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Starting blood angels


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Hey all,


I'm currently a space wolves player and I'm considering starting a blood angels army, mainly because I want to paint red and I want to assualt things, also psyker dreadnoughts are just amazing sounding.


Anyway I've picked up the codex and I was wondering whats the best way to go about starting an army? Is the battleforce a worthwhile purchase or is it not that good? I'm also considering picking up black reach instead of the battleforce, mainly because a mini rule book would be handy and I could sell on the orks. Would either of these be a good starting point?

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Im no expert, but from what ive gleaned a lot of people would tell you to skip tac squads and just buy a RAS

two squads of 10, a Sang priest and a jump pack chappie rounds out at about 750 points which is always a good start, its what im going for anyway



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Im no expert, but from what ive gleaned a lot of people would tell you to skip tac squads and just buy a RAS

two squads of 10, a Sang priest and a jump pack chappie rounds out at about 750 points which is always a good start, its what im going for anyway





Ah ok so neither are that good value wise to start with, shall have to have a look at some lists.

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Well its not bad, and both boxes give you a nice selection of troops. I favoured that approach too, currently i just have a tac, chap and 10 man ras, some BA players play with a nice big varied force, im just saying that the lists ive seen up here comprise largely of RAS, either with jump packs or in razorbacks


Financially a battleforce or black reach may be a better option, though i imagine a battleforce would better suit your desire to assault things. let the blow flow freely in the name of Sanguinus, brother!

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You get 10 jump packs in the BA box, enough to make a 10 man RAS squad and a 10 man death company in rhino, should you so desire, just add a chaplain and youre good to go.


The battleforce can be a good buy if you know how to make best use of all the bits.

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You get 10 jump packs in the BA box, enough to make a 10 man RAS squad and a 10 man death company in rhino, should you so desire, just add a chaplain and youre good to go.


The battleforce can be a good buy if you know how to make best use of all the bits.



I'm considering magnetising my the DC and the assualt company so that I can pick and choose what to use and when. Possibly also pick up a packet jump packs so that they match colour wise

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do you want death company? id personally avoid black reach because you can buy the minis and rule book real cheap on ebay - that can provide you with a lib dread and termies nice and cheap as well as the rule book.


Id personally buy teh battle force ($77AUS on ebay) and a death company box to make a 10 person assault squad with jump packs (cause there fun), 5 man DC with rhino (again, there fun), 5 man vangaurd vet squad (cause you like assaulting things with red stuff) and 10 man tac squad. that can be about 650 pts plus weapon otpions.


Next id try to add a new commander model and librarian dread plus whatever takes your fancy to take your force to 1000pts.


Sound good? theres plenty of options in BA, i personally load up on tacs in rhinos and DC everything, with preds for spice and cover saves.


EDIT---- dont forget teh priests FNP is awesome.

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do you want death company? id personally avoid black reach because you can buy the minis and rule book real cheap on ebay - that can provide you with a lib dread and termies nice and cheap as well as the rule book.


Id personally buy teh battle force ($77AUS on ebay) and a death company box to make a 10 person assault squad with jump packs (cause there fun), 5 man DC with rhino (again, there fun), 5 man vangaurd vet squad (cause you like assaulting things with red stuff) and 10 man tac squad. that can be about 650 pts plus weapon otpions.


Next id try to add a new commander model and librarian dread plus whatever takes your fancy to take your force to 1000pts.


Sound good? theres plenty of options in BA, i personally load up on tacs in rhinos and DC everything, with preds for spice and cover saves.


EDIT---- dont forget teh priests FNP is awesome.


I want death company mainly for the bits that come with them, only way to get Blood angel bits is them and the sang guard. Not sure how good they are gameplay wise but they do look amazing


So pick up




More death company / vanguard?

Libby Dread?

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I'm considering magnetising my the DC and the assualt company so that I can pick and choose what to use and when. Possibly also pick up a packet jump packs so that they match colour wise


Good shout. ive done the same and its so refreshing to know that i can swap backpacks (and weapon loadouts) at a moments notice and like the others have pointed out, you can use the various parts for multiple units

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I would go for


Battle force

Libby Dread

Character model for HQ


The BA characters (Dante, Astorath, Mephiston, Sanguinor) are really good. Captains, not so much.



10 Assault Marines

10 DC with bolters and powerfists in Rhino

Libby Dread


Is more than a decent start.

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Battleforce, Librarian, Sanguinary Priest and the following bitz from your favorite bitz store: 2 meltaguns, a combi-melta and a jump pack


Librarian - Jump Pack, Shield of Sanguinius, Unleash Rage


Sanguinary Priest - Jump Pack


10 Tactical Marines - Combi-melta, meltagun, missile launcher


10 Assault Marines - Power fist, 2 meltaguns


670 pts


Tac squad divides into 2 combat squads: one holding an objective in the back, one moving forward in the rhino and firing double melta shots from the top hatch. The Assault squad + libby + priest give you a potent combat punch that can deal with armour as well.

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I also just got into Blood angels a few weeks ago and I've found that eBay can be your best friend so long as you are willing to wait for a good deal and have some simple green and a old toothbrush you no longer want to clean off the old paint from the stuff you buy. The key with eBay is waiting and only spending a set price for the items. this is so important other wise you can just go to the store and pick it up that day for a few $ more and always look at shipping costs before buying.


You really want to plan out an army list or two before you buy stuff but with that said there are a few staples you are going to want

Assault Squads, Sanguinary priests, melta gun dudes. after that its all up to your style. But you cant go wrong with 10-20 assault guys and 2 priests.

Sanguinary priests are rather hard to get off eBay cheaply, you can get them in the command box along with other stuff that's really nice but just a priest its self Ive found to be in the $12-15 range.

I have found that you can generally save $5-15 including shipping on items and that can be nice, you just don't get all the extra bits that you would from buying it new in the box at the store.

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