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Your Typical World Eater Terminator Looks Like?

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Ok, I got some World Eater Terminator bits, forgeworld style, just to do up a Khornate Terminator of some variation, just to put on display. I plan to do some variation on this theme for most, if not all, of the major Legions. I run pure Nurgle as a player, but generally enjoy all of the things that Chaos has to offer, so I thought: instead of making an entire army, I'd do one (or two) piece(s) that really scream: "Blood for the Blood God", and so on.


So, on topic: What variation on the theme is really fluffy for Khorne Cult Terminators? Maybe even a Khorne Terminator Lord... Keep in mind I will most likely be doing a power-armored equivalent, so it may not be necessary to put a chain axe on him, though I'm tempted.


Combi-melta/Chainfist combo? Maybe even a Bloodfeeder?

Reaper AC/Chain-axe? Reaper AC is Iconic for Chaos, imo...

TL Bolter/Powerfist?


What just screams: "man, that's cool" even if you wouldn't field it. Chains, skulls, chainmail, spikes, blood & gore... all that stuff is a given. I'm talking wargear in general, though, if inspiration really takes hold, feel free to write down your idea. Maybe we can brainstorm.



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If you want a 'hardcore' Khornate feel to the model, then two melee weapons is the way to go. However, I feel like dual lightning claws wouldn't be as Khornate as two separate weapon types, like a chainfist and power axe, or a a lightning claw and daemon weapon. I say that because twin LCs are used by every flavor of chaos terminator, so I think throwing a chain weapon or something heavier in there would make it feel closer to the Blood God. Also, I think attaching blades to the termie's forearms or shins would be especially badass.
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@Drelthar: Yeah I'm definitely not doing dual lightning claws. I have 2 from the lord set that I'm saving for I don't know what. The blades aren't a bad idea... I'd have to play around with it though. Might end up being something for a different chapter, like Alpha Legion or Emperor's Children, though. Some sneaky blades in places you wouldn't think of...


@Scribe: I had considered using that chainfist, assuming you're talking about that dual-chainfist in the lord set. I'll try out a heavy flamer and see if it works out, but I only have the SM ones, not the old-fashioned chaos one with the weird nozzle, so it may not look right on a traditional chaos terminator. I'm leaning towards that combi-melta with the big chain-blade bayonet, though. It's looking more and more attractive. Seconded by one of the standard chain-blade adorned stormbolters that come with the chaos terminator sprue, with that big power-axe from the lord set converted to a chain-axe. I might throw him together today... at least with some tac, to see what he looks like. I'll at least get a leg and body pose done, which might serve to inspire which weapons it cries out for.


Thanks for the opinions.

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You could go with a chainglaive, that'd be really badass. Otherwise I second the dual CCWs, just go with two different kinds. If you don't have it already, I'd pick up a chaos knight box from fantasy. There are some really badass weapons in there that are easily convertable to 40k.
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Juggernaught Lord! The Unit itself can't take Termie Armour and a Juggernaught, but I didn't know this beforehand, and to this day my Terminator Lord is mounted on the Metal Fantasy Juggernaught with a bloodfeeder. I only field him in for fun games, and fun it is. 17 S5 attacks on the charge. Oooh fun! I also recently got the FW Termie bitz and am in love with then. Could make a magnificent Khorne Lord with them.
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Well thanks for the inspiration. There was a bit of a set-back when I ordered the bits and I apparently mistakenly bought two of the world eaters insignia shoulders, instead of one each of the WE and Khorne shoulders... I'm still looking at this thing, though, and waiting for the right idea to hit me.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I'd really LOVE to see someone convert a blood feeder. I always imagined it as looking like a scythe, the blade being a long, gory distended spike of flesh with serrated teeth running along its edge and a single, beady eye staring out of the folds of gristle. Maybe a slimy, bloody tongue wrapping around the handle and the bearer's wrist. That's how I'd definitely do it. I'd love to see that!
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  • 1 month later...

Well I wouldn't know how to pull off a bloodfeeder adequately, and I was more looking to do up a typical terminator, rather than a Warlord. I may eventually just do up a squad of WE, plus Lord to lead them, to put on display, but hey, I gotta start small I guess. Though, doing the Lord first, and the squad later, may be a better idea just so the paint matches...


Anyhow, the more I look at this pic, the more I like it, and all of the bit are readily available from bits stores and FW.


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personally like reaper ac(teeth of khorne!) though heavy flamer would be fine and chainfist/chainaxe/power axe/power maul, pretty much any sort of weapon that looks and is vicious feels kornate to me, so really so long as it's not a sword or halberd and not some terribly ordinary or unassuming ranged weapon, and is done up with enough blood/skulls/brass, it feels suitably khornate to me w/out feeling like one is trying to hard(mind trying to hard is hard to do with khorne), oh and I'm not terribly fond of the FW termie bunny ears, love all the other FW termie WE parts though
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