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Trading one group of zealots for another

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Hello there! I have decided that I am beginning to like the idea of doing a heresy era Word Bearers force... I know the generalised units I would by blah blah but then I thought, what about cultists? As far as I am aware the Chaos dex does not have them in it. So after thinking a while a possible solution presented its self! Why not use the traitor/mutant rules outlined in the Witch Hunters codex! The unit composition and available war gear for them fits. So what do you guys think?
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Theres also the Eye of Terror list, and the Lost and the Damned apoc data sheet to give you the rules. Obviously you'd have to check with your opponents first. Plus, the witch hunters rules say you have to use the eye of terror rules with Codex Chaos Space Marines...
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Imperial Armor 7 and 5 and 6 for that matter had rules for Traitor Guard, Rabble, and what not. These are definitely close to cultists, I was going to use those rules, but now with the rumors of cultists in the 6th Edition box set, the models I've collected may be even more usable. I like the idea of just using the lesser demon rules, except they have no guns.


Assuming Wordbearers or I guess Alpha Legion is mo' betta for folks that still pine for a several Codices ago. You can have one or two units of CSM and the rest cultists for your Troops. You're unlikely to win many games, but i used to field as many lesser demons as I did plaguemarines or close to it sometimes, but that was several editions ago. Now a days I'm a big believer that guns are good. Guns that shoot over 24" are even better. I'd just use the IA:7 list, it allows for three units of Plaguemarines as Elites and then a variety of non-Power Armor guys as Troops. You can also have Veterans and non-PA command.


I gotta try and disappear, I have other things I should be working on and I plan to wait and see before painting much and definitely before buying anything until 6th and hopefully a new Chaos Codex comes out.


Good luck on the Darkside.

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Imperial Armor 7 and 5 and 6 for that matter had rules for Traitor Guard, Rabble, and what not.


Yeah, the list is renegades that have the option of bringing astartes along if I remember correctly.

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