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I love my Death Company


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I just love my death company. Sure they're outrageously expensive but I love them and rarely leave without them. Last game 9 DC and chaplain all power weapons and a fist drop podded wreck havock like nothing else. Even my opponent was scared to use 10 man sternguards, 10 man snipers and dreadnought with missiles and las cannons shoot them, they whiped out stern guards and scouts without problems losing 4 men in process and then they raged towards opponents dread which he was already moving away fast...


But I have to love all power weapon death company either droppodded or Jump packs (albeit that is so expensive) with hammer or fist or two... they really wreck anything... My DC dread in the game wasn't as impressive... droppodded next to enemy unit, lucky melta shot took one talon off and las cannon shot took another... Still he killed 4 men and bound rest of the team in CC for the game.


Lessons learned: Removing chaplain to make space 10th DC person when everyone got power weapons might be beneficial as you might get 2nd DC dread on game. DC charge with power weapons anything but assault marines usually means death of that unit, so chaplains liturgies of blood might not be that essential. Past few games my DC has whiped out all units single charge so I haven't had any chance to use liturgies of blood.


But I just love my Nutter-Brother company. I love them more when I put power weapons them. The expression of my friends and other game opponents when my black&red nutters emerge from droppod or their Jumppack version Deepstrike close to enemy...


I am loving them so much I infact thinking get 2 landraiders. One for assault termies and one for my beloved nutter company. I was thinking getting two Landraider Crusaders. I initually though getting regular land raider for non-termy transportation but I want enough space eventually so I can field chappy with 10 man company so I can drop pod two DC dreads. Regular landraider gives me just 9 DC and a chappy allowing me to drop pod just singel DC dread. of course I need to shave off points off elsewhere... maybe run single sniper scout unit and just few assault marines...


Nothing ruins Whirlwind heavy players day than Deep Striking army with Deep Striking landraiders... :D

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Well... Nice to hear that you like them too.

I usually field them as a counter attack unit. 5 man + chaplain/reclusiarch in a razorback.

I go easy on the equipment. Most of the times I just want to keep the enemy unit in combat for a little longer.

Plus... It's cheaper and they appear not so scary to the opponent, which leads to underestimation.

When he realizes their potential it's too late most of the times.

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Well... Nice to hear that you like them too.

I usually field them as a counter attack unit. 5 man + chaplain/reclusiarch in a razorback.

I go easy on the equipment. Most of the times I just want to keep the enemy unit in combat for a little longer.

Plus... It's cheaper and they appear not so scary to the opponent, which leads to underestimation.

When he realizes their potential it's too late most of the times.



ME too, i take an extra PW and MB but the RB provides support fire i take TL PG/LC to engage Nobz or MEQ but HB does wonders against everythign else.They can break assaults or reinforce my own lines easily enough, and keeping the HB means a flat out move is not a roblem.


10 men squads are great to just drop in teh enemy DZ, especially with 2 DC dread, rec/chappie are mandatory on DC less then 9 models.


I love DC......

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Love using them as a shock force. 10-15 either in rhino, foot, or a LRC. Throw in a few power weapons, fist, and hammer and that unit will butcher anything. The only issue is smaller games where getting the desired numbers of them is difficult. The dreads seem to cause more fear than wounds but there are those occasions where they simply look at a 30 man blob squad and say 'blend on.'
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Storm Raven and Lemartes is the best thing man. Go forwards 24 first turn machine spirit the melta and then see what happens in the opponents turn. If the raven dies it really doesn't matter as the Death Co are in their lines with Lemartes' high initiative meaning he wrecks charaters (on the charge even before a Grey Knight Halberd!) before they can wreck the Death Co and then the Death Co kill everything else. This unit has killed guard blobs before in one turn.


Seriously Death Co are aweseom but Lemartes is the true killer in the BA dex in my opinion.

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Storm Raven and Lemartes is the best thing man. Go forwards 24 first turn machine spirit the melta and then see what happens in the opponents turn. If the raven dies it really doesn't matter as the Death Co are in their lines with Lemartes' high initiative meaning he wrecks charaters (on the charge even before a Grey Knight Halberd!) before they can wreck the Death Co and then the Death Co kill everything else. This unit has killed guard blobs before in one turn.


Seriously Death Co are aweseom but Lemartes is the true killer in the BA dex in my opinion.



You just have to be careful to not get surrounded and then shot out of the sky. With no room to disembark the whole unit is destroyed if the bird gets wrecked on your opponents turn.

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I love my DC as well. I currently run 8 DC, one with TH, one with Infernus Pistol, 2x Power weapons, the rest with chainswords, all with Jump Packs + a chaplain. It seems to give a decent amount of damage output and staying power. Though I can only run them at the 1500 point or higher level.


In today's game, they managed to take out a tac squad, a dreadnought, and a captain with his command squad. The trick was to get a multi-charge into the enemy gunline. Dreadnought was after the squads went down. My 480 point unit may of only taken out 550 points worth of models, but they shut down a whole lot of firepower and damage that would of went into the other RAS squads. Plus, they caused the enemy to have to try and shift his army away from them to keep from being the next victim. My army is only 33 models at 1500 points, but the 9 man DC wreck house. They only suffered 2 casualties in the whole battle. ( Mission was dawn of war, so that helped a little bit. The other player had devs and whirlwind that had to roll on the board.)


I just wish the DC could have some SS, but that would make them too broken I guess. Being able to charge in with I5, S5, and WS5, with rerollable hits and wounds is something else. Try to get a multi-charge whenever possible, it's tough to do a lot of times, but always worth it. ( Well, not against Greyknights...) I will gladly put 8-10 DC up against 20-30 of the enemy in one round if possible. Unless the enemy can hit you first or negate your armor/FNP combo, then you should come out on top. Plus, even if you somehow lose combat... then you will likely shrug off losing much from being fearless.

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