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Chaos counts-as


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Hey guys,

Recently I've begun to play the RPG Black Crusade, which has been stirring my feelings for chaos (my very first army in 40k). I'm a highly competitive player and just don't enjoy the current codex enough to play them...especially with other codexes that would be epic "counts-as". So here's what I've been considering.


Codex Space wolves: COULD be possibly used as-Black Legion, Red Corsairs, Night Lords


Black Legion: seen as able to use "anything in the chaos arsenal", Logan Grimnar could be used as a replacement Abbadon that benefits whatever chosen squad he's with.


Red Corsairs: Pretty much the same as above...just RED!! And Logan could be replaced as Huron since he was previously in termie armor I believe


Night Lords: They are revered as being highliy individualised marines because they are a dying legion, which fits the wolf units that can each bear individual wargear and equpiment.


Other wolf ideas: using wulfen to represent possessed marine in each squad, standards as marks of chaos, bloodclaws as berserkers



Blood Angels possibilities: Iron Warriors, Night Lords (I love them)


Iron Warriors: Mechanised Angel lists suit their playstyle, also lots of dreadnoughts are reasonable for their vehicle lists


Night Lords: The obsession of assault marines and units that can strike quickly really emphasize their style in my opinion.



SOOOOO...what do you guys think? Doable or not???

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I've been wondering recently about C:GK inspired TS ( or non rubric Tzeench marines) or WB, since both of those legions have a special connection to psychic / warp based abilities, i feel it could work in a proper context.


The lack of deamons or posessed in the C:GK isn't that bad in my opinion, since few player use them, and the psychic weaponry would be a great replacement for the current rubric rules.


I would be more cautious with SW based red corsairs, they seem a pretty generic traitor legion to me, but hey, if you feel the call of spiky grey hunters and longfangs, just do it!

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Night Lords: They are revered as being highliy individualised marines because they are a dying legion
Not really. :P



I do agree with the SW Codex, I know several NL players who've changed over to the SW 'dex. Not out of a desire to win, but in order to build a characterful army reminiscent of the Legions.

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Well Brother Nihm, in the Night Lord books, all of the marines favor a different weapon...from Talos's stolen Powersword to Xarl's huge chainsword. That's where the idea came from


That's one TINY, single warband, that by no means portrays the current state of the entire legion. They're not dying- only that warband is under strength. So you have the potential for a horde of hundreds of bolter wielding "Tactical" Night Lords, as much as you have potential for bike mounted cadres, large numbers of infiltrating Chosen, terminator heavy deep striking forces, and the like.


Just my two pence :lol:

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I think it could work fine.


I've played against two Chaos armies using other Codecies as "counts as", and both fitted well.

I've played against Night Lords using the Blood Angel Codex - being able to take loads of jump infantry who hardly scatter suited my opponents vision of them well, so he went mental in that aspect.


I've also played against Iron Warriors counting as Vanilla Marines, using Vulkan and a Master of the Forge to unlock some "Iron Warrior-ness" in the army (Vulkan making all Melta and Flamer weaponry twin-linked, Master of the Forge allowing you to take Dreadnoughts in Elites and Heavy Support areas).


I think all the ideas you've mentioned are completely viable though, with the Black Legion and the Red Corsairs suiting Codex: Space Wolves pretty well.

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I'll be honest, I'd thought about doing something similar using the Blood Angels codex, as either a Night Lords or World Eaters army. The problem is the volume of hatred you'll get on the Loyalist boards for corrupting "their" codex.


It is all about Thunderwolves for counts as Brass Knights on Juggas.
I want to see that if you do it. The only Jugger I've seen since the 3.5 era began was Magmatrax.
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I use the blood angle codex for my night lords and I think it work well, I know some people would said why do you use a FL dread if you night lords well who wouldn't like a dread that can fly 12 inch. plus the decent of angel rule is great and deep striking land raider is always go for a laugh
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I'll be honest, I'd thought about doing something similar using the Blood Angels codex, as either a Night Lords or World Eaters army. The problem is the volume of hatred you'll get on the Loyalist boards for corrupting "their" codex.


It is all about Thunderwolves for counts as Brass Knights on Juggas.
I want to see that if you do it. The only Jugger I've seen since the 3.5 era began was Magmatrax.


It is on my to do list if I make it back to Europe XD

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Night Lords: They are revered as being highliy individualised marines because they are a dying legion
Not really. :(





Yeah that. They're far from dying if the end of void stalker is anything to go by

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@Clewz I'm about halfway into Void Stalker so please forgive me there, but I will come back to you once I'm finished.


@Darth Giles Who cares what the loyalists say?!? WE are chaos marines, made to give them hell every step of the way, and now we can do that by using their mini's ;) Haha just kidding (not really)


@Night Talon If everyone can use their own "successor" DIY scheme, then why can't we??? Just because we get spikes and evil looking stuff? My friend runs his blood angels as renegades who all have the Black Rage, and he's got CHAOS TERMINATORS replacing his regular ones...and no one has said a thing. So SCREW THE LOYALISTS!!

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@Clewz I'm about halfway into Void Stalker so please forgive me there, but I will come back to you once I'm finished.

I've never read Void Stalker yet since I prefer paper over downloads and I don't have the time of day(nor the money) to go to a special event. But, if you go back to Soul Hunter, or even further to Lord of the Night, you can still see where the Legion is very far from dying. It is fragmented yes. But no more so than the WE or the EC. I believe there is a line in Soul Hunter where Talos says that Krieg Acerbus leads the largest warband and if Lord of the Night was anything to go by, it was a large enough warband for a Craftworld to be afraid of meeting them.

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I run my Alpha Legion (and soon to be Red Corsairs) using the Space Wolves codex. Not to be a powermonger, but to gain characterful, fluffy units, like wolf scouts (operatives), and my "looted" Land Raider redeemer.



It should also be noted that I don't play in tournaments, I just play For-Fun games and the like.

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@Clewz I'm about halfway into Void Stalker so please forgive me there, but I will come back to you once I'm finished.

I've never read Void Stalker yet since I prefer paper over downloads and I don't have the time of day(nor the money) to go to a special event. But, if you go back to Soul Hunter, or even further to Lord of the Night, you can still see where the Legion is very far from dying. It is fragmented yes. But no more so than the WE or the EC. I believe there is a line in Soul Hunter where Talos says that Krieg Acerbus leads the largest warband and if Lord of the Night was anything to go by, it was a large enough warband for a Craftworld to be afraid of meeting them.


Ordered mine three days ago Monday, picked it up yesterday and finished it about 5 minutes ago. :P


OT - I think all of them are reasonable ideas. I would definitely play any of those that you mentioned. I'm currently in the process of making my warband and when I'm finished I'll be able to use just about any of the power armored codex books as rules. Magnets for the win!

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Hey Tanith, that sounds great and I'm happy it works so well for ya :P


I think I'll start them off as space wolves, but maybe when I get enough I can transfer my Night Lords into using either codex since both are very different from eachother.

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