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Tournament Win with Chaos


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So Here’s the list I took to a local tournament on Saturday. 17 players, and a good cross section of the local players, though I know about 5 or 6 regulars were at Adepticon. I took best overall, and came in tied second in battle points with 2 wins and one tie. Each mission had individual mission objectives/victory conditions, and total Victory Points (VPs) earned we tracked for tiebreakers in the final rankings. Armies there included 3 Spacewolves, 4 IG, 4 Dark Eldar, 1 Eldar, 1 other Chaos, 1 SpaceMarines, 1 Blood Angel and 1 Grey Knight.


My first game was a 5 objective game (center of table and center of each table quarter) versus eldar. Terrain was semi-open, but with several ruins and impassible rocks providing hiding places. He gave me first, and reserved most of his army. Thanks to a turn 4 charge by my greater deamon and CSM squad against eldrad and some banshees engaged with the melta plague marines(wiping out eldrad and the banshees), I managed to get a turn 7 victory, though he had nearly pulled off a tie if we had ended on turn 6. I got almost all his VPs, leaving him with only an immobilized & weaponless falcon.


The second game was a headhunter VP mission, with each dead HQ unit being worth an extra 100 VP, and a margin of victory of 350 VP required. I was in 4th place after the first mission, and so was faced off against the third-place player, a mech Dark Eldar player. The table was a jungle theme, with several forested hills breaking up line of sight and providing cover. There were some funky die rolls, where he lost his archon to a plasmashot on the first save he had to make, but my oblits never damaged a vehicle as he made his flickerfield saves versus them every turn. At the end of the game, we had each wiped out a flank, and my sorcerer was running for his life from two Darklance raiders that were hunting him. Totaling victory points, I was ahead by only 227, so it was a tie.


The last game was and interesting objective-VP combo mission, Virus Bombs!. Spearhead deployment with the objectives in the two non-chosen table quarters. However, in a radius around the objectives, you had to take dangerous terrain tests every turn, even if you didn’t move. I was back on the table where I had played the first game. I managed to table the Dark Eldar player, and hold both objectives, giving me a bonus 600 VPs from the objectives. Those extra VPs got me the margin to win on tiebreaker.


As far as Individual unit performance, the Havoks were better than the oblits. Mine had several turns where both missed. The havoks also tended to be ignored more often. I only lost them the last game, when I failed 3 out of 4 armor saves.

The Greater Deamon did good versus the eldar, but died rapidly to poison in the first dark eldar game. The sorcerer didn’t cast lash that often, as enemies weren’t out of transports too much, but he did get some good lash into charge or rapidfire range.

The Terminators were a good distraction/rock in the first and third game (taking out the archon in the third game), but in the second they had scattered onto terrain, losing the reaper, then were taken apart by darklances. The chosen were a wonderful suicide unit, taking down at least one tank or hard unit each game. They actually survived in the third game. I was satisfied with all the troop units. The Nurgle were appropriately hard to kill, while the Undivided put out a large number of attacks and shooting.


The best part for me was the two guys talking about how they aren’t using chaos because “They can’t win with them” while nearby I’m tabling people. One was using another army (IG I believe) but the other specifically stated how he had converted his army to SW to do better (and he had at least 2 losses that I know of ^_^ ). My faith in the pantheon was rewarded.

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Congrats! I've been considering dusting off my own Chaos and bringing them to a couple local tourneys this summer just for kicks, so it's good to hear that there's still some life left in our old codex.


As far as changes to your list and/or playstyle, what are your post-tourney thoughts? Obviously you won't want to change much, since it seems to be serving you well. But is there anything you'd change for the next tournament?

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I'm happy that you managed to win with chosen and termies, love these units. And glad too your army is WB, they always have a spot on me, because they were my first Traitor Legion, because they're WB, aren't they? :P

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I'm happy that you managed to win with chosen and termies, love these units. And glad too your army is WB, they always have a spot on me, because they were my first Traitor Legion, because they're WB, aren't they? :)


No, sorry, they're my own warband. The undivided/other marks are my Black Hand warband, while my Plague Marines are Death Guard currently allied for their own mysterious reason.


As far as changes go, I think I want to move the plague marine Icon to the rhino squad, as the walking group is just too slow for what I want to do with the Icon. I'm also goind to drop the meltabomb on the sacrificial champ, and buy a combi-plasma for one of my termis. They need a little more firepower the turn they come down, and it would give me another thing to play allocation shenanigans with.

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