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Need opinions on DoA/mech Hybrids


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As the topic says says: I'm looking for people with some exp playing hybrid lists.

I myself have so far stuck to either DoA or mech, but never a hybrid between the two.


Pesonally I see more bad sides than good when theory-hammering these types if lists. Either you'll have alot of your army waiting in reserve while your mech units are getting shot up by some gunline or your small DoA force arrives and gets shot up by all short range anti personel weapons in the enemies army.


Basically you'll be fighting with a limited piece of your army against the full might of your opponents.

Sure there are positive parts of running a small doa unit... I myself usually mix in small elements of them in all my list.

For example in my Doa list I run 2 outflanking baals and a talon dread carried by a raven that enters play later in the game, or a couple of vanguards along with a mech list for split charging a veicle park(risky).


But apart from just having a small unit: how does mixing these both elements work?

Say... Like 3 units worth of assault marines deepstriking in round +2 backing up a mechanized force?

Or having a few long range mech elements providing fire support for your DoA element?


Basically: Has anyone successfully used a list like this?

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The problem with predefined terms is that people's intepretations of the terms are different.

What's hybrid for you may not be for others.


For me, I run what I consider a hybrid list. It usually only has one jumpy squad (occasionally two).

Ive had very good success with it - check the batreps for tactics

Let me know if you have any questions past that.

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For me, I run what I consider a hybrid list. It usually only has one jumpy squad (occasionally two).


This is pretty important. Picking an odd unit or two that will compliment your overall theme is better than trying to do some kind of 50/50 split.

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Generally my experience with hybrid games is it works better not deepstriking jump pack units, but running them up the board behind your mech in support.

I agree with this. A mech wall backed by jumpers is nice (sometimes deep striking 1 unit depending on situation)

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they work ok as in powerwise . But they do have 2 problem soots . first because of the mix of the units you offten random[one day unit does something it suppose and it works grand other it doesnt and the list falls apart] . second one is tied to the first , the lists are not easy to play . you realy have to test them and know not only how your army works , but also how other builds work . the list is probably more powerful then razor or DoA , but the game play being not easy kind of a makes BAs not an army for everyone.
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they work ok as in powerwise . But they do have 2 problem soots . first because of the mix of the units you offten random[one day unit does something it suppose and it works grand other it doesnt and the list falls apart] . second one is tied to the first , the lists are not easy to play . you realy have to test them and know not only how your army works , but also how other builds work . the list is probably more powerful then razor or DoA , but the game play being not easy kind of a makes BAs not an army for everyone.



I couldnt agree with this more strongly!

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Read through most of your batt-reps Morticon, And interesting read I must say.


I guess smaller hybrids works alright with one dominating the other(in most of my armies it's the DoA Side)... Would be fun though mixing it up even more though :D

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I think the key here is what you define as hybrid just as has been stated above. I use bikes and DoA as well as terminators and devastators. They are all in the same list. So my bikes front my ASM, my devastators sit back and shoot anfd my termies can either run up table or DS behind the opponent's lines. You see the problem here? This is a complicated list that will change its deployment strategies depending on what it is facing. I'm certainly not strating everything on the table against null deployment. If you castle up i'm coming at you hard ... my ASM will mess you up. It is not easy winning with BA, in particular when you play them like a hybrid doublewing, lol. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sanguinary priests make any BA army threatening. Shield and fear Libbies can be very useful support. FC assault termies w/ FNP - yes please. We have the weapons. Hybrid lists can work. I love my flesh tearers.


Now to be frank a mechanized BA list with razors and preds probably is the strongest of our builds and the most forgiving. I sold my mech list and built a rodeo list because I like playing bikes. DoA and hybrids of DoA are much trickier to play and really do not up the power level. Sure stormravens can really lay havoc to some lists. Furiosos are fun. DC are a blast. But just a full DoA w/ assault bikes and/or devastators works best or a full mech list as first described. This should not stop you from experimenting though and having some fun. Overall we have a very good codex even though I haven't seen the tournament results lately. GK and SW are played in such numbers that the odds favor that one will succeed. I don't think there are that many tournament BA players. The hardcore guys keep moving on to the next ' best thing' so results can get screwed when top players are not fielding BA.


So after all the rambling ... yes hybrid DoA can work. I'm not at all sure its our strongest build though.

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Now to be frank a mechanized BA list with razors and preds probably is the strongest of our builds and the most forgiving. I sold my mech list and built a rodeo list because I like playing bikes.


Look, this part I don't understand.


If you really are in it for the long haul it's great to have a diverse model collection. Who knows how the next codex or edition will affect army comp?

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I have great success with Hybrid style lists lately. You can find the tournament reports I posted in the older threads.


The core starts with two RAS w. Pf&MGx2 a JP SP and 2 predators at back field for fire support. The rest builds up according to taste and range preference. First additions would likely be 2 RAS w. RB in order increase your scoring power and ranged fire power.


If you want to play mid range shooting you may add Baals.

For tank busting AB's w. MM work wonders.

As I am a JP guy I try to squeze in another JP RAs as soon as the points allow.

A third fire support predator is always helpful when you escalate in points.

Also Mephiston slips very well in to this kind of list.


The Jump Packers may deploy or wait in DS according to terrain, mission and enemy composition. There is no clear cut formula for their use. I tend to have them on the field as much as possible if I only have 2 JPackers. If I have 3 one usually waits in its thunderhawk for the element of surprise if nothing else.


Hope it helps ;)

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What works in a hybrid also depends on the point level. In lower point games (1500 and below) you'll be hard pressed to get a good list. 1750 and up is a different story.


My current list starts out a pure DS army at 1500, going up to 1750 and 2k makes it a hybrid.

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Funnily enough the same can be said for a Mech list (in my opinion); when it grows it becomes a hybrid as you start to address it's shortfalls. Also I would say that this has a lot to do with your collection :D


I tend to play a hybrid force a lot largely down to my collection limiting me to what I can field (I have five Tactical Squads, 21 Scout models, etc ...) but it's only recently that I have been able to drift towards a different style of play at the lower levels. From my experience I would certainly say that a hybrid force is harder to play at lower points as there is less support for each element in your force.

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Funnily enough the same can be said for a Mech list (in my opinion); when it grows it becomes a hybrid as you start to address it's shortfalls. Also I would say that this has a lot to do with your collection :D


A deepstrike list is more limited at higher point levels than a mech list though. More units becomes a libability as you can only effectively deploy so many units in good positions. You can't just add assault squads because sooner or later they will just get in each others way. At some point the same is true for mech as well, but it's not going to become an issue until you go above 2k. It's also not as bad for BA as it is for more stationary armies like IG since just about everything is fast.

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