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UK White Dwarf: #200, Manflayer - Fabius Bile, by Andy Chambers


UK White Dwarf: #278 Heroes & Villains of the 41st Millennium - Fabius Bile.


He is also the protagonist in two of the newer Blood Angel books iirc.


But there is no hints or references to the DE and admiration in those, I think.


Possibly there's something in the new DE book? near the Haemonculi section?

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He is also the protagonist in two of the newer Blood Angel books iirc.

I thought the BA fans regarded those books as mere legend that was better left in the darkness of unknowing?


Sarcasm aside, you do recall correctly and the books are named Red Fury and Black Tide.

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P. 22 of the Dark Eldar Codex


"The Tower of Flesh 796.M37


The Haemonuli stronghold known as the Tower of Flesh is created - a living, breathing fortress, made from the bodies of those who defied the Coven of the Thirteen Scars. The renegade Space Marine Fabius Bile is tutored in the dark arts within its blood-slicked halls."

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