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Countering Grey Knights


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Today at my local club I played against my brother and another player, both playing Grey Kbights. There was no fixed points, just a HQ, a troop and one other thing.


My Brother:


Brother Captain Stern

Strike Squad with Incinerator in Razorback (Razorback counted as other thing)


Other Player:


Stern, running with Strike Squad with Psycannon and Incinerator.

Dreadknight - One tough son of a :cuss




Dante running with Assault squad with 1 plasma pistol and power weapon.

Multi-Melta Attack Bike


As I was heavily outmatched, the guy in the store let me use his Dreadnought and Land Raider.



It all started well. I popped the tank on the first turn and after alot of shooting left my bro without a tank or 3 of his 5 strikers. But after that, It got ridiculous. The Land Raider got immobilised... by a fence... and I lost 4 assault marines. But some pretty incredible saving throws and some more shooting finished me with only 4losses and 2 Kill Points, where as they got none.


But there has to be an easier way. Does anyone have any tips as to what I need next, as next week I won't be getting anything to support me. thanks.



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well... Greyknights hate blood talons...

And it ain't really a fair fight since GK are more expensive... with these rules one could really break the list ...say 30 death compay with jump pack, 25 power weapons, 5 thunder hammers, maxxed infernus pistols, lemartes accopanied by Sanguinor/mephy and a land raider godhammer and you'll have broken the system more than most:P


But a less mean approach would be 10 Assault marines with meltas, power fist accopanied by a librarian with unleash rage+blood lance(or what ever you want) and a blood talon dreadnought with extra armour and a heavy flamer... or something :cuss

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Not much you can do with that kind of arrangement. Playing using a point total and force organization chart would help tho. :cuss


As a BA player who plays a GK one often, I cannot recommend sanguinary priests against them enough. Getting to swing before them in assault is incredibly helpful, almost vital, unless you've got a decent invulnerable save on your squad (only TH/SS termies fit that bill for us BA players). That goes for attacking their troops as well as the dreadknight.


Dreadknights (and terminators) are tough nuts to crack unless you bring lots of AP 1 or 2 ranged weapons and power weapons in assault. With the DK's toughness furious charge off your SP's is a godsend as well as powerfists on sergeants.


For weapon upgrades on your assault squads, melta guns. A. they kill vehicles dead. B. they're an assault weapon, so can be fired and not keep you from assaulting. Throw a power fist on the sarge, it'll give the squad anti vehicle and monstrous creature attacks in assault.


As to what you should get next, well you need another troops choice to be legal so another assault squad would be good, not sexy but needed and useful. After that it's really up to what you want to run. Another A-bike would let you run a squad of them or you could get some regular bikes to run with the one you have. Running a bike squad myself ATM, tons of fun. Get a sang priest on a bike or keep a jp equipped one near em for the feel no pain, even better.


Hope that helps.

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As a BA player who plays a GK one often, I cannot recommend sanguinary priests against them enough. Getting to swing before them in assault is incredibly helpful, almost vital, unless you've got a decent invulnerable save on your squad (only TH/SS termies fit that bill for us BA players). That goes for attacking their troops as well as the dreadknight.


Dreadknights (and terminators) are tough nuts to crack unless you bring lots of AP 1 or 2 ranged weapons and power weapons in assault. With the DK's toughness furious charge off your SP's is a godsend as well as powerfists on sergeants.


For weapon upgrades on your assault squads, melta guns. A. they kill vehicles dead. B. they're an assault weapon, so can be fired and not keep you from assaulting. Throw a power fist on the sarge, it'll give the squad anti vehicle and monstrous creature attacks in assault.


Priest doesn't help if they run Halberds though. That seems to be the way they roll in our area.


I've recently started running PF/Infernus Pistol, 2x Melta RAS squads. Every casualty you can put on them before the assault makes a huge difference. Get in real close, like one inch from them and put it on them. You should be able to kill 3 to 5 by shooting alone. Don't let them get the charge on you, they have enough attacks already. Hope for them to fail to hit and wound, that's really about it. Dante has an infernus pistol and that should help drop another one. Also, if you don't manage to wipe them out, then use his hit and run to back away. That way you can come back and shoot them again.


Greyknights are really a defense army and are designed to take the assault, be prepared for it to be ugly.

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As a BA player who plays a GK one often, I cannot recommend sanguinary priests against them enough. Getting to swing before them in assault is incredibly helpful, almost vital, unless you've got a decent invulnerable save on your squad (only TH/SS termies fit that bill for us BA players). That goes for attacking their troops as well as the dreadknight.


Dreadknights (and terminators) are tough nuts to crack unless you bring lots of AP 1 or 2 ranged weapons and power weapons in assault. With the DK's toughness furious charge off your SP's is a godsend as well as powerfists on sergeants.


For weapon upgrades on your assault squads, melta guns. A. they kill vehicles dead. B. they're an assault weapon, so can be fired and not keep you from assaulting. Throw a power fist on the sarge, it'll give the squad anti vehicle and monstrous creature attacks in assault.


Priest doesn't help if they run Halberds though. That seems to be the way they roll in our area.



Yeah my buddy's all about Paladins and Strike Squads. Some halberds in the pallies but I feed them demolisher shots before assaulting.

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Yeah, it's just the way the session runs, it would help to have a fore organisation chart or points total. Suprisingly, my bro ran 1 Halberd, and the rest were twin Falchions. The other player had 2 Halberds and a Daemon Hammer, and then 2 Heavy Weapons in 1 squad. Is that even legal?
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Falchions? He wasn't really trying.


10 man strike squads can take 2 heavy weapons. 5 man Purifier squads can take 2 heavy weapons.


Competitive Strike Squads simply run swords, one attack base isn't worth investing any more in. The Justicar gets a hammer and the squad takes two psycannon. A Rhino gets them where they need to go. The alternative is 5 men, hammer, psycannon, and a heavy bolter razorback with psybolts. Grey Knights can spam strength 6 shooting like you wouldn't believe.


Coteaz is almost the default HQ. Being able to fit your HQ in a Rhino is a real plus.


As for beating them? The rule stands as always, shoot the choppy ones, assault the shooty ones. Unfortunately against Grey Knights that generally means shooting everything. Blood Angels can pack as much firepower as any marine army so use it.


Much as I detest his scary mask (and would never use it) Dante can be used to nerf whichever HQ your opponent takes, it's especially funny if it's Draigo. "Grr, grr, I've fought my way through the warp, battled daemons by the score... urr... that guy in gold is looking at me funny... I feel weak all of a sudden."


Like I said, I'd never use it, but feel free against Grey Knights.

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I played GK on Tuesday... double libby, double landy, psyfleman, and 2 5 man termie squads with halberds, and a daemonhammer and psycannon. Bleh :P. Better at range than me, better in a fight. Best option is mobility - you're almost always going to be faster than anything they can bring. Use that to your advantage. You can dictate the fight to be on your terms. Its a little harder in KP than Objectives, but then you can do what I did, gain a small lead and then run away for the rest of the game. If its Objectives, spread them as far apart as possible.
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