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Help vs. Orks


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Hi I need some help fighting this ork list with my Lamenters. I prefer it if you can offer suggestions without me having to change models or the list itself. I really like the way this list plays but it has no reliable way to kill Gazzy (I did it today, but the rest of the army was for the most part untouched), or other Eternal Warrior characters.


The game we played was Capture and Control, Pitched Battle. Both Objectives were spread out in 2 opposite corners and I decided to 100% deploy everything on my objective after he deployed first and spread out on the table.and hold out as long as possible. With the Nob bikers and Gazzy's unit, I figured that spreading out would cause problems when my units begin to get seperated. Ugh.


Any tips as far as tactics go for C&C missions using my list?



Gazzy w/ Nobz in Battlewagon

Warboss w/ Biker Nobz

5 Lootaz

5 Lootaz

20 shoota boyz

20 shoota boyz

20 storm boyz with zag

10 Burnaboyz in looted wagon

looted wagon with boom gun

looted wagon with boom gun



Capt w/ PW, Infernus

Honor Guard w/ Infernus, Chapter Banner, TH, Melta Bomb, TLAC Razorback

10 ASM- Rhino, Melta x2, Fist

10 ASM- Rhino, Melta x2, Fist

10 Tactical- Rhino, Flamer, ML, Fist

Baal- HB's x3

Autolas Pred x2

Furioso- HF, BT's


I am so happy that I use the Furioso instead of a 3rd predator. Crazy against Necrons and Orks.

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Maybe use Combat Squads on your men? Increases the number of target your enemy has, increases number of assaults and shootings you can do. Just an idea.


Also, try the Flamestorm Cannon on the Baals, it should be able to tear up organics like no tomorrow. Or at least on one of them.

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Moar blood talons!


on a more serious note:

Though I must say his list is a real solid ork list... both bikers and that other nob unit are real hammer units.

You sorta lack the punch to kill em off before they can retaliate... Personally when I face big mobs of orks I try to pick em off 1 and one(easier with DoA) like charging 2 marine squads into them with a dreadnought, wiping em and staying out of range for getting charged by the rest of his army,


Death stars like nob bikers, Thraka with nobs are hard to handle... I usually bring a talon dread or two for the job... assault termies are fine too. In your list the only hammer you have is that lone furioso(which will get thorn apart by a waaghing thraka).


Also another Blood chalice would do you good I dare say,


(And regarding your HQ... as cool as captains are... they arn't that good, +1 for playing with one though:P)

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Thanks for the kudos, the Captain usually performs ok and gets +1 attack from the banner.... Plus I am a Tsons player of course, so I can make 4+ iron halo invulnerable saves better than any one of you.


Make me take armor saves from drop pod storm bolters and I crumble like powder. Maybe I should leave the blue/gold dice for the Chaos army.


I originally was going to run 3 autolas preds but decided on the Furioso Because A). He was 10 bucks cheaper :). I need at least something to kill Orks. Also, I am using a command squad because I don't want to run an IC Sanguinary Priest with all the Power Fists in Tactical/Sternguard squads in my area.


Also thanks for all the advice, I know I should be running a few flamer Baals. Maybe I am just stubborn because I love the TLAC look. ^.~

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Flamerbaals I see inferior against Orks, actually. They will probably move 12" and therefore use only the flamestorm cannon, and the only advantage over the heavy flamer is that it wounds on 2+, but it won't kill enough Orks to really make the difference. Against Marines/Necrons and stuff it really puts out the hurt, but Orks have the numbers to deal with a flamer template or two. After the flaming has ended, the Baal will explode. 115 points wasted and you didn't take out enough models to get the points back.


Dakka Baals can harass ork units from turn one, and can easily stay out of assault range while doing so. Plus, the AC looks simply bad :cuss !



As for tactics, I don't know how you use to handle your opponent's tanks, so I'll just state the obvious: Take down the battlewagons/looted wagons as far as possible. If you can't slow down/take out the Nob bikers, make sure they don't get any support from the rest of the army. A footslogging Thraka is actually kinda cute, like a panda baby that's trying to crawl over to its mother. ^_^

Watch out for the Waaagh! though, that's some nasty stuff. It is even more important to get rid of the transports first.



I believe the Biker nobs do have 5++ invul saves and 4+ FnP? I'd try to concentrate the Baal's fire on them, even if it's not enough to kill them completely. Every Nob down is good!


In CC, get them the Furioso to the face.




I know you didn't want your list changed, but I have to advise the DC here. :lol:

Their ridiculous amounts of attacks and their re-rolls when charging are pure gold against the masses of Orks, even Nobs have problems with that.It might be worth a thought to replace the HG or the Tactical squad for a squad of DC with some P-weapons, a fist and a Reclusiarch/Lemartes(only with JP of course).


With that, you have one hammer unit more, and a bloody effective one!


Hope some of this helps.






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I know you didn't want your list changed, but I have to advise the DC here. ^_^

Their ridiculous amounts of attacks and their re-rolls when charging are pure gold against the masses of Orks, even Nobs have problems with that.It might be worth a thought to replace the HG or the Tactical squad for a squad of DC with some P-weapons, a fist and a Reclusiarch/Lemartes(only with JP of course).





^wisdom right there

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I know you said you'd prefer advice based on what you have, but first off I'd recommend a librarian instead of the captain; I've never been disappointed in mine. He won't be as overtly killy, but used properly he's an absolutely ridiculous force multiplier (pro tip: unleash rage combined with furious charge tends to make a unit vaporize). Echoing the props for actually using a captain though, major bonus points. The other thing I notice you're lacking is a priest (unless there's a novitiate in your honour guard). FnP bubble is absolutely golden, effectively turns your guys into terminators (3+ armour, but ignoring half your failures has the same percentage chance as 2+ armour).


Now, I'm a firm believer in doing the best you can with what you have, so lets take a look. That Ork army looks like it has one weak spot; it lacks transports. Ghaz loses a lot of his effectiveness if you can make him walk, so priority 1 is his battlewagon. With 2 autolas predators you should be able to get it on turn 1, even stunning it is good enough as that means its nullified for that turn and you can come back for another go later on. Next to go would be the looted wagons with boomguns, as AP3 pieplates are not your friend. If you can slow his army down, you have a much better chance of winning. Vehicles with transport capacity go first, then things with big guns... you're a bit lacking in anti-tank capacity at long range, so make good use of the ML in the tac squad.


The other elephant in the room is your furioso. Normally they're fine, but your one is significantly slower than the rest of your army, being limited to 6" a turn with a 1-6" run; everything else being able to move 12 and still fire, or 18 in a pinch. Its just going to be left behind, so I'd either find a way of making it keep up (drop pod, or stormraven), or leave it behind in favour of another unit; possibly an all-ML devastator squad to bulk your firepower out a bit, or that DC that Snorri mentioned.


Happy Greenskin Hunting!

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