a similar approach to their warmongering. A few subtle alterations to weapons here and there would 'change the tune' as it were without affecting their combat efficiency; swords and spears forged with holes in the blades so that they sing when they're slashed, maces, mauls and morningstars hollowed out to produce a humming or roaring when spun, bolter muzzles changed individually(or by squad) to provide slightly different pitches when fired, exhausts on vehicles or plasma venting altered slightly to produce a different tone when the gases are forced through them. There are loads of different ways to subtly show their dedication to music without going overboard, and if you fancy giving them another hook with teetering a bit too close to the old Prince of Pleasure Precipice(trying saying that three times) then you've got free reign to start going overboard, or perhaps they've had defectors who already have indulged far too much and are now part of the hunt that so consumes them.


Those are simply some ideas that burst into my head when reading your article, take them as you will, either way good luck with the Paladins and I look forward to hearing more about them.

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Wow dragonclaw's post was awesome. Great imagery there. I could see how a captain could look over the battlefield as though the conductor of an orchestra and the chapter has slowly fallen into trying to create great symphonies with their battle. Maybe its recorded by apothecaries or someone and that is what the chapter meditates to in the background, historic battles that are great symphonies.
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Wow dragonclaw's post was awesome. Great imagery there. I could see how a captain could look over the battlefield as though the conductor of an orchestra and the chapter has slowly fallen into trying to create great symphonies with their battle. Maybe its recorded by apothecaries or someone and that is what the chapter meditates to in the background, historic battles that are great symphonies.

One major problem with this, the diversity of the marines and their music. They recruit from a huge variety of worlds and by extension each marine is pretty unique in the music they make. I was thinking of a sergeant being a conductor of his squad, but I think it would be a bit too much for a captain ;)


Going to write up my implementation of Dragonclaw's idea now, along with the whole conductor thing that you've suggested too Andrew :P

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A few recruits of the Paladins have no music, or cannot remember what they were taught on their homeworlds. They are astartes, so they turn to war instead to be like their brothers. These warriors make music through war. They forge their own blades, created to let the air whistle through them, and modify their bolters so that every bullet fired brings the sound of drums. Though every marine turns war into an art to varying extents, these Paladins make this true in the most literal of ways.


Andrew, I'm sorry, I totally contradicted myself there with war and music remaining seperate, and it was based on misunderstanding. Here's what I think you were trying to get at.


The captains of the Paladins also have an informal name amongst the others of the chapters. Because of their tendency to lead their company not only in battle but in song as well, they are referred to as the Maestros of the Paladins. Each is respected not only for their finely honed tactical sense but their ability to merge the almost any combination of musical talents into a masterpeice. Sergeants, as they gain experience command, also learn how to meld their squads' gifts on and off the battlefield.

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I'm not a huge fan of names having to do with the chapters' characters. I mean, it's not like the Imperial Fists need to punch people, Salamanders aren't actually reptiles, Sons of Medusa don't come from a Tzeentchian sorceress and Blood Angels are not literally divine beings formed of plasma and red blood cells :D
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I like the idea of the captains having an in-house title, though with Director it sounds slightly like a business title. eg:


Ramiel, Director of 4th Company.


Perhaps replacing it with the sister term Maestro, would keep the same meaning but with a slightly different flavour. It covers the dual meaning you're aiming for as it refers to 'a master of any art', which I'm sure the Astartes would count war as. Secondly, it gives you the link back to your DA heritage as the captains there are often referred to as Masters of their respective companies, and Maestro is simply Master in Italian.


Ramiel, Maestro of 4th Company.


Does it sound any better?


I'm with you on the chapter name front, they don't all have to be as subtle as bricks references to what the brothers embody. After all the name is usually chosen at their creation, so the chance that the name The Lion's Fiddlers is picked out of the hat and everyone in that company just so happens to love string instruments is going to be pretty thin.


Saying that, tying into the origination of Paladins from Charlemagne's time there is The Song of Roland. Might be handy for names references or popular chapter songs and such.

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Ooh, Maestro. I like it a lot, actually, and with the master of any art it does fit much better than Director. Will change accordingly :tu:


I'll keep the Song of Roland link around too, might name the founder or a particularily revered dreadnought Roland. I chose Paladins because the idea of a Paladin is pure, holy - and most importantly, blameless, important for a Dark Angel successor. The original chapter master might have thought it would help the DA and their fratenity of Fallen hunters with their public image, or he might have thought that the chapter needed a high standard to set itself to so that they wouldn't have a repeat of what happened to Caliban. The point is, it contrasts with the typical "Hey, our entire focus is directed towards the Fallen" theme that most DA successors have 'cough' Unforgiven 'cough' :P

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