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Chaos and communication

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Hi everyone, this may seem like a silly and simple question but my curiosity has got the better of me; how do certain space marines such as Rubric marines and The Cleaved marines communicate with each other?


I ask this because Rubrics are automated suits of armour, so how would they talk or communicate? Sorcery perhaps? And there is speculation that The Cleaved (a nurgle warband who are sealed into their armour and leak ooze) are similar to Rubrics, that they are liquidised/formless beings sealed in their armour, so how would they speak or communicate?



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I'm going to go for magic, it explains so much in the world. But on a more serious level, for the Rubrics, as far as I am aware they are more or less controlled or guided by the Sorcerer leading the squad, so sorcery would be the obvious suggestion. As for The Cleaved, I'm not too sure. I would assume they would communicate by some Warp connection they received on contracting the virus. A lot of speculation there, sorry I couldn't give anything more definite
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Rubrics don't speak. The sorcerers do. There's a ghostly whisper of "All is Dust" though.


As for the cleaved, I'd imagine they're just like Plague Marines. Except they bleed that black oily ooze. As far as I know it's never been stated that they're just liquid within armour (though that would be cool)

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