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Shackle Soul

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Hey all,


I was playing around with my list the other day, and I started to think about going with different powers for my librarian. I run a sanguinary guard heavy list, and I got to thinking if shackle soul would be of any use to me. The only scenario I could think of would be to cast it on a unit that's capable of out doing my guard in assault. But, even then, the hammernators at Ld 10 will probably just ignore it.


does anyone have any luck with this power? If so, how do you use it?

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The problem with shackle soul is that most armies are marine armies meaning high leadership.



However, I could see it being a major pain in the rear for orks, nids, guard, and maybe even Tau ( I don't recall their leadership value).


It is also the kind of thing that slows games down and annoys your opponent. It's not as bad as the Doom of Malantai, but I'm not sure you would want to use it in a friendly game.

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It is also the kind of thing that slows games down and annoys your opponent.


That's the best reason to take it :lol:


It's fun to spam 'shackle'. Even with high ld you are bound to fail sometimes, probably at a very inconvenient time. Who want's to lose a round of movement, shooting or assault?

Plus it works on fearless units as well.


The real downfall however is the short range. When you're inside 12" and you are shooting at a unit it probably means something is about to go down. It's not reliable enough to keep you out of harms way from retaliatory shooting or counter assaults.


Not sure about any place I'd use it over any of the more common powers, but for a less serious game it's all right.

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I know its a "what if" but I def feel that this power should either have 24" range, or affect everything in a 6" range.

At present its a bit lame.


I think the easy fix is that the LD tests should be required to pass on 3D6, ala Mindshackle Scarabs, which is a LD based wargear item which works with some frequency (50% on Ld10) and thus is taken.


Honestly, unless it has a negative modifier (see Fear of the Darkness, or Transfixing Gaze) or forces multiple simultaneous tests, powers and items that trigger LD tests are pretty much avoided. Too much LD 9 and 10 in the game and that's awful odds on a straight 2D6 roll

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perhaps it can be used by a liby from a drive by rhino?


It can.


Being in a vehicle that has moved over 6' would mitigate some of the shortfalls if you knew that you'd only get hit on sixes if the unit you're targetting passes its Ld test.


Very situational though. I don't think it is a bad power, per se, but I do find that the other powers are so good that I struggle mightily to justify taking Shackle Soul. Maybe if I faced Orks or Nids more often I might take it.

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perhaps it can be used by a liby from a drive by rhino?


It can.


Being in a vehicle that has moved over 6' would mitigate some of the shortfalls if you knew that you'd only get hit on sixes if the unit you're targetting passes its Ld test.



Only if you moved over 6" you cant use the power.

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