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Stormraven Gunship


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Hi all,


In my current army list I have Death Company and a DC Dread being carried into battle via a DC Stormraven, which I was planning to paint in the DC colours. I'm worried that it's really a big 'shoot me' target, especially since my opponent knows what is going to happen if he doesn't shoot it down or cripple it.


At 1,500 points is one SR enough? Even a turbo boost cover save and being immune to the bonus melta will only let the SR last for so long, and it does hover obscenely high above the ground.


Am tempted to spend the 215 points on a regular Rhino to carry the DC, and either podding the Dread or having it in reserve. Then buying a whole other squad or a Baal Predator with the leftover points.


Is it worth me keeping it, do you think? Or should I get more/other things with the points?

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Storm ravens are always sorta "want to do everything with it"

They are imo the most devastating veichle when it comes to bringing long range anti-tank in our heavy support section... They are the fastest transport option for both a dreadnought, assault marines, termies and infantry...


The problem with em is that you spend 215 points + on an armour 12 target with a SHOOT ME sign on it.


I'd say :

- stick with one raven unless you are playing 2000 points +

- Don't put all your eggs in one basket, having both a DC and a Dread in a raven, as shooty, killy and fast as this makes em they are just 1 well placed missile away from walking over the board with your 400+ worth of points.

- Since they already bring a lot of tire power to the board and fill the gunship role quite nicely I try to limit their carrier role to delivering one dreadnought into the fray where their blood talons can break a stalemate to your favour. or maybe a DC with a chaplain to wipe a ork mob out of existence.

- you could take another raven and split up the dc and the dread perhaps


Sure: A dread and a DC charging out of a raven is equal to a nuclear warhead to whatever you're charging... but they come at a price.


My 2k list with 2 ravens looks something like this:


HQ (1/2) 125 Points

Librarian, Jump Pack, Unleash Rage, Fear of the darkness


Elites (2/3) 450 points

Sanguinary Priests(2), Jump packs(2)

Furioso Dreadnought, Blood Talons, Flamer, Extra Armour

Furioso Dreadnought, Blood Talons, Flamer, Extra Armour


Troops (4/6) 790 points

Assault marines(10), Meltaguns(2), Powerfist

Assault marines(10), Meltaguns(2), Powerfist

Assault marines(10), Meltaguns(2), Powerfist

Scout squad, Missile launcher


Fast Attack (1/3) 205 points

Vanguard Veterans(5), Jump packs(5), Thunder Hammer(1), Meltabomb(4)


Heavy Support (2/3) 430 points

Storm Raven , Extra Armour , Twin-linked Lascannon, Twin-linked Multimelta

Storm Raven , Extra Armour , Twin-linked Lascannon, Twin-linked Multimelta


Assault marines and vanguards arrive early and starts attacking stuff, Storm ravens deliver dreads to beat up whatever the assault marines can't handle, Storm ravens act as gunships after dreads are on the ground


Also the assault marines and vanguards are used to lock/kill off whatever might threaten the ravens...Vanguards excel at this since they can second turn charge lootas, devs, auto cannon dreads, hive guards, veichle parks or what ever your opponent is running



Hope this helped:D

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I love them Ravens and almost always try to bring at least one :D First and foremost, if you have the first turn, it becomes so much easier to play them effectively. The SR needs only one movement phase to fulfill its main purpose, and after it has unloaded its contents, it often moves way down in the target priority list.


In my experience, the trick is to bring stuff that poses a more imminent threat than the SR, playing a psychological game. E.g. podding a Furioso in his gunline, scouting flamestorm-baals in front of his devastators or just playing a vindicator (this thing always is a perfect fire magnet for me:().


Below 2000 points, it becomes a lot harder to play a SR, as you will have less other stuff to distract fire. The larger the percentage of points you spend on SR+contents, the less effective it becomes in my opinion.

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I only have one and in casual games it is a blast, get the typhoon and hurricanes and you got a fun, shoots nearly all the time, little infantry slayer. Get in a serious game and one is never enough. The 12 AV just makes it too tempting a target to leave alone. But I agree with Eorek if you put your eggs in one basket it is just that much more of a magnet for anti-tank. But I still take mine out nearly every game and even if it only lasts the first turn to drop off the DC it causes the local orks, guard, and nids to loose the center of the battle line often enough to make it worth while and it would probably work with some tailoring to chaos.
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Thank you all for your responses - greatly appreciated :pinch:


You guys make some interesting points. I was worried that putting 600+ points into a single unit/transport was a disaster waiting to happen (for me or my opponent?) and was not a sensible thing to do and you guys have pretty much confirmed that for me!


Your army looks like something I would enjoy playing with, Eorek, but I am dead set on using the Death Company (BA was my first ever army way back at the beginning of 3rd ED and the DC are still as awesome as they were back then - only now they have DC Dreads too!) so I need to make allowances for my preferences!


Having diligently read all of your comments I made a few adjustments to my army, if you wouldn't mind having a look then I shall shamelessly link you to it :cuss




Your comments were all very helpful and informative, thank you for taking the time to reply!



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I LOVE Stormravens. And to me they're like Vindicators. One is a target so juicy that an opponent can't pass it up. But seeing two or more on the table makes them split their forces to deal with the oncoming storm. And thanks to the Stormraven's maneuverability you can have one change direction and join the other to wipe out one flank.


If I were to see my opponent only field one, I'd gladly focus on that one to cripple it and force their army to foot it to me, most likely splitting up his forces.

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