Colonel Falkenberg Posted April 23, 2012 Share Posted April 23, 2012 Chapter Name: Blood WraithsGene seed: Blood AngelsFounding #: 7thPlanet or Fleet Based: Fleet basedFlagship Name: Lacrimis TrierzonBattle Cry: DEATH! DEATH! WE ARE DEATH!History: The Blood Wraiths were created in late M33 during the 7th Founding using the gene seed of Sanguinius. The Blood Wraiths were tasked to protect Imperial worlds in Segmentum Obscurus and hunt pirate bands in the aftermath of the 2nd Black Crusade. The Blood Wraiths Fortress Monastery was located on Trierzon, which was lost in M34 by combined attack from forces of III & XVI legions. The assault came at a time when the chapter was spread thin throughout Obscurus and Pacificus, whether this was deliberate or pure luck, it works the traitor’s advantage. The monastery was breached and taken, along with the chapter’s gene seed and relics. When 2nd & 5th company arrived to answer the distress call all they found was a destroyed world and the heart of their chapter gutted. The only survivors found were of the crew of the Strike Cruiser "Righteous Might", drifting in deep orbit. The Blood Wraiths now had a name to their enemy and vowed to see them destroyed. After gathering what remained of the chapter, it was decided that the Blood Wraiths would not occupy another world and would instead take to the stars. The Battle Barge, renamed "Lacrimis Trierzon" (Tears of Trierzon) became the Fortress Monastery from that point on. It would take almost 500 years for the chapter to regain its supply of gene seed and more than 4000 years to recover some (not all) of its stolen relics. Still missing is the priceless armour worn by the Sanguinary gaurd.In late M41 fate once again turned a cruel eye towards the Blood Wraiths. Answering a distress call from Valedor, a world populated mostly by pilgrims and monks, the Blood Wraith moved in force to head off an element of Leviathan. The task force was made up of 1st Veteran Company, and 5th, & 6th battle companies with a number of squads from 8th, 9th, & 10th companies, as well as Death Company in support. In a week of void battles and boarding actions, over 400 marines, 1 battle barge, and 3 strike cruisers and a number of lighter support craft were gone. Valedor fell shortly after in mere hours. Once again the Blood Wraiths find themselves severely weakened, but as before their resolve is unwavering. The fleet continues to harass Leviathan and also hunt for the destroyers of Trierzon. Because of the Flaw, shared by all sons of Sanguinius it may take centuries for the Blood Wraith to return to full strength, but a few have remarked that it may never be, with the increased threats to the Imperium, the increase of brothers succumbing the black rage and red thirst, the Blood Wraith may be headed for oblivion.Home world: Trierzon, was the fourth planet in the system of Dalgesh. It was a Desert world with a feral population. The tribes of Trierzon provided suitable recruits for the chapter. The planet was virus bombed by elements of the Emperor's Children and Black Legion. Trierzon is now a dead world.Combat Doctrine: The Blood Wraiths follow the Codex Astares as much as their gene heritage allows. Due to recent losses, there has been an amalgamation of remaining brothers into the remaining companies. 1st company, while not disbanded has been kept mainly as an administration formation on paper, while its veterans have been place in battle companies on a semi-permanent basis. At the moment 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battle companies have excess squads attached to them giving them 150 battle brothers or more. 7th company remained full strength, while 8th & 9th were down to 40-50%. 10th company suffered over 25% casualties and is down to 30 battle brother, the majority being new recruits. The more senior scouts have been taken by the battle companies to add flexibility to their forces.Organisation: The Organisation of the Blood Wraith followed the Codex Astartes, with the exception of a higher than normal assault marines, which is common to BA successors. The Blood Wraiths exceled in mechanized warfare and have a large number of Rhinos, Predators, and Vindicators. As it stands now, the battle companies follow the codex with the exception of having a high number of Vanguard & Sternguard squads attached to them. Leviathan also took the majority of the Blood Wraiths priceless terminator suits, with only 15 remaining. These brothers are all attached to 2nd company. The Blood wraiths have a death company as well as sanguinary Priests, Reclusiarchs, and librarians. There is no Sanguinary Guard, as the last one was destroyed when Trierzon fell as was never replaced because of the loss of sacred Sanguinary armour.Beliefs: The Blood Wraiths view the Emperor as their creator and Sanguinius as their revered genetic father and teacher. They follow the Codex Astares as much as possible and have great respect for Guilliman. Relations with the Blood Angels are fair if not frequent. The last recorded meeting was in M37. The two chapters have not been in contact since due to the Blood Wraith fleet being on the galactic fringes.CULTURE: The Blood Wraiths seem a chapter possesed. Grim and dark, they do not take pleasure in the finer arts as their cousins do. Blood Wraith vessels are grim places, with the somber chants of brothers echoing throughout the halls. There is no peace and can never be until the wrongs are set right. Vengence and death are by words of the chapter.The Red thirst and Black rage is viewed as punisment for failure, the failure to save their gene-father and the failure to save Trierzon. There is no cure except death, and death can wait. Death company are honoured brothers embracing the punishment. They are the hand of vengence, to be unleashed against hated foe. They stand between life and death, light and darkenss... they are the grey lords. Death company armour is a somber grey with blood red trim.As a spaceborn chapter, the Blood Wraiths are on continual crusade. They will go anywhere there is rumor of their hated foes. This has taken them across the galaxy and back.Do to their shame, they avoid contact with other chapters. They have worked with others and will continue to as need and circumstance arises, but they will never call for aid from another chapter... death would be perferable. Until the stain has been wiped away, the lost artifacts recovered, and the traitors destroyed, the Blood Wraith can not and will not settle and remake Triezon. And until that happens they will continue with their penitence.Recruiting: The Blood Wraith recruit among the feral worlds in systems that are close to their formal home Trierzon in Segmentum Obscurus. Once every 20 years a ship will travel to 5 worlds to gather the suvivors of the trials. On each world, aspiring Initiates travel the wastes to reach the Blood Spire, a 30m tall blood red obelisk. Under it's shadow, the survivors battle each other in matches under the eyes of Blood Wraith's. The fight's are to the death and the surviving 10 are chosen to become Blood Wraith.Heraldry: Red Blood drop with Grey wings.Black armour with deep red pauldrons, backpack and helmet. Devastator Marines have a Blue helmet, Assualt Marines have Yellow, with Veteran Marines having Gold. Sergants have black right pauldron. Company colors are codex colors are are painted on the pauldrons edges (as per codex). Left shoulder has chapter badge and the right has company number. Squad numbers are on right knee.Fleet: The Blood Wraith boasted a powerful fleet before their incounter with Leviathan, which included 3 battle Barges, 8 Strike Cruisers, and a rare Nove Frigate.With the loss of 4 powerful ships and a number of strike vessels, their ability to respond to varius conflicts has been curtailed to a degree. Below is a list of the surviving capital ships.Nosferatu - Battle BargeLacrimis Trierzon - Battle BargeRel Astra - Strike CruiserForlorn Hope - Strike CruiserFormosa - Strike CruiserFormoria - Strike CruiserWraithLord - Strike CruiserLucifer - Nova Frigate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnakeoilSage Posted April 23, 2012 Share Posted April 23, 2012 You've got a solid history and organization, now expand on its culture. What sets the Blood Wraiths apart from other Chapters, the Blood Angels in particular? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fivepointedstar Posted April 23, 2012 Share Posted April 23, 2012 nice name choice. Like SNAKEOILSAGE said what makes them unique. What is there persona, and what sets them apart from any ordinary chapter. Good work on the history part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colonel Falkenberg Posted April 23, 2012 Author Share Posted April 23, 2012 working throught that as we speak... should have someting that makes sence shortly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colonel Falkenberg Posted April 26, 2012 Author Share Posted April 26, 2012 Ok , here's some rambling thoughts... comments arre welcome and sought as I'm not much of a writer. <_< CULTURE: The Blood Wraiths seem a chapter possesed. Grim and dark, they do not take pleasure in the finer arts as their cousins do. Blood Wraith vessels are grim places, with the somber chants of brothers echoing throughout the halls. There is no peace and can never be until the wrongs are set right. Vengence and death are by words of the chapter. The Red thirst and Black rage is viewed as punisment for failure. There is no cure except death, and death can wait. Death company are honoured brothers embracing the punishment. They are the hand of vengence, to be unleashed against hated foe. They stand between life and death, light and darkenss... they are the grey lords. (My death company will be painted a somber grey with blood red trim.) As a spaceborn chapter, the Blood Wraiths are on continual crusade. They will go anywhere there is roumor of their hated foes. This has taken them across the galaxy and back. Do to their shame, they avoid contact with other chapters. They have worked with others and will continue to as need and circumstance arises, but they will never call for aid from another chapter... death would be perferable. They honor Sanguinus and the Blood Angels but have had little contact with them for thousands of years... it is doubtful the Blood Angels even know the Blood Wraiths excist, which the Blood Wraith are fine with. Until the stain has been wiped away, the lost artifacts recovered, and the traitors destroyed the Blood Wraith can not and will not settle and remake Triezon. And until that happens they will continue with their penitence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Ok, giving this a good look over before I go back to my essay :tu: First, I would like to say, good start, and good name. Quote The Blood Wraiths were created in late M33 during what is believed the 7th Founding I know what I am about to say is kind of minor, but I think it would sound better without the "is believed" part. So something like, "The Blood Wraiths were created in late M33 during the 7th Founding." Quote It would take almost 4000 years for the chapter to regain its supply of gene seed and some (not all) of its stolen relics. Eh, I can see the relic part taking 4000 years, but I think the gene seed would be produced faster than that. I mean, if there were only two companies left, and we assume that that they are at 75 percent strength, then that would be 150 marines, each with two gene seed implants, which would be 300. That 300 could be used to create 300 marines, and by the time those marines have "grown up" there would be 600, then 1200, etc. This is, of course, at full production. There are other flaws that will come with just pumping them out like that. I would say a few centuries, but not 4000 years. Plus, I doubt they would ever recover gene seed from chaos. If Chaos did not make full use of them yet, it would be too tainted. However, I can see recovering the relics take that long. And you don't really need to put the (not all) in there with some. Quote There is no Sanguinary Guard, as the last one was destroyed when Trierzon fell as was never replaced. Interesting. Why not? Quote Relations with the Blood Angels are fair if not frequent. The last recorded meeting was in M37. The two chapters have not been in contact since.. Why not? Quote Red Blood drop with Black wings. Isn't that one of the Blood Angels symbols, too? Quote The Red thirst and Black rage is viewed as punisment for failure. There is no cure except death, and death can wait. Death company are honoured brothers embracing the punishment. They are the hand of vengence, to be unleashed against hated foe. They stand between life and death, light and darkenss... they are the grey lords. (My death company will be painted a somber grey with blood red trim.) Love it! But to them, what failures are they punishment for? The death of Sanguinius, or the loss of their world? The death of Sanguinius seems like it would make more sense, though. Also, one last thing: Could you put all of your updates in your first post as well, so we can see it grow and read all of it together in one place? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colonel Falkenberg Posted April 27, 2012 Author Share Posted April 27, 2012 Made some changes and modified original post. My chapter symbol is the Blood Angel one... maily cause I have a bunch of them for my vehicles. :P I did change the color of the wings to gray, except for the death company... their wings will be red. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Colonel Falkenberg said: Made some changes and modified original post. My chapter symbol is the Blood Angel one... maily cause I have a bunch of them for my vehicles. :P I did change the color of the wings to gray, except for the death company... their wings will be red. Ah cool :P I make extensive use of the BA symbols on my guys too, because they are everywhere on the BA models, but I tend to favor the grail (fits better with my chapter). This is looking really good so far. Another question: What are their recruiting methods? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colonel Falkenberg Posted April 27, 2012 Author Share Posted April 27, 2012 Telanicus said: Another question: What are their recruiting methods? Goood question..... :P I would think they would recruit from suitible planets they come across... mainly feral worlds in regions they are active. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 Colonel Falkenberg said: Telanicus said: Another question: What are their recruiting methods? Goood question..... :huh: I would think they would recruit from suitible planets they come across... mainly feral worlds in regions they are active. And what kind of trials would they have? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colonel Falkenberg Posted April 30, 2012 Author Share Posted April 30, 2012 Telanicus said: Colonel Falkenberg said: Telanicus said: Another question: What are their recruiting methods? Goood question..... :P I would think they would recruit from suitible planets they come across... mainly feral worlds in regions they are active. And what kind of trials would they have? updated and added recruiting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colonel Falkenberg Posted May 17, 2012 Author Share Posted May 17, 2012 Updated chapter info by including list of fleet assets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted May 19, 2012 Share Posted May 19, 2012 Looking good! Ok, so another question right now. Why haven't they replaced the armor of the Sanguinary Guard? Lack of materials, or because of the shame of them losing it, they don't feel worthy enough to make more (they might get lost again)? I can see some good character in your chapter! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colonel Falkenberg Posted May 19, 2012 Author Share Posted May 19, 2012 Telanicus said: Looking good! Ok, so another question right now. Why haven't they replaced the armor of the Sanguinary Guard? Lack of materials, or because of the shame of them losing it, they don't feel worthy enough to make more (they might get lost again)? I can see some good character in your chapter! I'm going to say a bit of both. The shame is great, and I can't see Sanguinary Armour being that easy to get hold of... most likely if they asked, they could get it, but that would be embarasing. Better to recover the original first, no matter what state they are in before asking for hand outs. Thanks for the comments! On a side note, I'm almost done my Death Company squad. I should be able to post a few pics soon of the completed models. I have also won 10 marines in MKIII armour with Phobos Pattern Bolters off ebay... I'm debating whether to paint them in Blood Wraith colours or do a Lamenters squad for the hell of it? :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted May 20, 2012 Share Posted May 20, 2012 Colonel Falkenberg said: Telanicus said: Looking good! Ok, so another question right now. Why haven't they replaced the armor of the Sanguinary Guard? Lack of materials, or because of the shame of them losing it, they don't feel worthy enough to make more (they might get lost again)? I can see some good character in your chapter! I'm going to say a bit of both. The shame is great, and I can't see Sanguinary Armour being that easy to get hold of... most likely if they asked, they could get it, but that would be embarasing. Better to recover the original first, no matter what state they are in before asking for hand outs. Thanks for the comments! On a side note, I'm almost done my Death Company squad. I should be able to post a few pics soon of the completed models. I have also won 10 marines in MKIII armour with Phobos Pattern Bolters off ebay... I'm debating whether to paint them in Blood Wraith colours or do a Lamenters squad for the hell of it? :D Blood Wraith colors. Looking forward to seeing them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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