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Project: Blood Angels


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Well, I've hit the point where I'm sick of lurking while waiting to get my Camera replaced so I'm going to make a start anyway. B)




I've been a Marine player for a long time with most of my playing career being roughly divided between Dark Angels, Space Wolves and Ultramarines (Imperial Fists had a highlight as well at one point). I first joined the hobby 03/04 (cant recall, it may even have been earlier) during 3rd Edition. Up until 2010, both myself and my wife enjoyed playing each other regularly, but we both a hit a rut and the hobby more or less died off for us. A few months ago we decided to pick up the hobby again.


It would have been easy enough to pick up where I had left off with any of the above armies, but I was over them and wanted to make a fresh start. After a while of online reading, and trundling though white dwarfs and old codex's I finally picked the Blood Angels to become my focus army.


Current events:


So in terms of Blood Angels range of models, I have bought myself a Sanguinary Guard box-set and a box-set of Death Company. To these two units, I made and added a Chaplain and Sanguinary Priest.


From my other armies, I've salvaged a few models to add to the BA. From my Ravenwing I was able to steal a Typhoon Landspeeder, and with a bit of work I may be able to salvage 2 Tornado's as well. The Dark Angles main force have lost a Multi-melta Dreadnought and a Auto/Las Predator. Like wise from my Space Wolves, I've hijacked a Drop pod as well as a second Auto/Las Predator.


However, the Ultramarines will be donating the bulk of my 'parts'. A few years ago (A few moths prior to the release of the current Space Marine Codex), my better half got me one or two box-sets:




About 60% of the Marines from the above Battle company went into making my Ultramarines and most of the Assault marine legs went to my Space Wolves Blood Claws (Damn – if only with Hindsight :cuss ).


What it leaves me, most still on the frames, is at least thirty marines, the bulk of the heavy weapons from the Devastator boxsets excluding Heavy Bolters and Missile Launchers (Which I'll try and salvage from the other armies), Six Rhinos, one Razorback, a Land Raider with no weapon options yet added, and a second Multi-Melta Dreadnought. I'm thinking of pinching the assault cannons from my Dark Angel Land Raiders to convert two Rhinos to Razorbacks (The Land Raiders themselves wont be usable).


So as you can read, I have a good range of existing parts, and while the bulk of my Blood Angels will be made from the Death Company box-set, I'll have more then enough generic marine parts to spread around.



Yeah yeah, just get on with what your doing Mr Icehornet:


My overall goal is to build a complete Battle Company. Obviously this will also include units from other companies and the Armoury, but the main focus (at least from a collecting POV) will be the Battle Company. The meantime goal is to get a 1000pts army up and running so me and the wife can settle some long over due disputes on the field of battle.


Well that's about all for now. As I said when I opened this thread, I'm awaiting a replacement Camera (I hate posting with out pictures, I am sorry) as well as new paints. In the mean time, I plan on clipping a whole bunch of marines and bits off the frames and sorting them into my bits boxes.


I might also get started on priming my existing models and work out what kind of base theme I'll go for and what I'll do for..... ^_^ .


Cheers all!

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Welcome to the Blood Angels, IceHornet! ^_^


Awesome start to an army so far, and damn if you're not lucky to have such a wife!

I too have a mishmash force of generic parts mixed in with all the new gubbins, and I think it looks great that way. What that does, is show that the individual marine has been slowly upgrading/artificiring (is that a word?) his own armour, as BA typically do. If you want you can view mine in one of my signature links to get an idea of what they'll look like (shameless...I know...).

So get that camera and lets see some pictures. Also the battle company is a great idea, seeing as you have the better half of it. Unfortunetly, what all BA collectors suffer from is, that we require reinforcement assault squads from the 8th reserve company, so you will always have the main company and some of 8th, and I'm sure a few terminators or other veterans from 1st. So good luck.

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