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Kol Saresk

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Just one really big question. Everyone agrees that GW has entered a new age of "non-disclosure agreements" that has resulted in them being locked up tighter than light in a black hole. And yet in this time of "No! No talkie! Talkie bad!" there seem to be a rather large amount of supposed sources pumping out information like there's no end in sight.


Not only that, but the first person to start these rumors has already admitted that he just lied. And yet there are still several people "confirming" and "reinforcing" his "rumors" by adding to them and giving "specifics". Although there is one person who said (paraphrased)"I can't sit by anymore. It's all a lie! Here is the real rumor!"


So basically I just want to ask this, if the main rumor has already been confirmed a lie, and we all know and acknowledge the fact that GW has really been keeping its lips tight and has already fired at least one person for talking, then why do we put so much faith in these rumors? Should we put any faith in the rumors?


I've gone back through these most trusted of rumor-mongers for a few years back and right now, they are telling us "to take everything with a grain of salt" much more than they ever had. To be honest, I am very tempted for them to give up their sources. I mean seriously, GW has already told us that the Necron 2nd wave is coming out in May. And yet every single rumor swears up and down that the DA Codex is coming out at the same time. So seriously, I understand that the rumors provide a glimmer of hope in the despair that is gripping the forces of Chaos as GW keeps making more and more powerful Codices. But should we trust them? At all? Any reliability they had in the past does not exist now with GW's new tight-lipped policy.

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I put 0% stock into rumors. At best they're a distraction, a way to do some pre-theoryhammering and at worst they serve to rile people up and add fuel to the fire that is our codex. I'd rather just wait for the real thing.


That is just my view though

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Just remember:


"A rumour is probably not true, but you should tell everyone you know."


That boils it all down for me. Especially when reality sometimes trumps the weirdness of rumors. And around a possible Edition change, they get even weirder.

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I read the threads just to laugh at the stuff that makes no sense. Like the line about no Dreadnoughts, or the mechanical-dragon-thingy that were in the rumor thread in the News forum. There's been so much conflicting information and people admitting to just making stuff up that at this point, there's no reason to take anything that is said seriously.
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"I can't sit by anymore. It's all a lie! Here is the real rumor!"

because only dudes that could do that either work for GW or work on translation of codex . And all those if they break the NDR lose jobs . Not worth to say what will be .



I said It before there is too many people wanting to see a new chaos dex , because this one is and forver will be one of the worse they ever made for one of the largest gaming comunities they had. People write what they want and not what they will actualy will get . The codex is going to be build around the gav one . So no there will be nor legion rules for each legion like it was in 3.5 . Maybe we will be able to build legion-like armies using specials , but that is all and those armies will not be anywhere near as different as legions lists from 3.5 were. There are going to be "flyers" in it . There are going to be kites to make 2 different big units from 1 kite[here is your defiler or remove the gun and make it a Blood khorn X random walker or stuff like that]. The fluff is going to be stupid . oblits . you wont use those anymore . etc.

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Maybe it's years of reading this stuff that's addled my brain, but it seems pretty easy to categorize rumors into categories of believability. Here's some basic criteria:


- If Harry or Hastings (most often on Warseer) says it, it's true, or at least comes out of something true

- Same with Stickmonkey, though his timing's often strange, since he seems to get info early in the process

- Blood of Kittens can be foul lies or prescient truth. Tough to discern, so disregard them 'till better confirmations come through.

- Bell of Lost Souls will print any damn fool thing


Take these to heart, and you'll generally have a pretty accurate, if vague idea of what's coming down the pipe.

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