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DV8's Crystal Brush Entries


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Backstory: I was attending Adepticon for the Team Tournament this past weekend in Chicago, and figured I would enter some random models I had lying around into the Crystal Brush just for fun. I had no illusions about my chances of placing (since what I took with me were just models painted for armies I own, or stuff I had just fiddled around with without the intent of really entering them in any serious competition). This point was further reinforced when I saw the plethora of spectacular entries in Crystal Brush, and I was pretty positive that I was going to be beaten out in every category that I had entered.


Imagine my surprise, then, when come Sunday and they announced the awards, I found out I had placed in all four of the categories I had entered! I was completely flabbergasted, but was unable to zip to the awards ceremony since I was taking part in some 40k Events and was unable to get to the ceremony (thus why I'm not in the Crystal Brush awards video).


Ancient Chyron, Lamenters Contemptor Dreadnought - Bronze Sci-Fi Vehicle


More images here


Justicar Weiss - Silver Sci-Fi Single


More images here


The other two, being not power-armored, I cannot show, but you can view the images here:


Doombull - Bronze Fantasy Monster

River Trolls - Silver Fantasy Unit


A most pleasant and unexpected surprise for sure, and motivation for me to step up my game and actually paint models specifically for next year's Crystal Brush!




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Haha actually Magicman that's EXACTLY what my train of logic was. My original intent was to actually paint up a few specific models for Crystal Brush, but because of events prior to Adepticon (and having to spend the 3 weeks leading up to Adepticon painting my Nurgle army for Team Tournament), I actually didn't find any time to do some one-off painting for myself.


So I literally just grabbed some of my nicer models and brought them along figuring it'd be a shot in the dark. I figured, I'm already going to be there, it'd be a shame to not enter just because I think/know I can't win. Turns out apparently I sort of know what I'm doing?... :drool: Which is actually a scary thought since I spent most of my time stumbling around.



I was hoping to meet some fellow BnC'ers at Adepticon, but with all the running around we did that weekend I didn't actually spend that much time at the convention not playing in an event. Maybe next year we can organize a proper meet and greet and get a bunch of people to actually go out for drinks or something!


You didn't happen to get the design for that shield decal on the right greave of the Lamenters Contemptor from my plog over at ammobunker did you? If so, right on man! I would love to see more shots of your Lamenters!!!!!


I copied the design of the badge from the Badab War Campaign books from Forgeworld. My Lamenters follow their markings as closely as possible, as well as following the "codex" markings from Insignum Astartes.


And you can check out my Lamenters army on my website (it's in my signature, but here's the link):





Thanks man! Although I'll be honest, sometimes having to live up to the standard(s) that I have set for myself (and others have come to expect from me) can sometimes be daunting, like I constantly have to one up myself.


And prolific is...one way to put it...I've painted so much in the past year it boggles the mind. And sadly there's no end in sight...I just picked up half of my 1850 Necron army... ;) One of these days I'm just going to snap...I can feel it...




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