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Finished Void Stalker, my thoughts


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What happened to Malcharion?



I imagine he died. He was limping along pretty badly at the end there.


On a different note, was I the only one that really enjoyed Talos' grand scheme to engineer a warp storm? I thought it was a brilliant plan and the way it unified the Night Lords in the warband behind a grander purpose was, literally, awesome. Not to mention it was a lot of fun to read. When they realized what his plan exactly was and as the ripples of the storm hit worlds of the Imperium, my jaw hung open.


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An outstanding series. Among the best. I must say, though, I hated every one of the NightLords and cheered at their fates.


The scum had it coming...


I had a good chuckle (in a completely sane way, of course) at Uzas' fate.


I particularly enjoy a book(s) that make me care about the characters (one way or the other). Sadly, too many BL books have characters that I don't give two cents about. The 3 Dimensional Night Lord characters were VERY much appreciated and I would love to see this type of character depth in all books I read. To me that is more important than combat scenes (which I skim through - really, if you've read one you've pretty much read them all).


The other thing I really enjoyed was the inhuman representation of the Astartes -something other authors (and some people on these boards) sometimes forget. The marines are no longer entirely human and their thought processes/ideas/responses are bordering on the alien.

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Sadly, too many BL books have characters that I don't give two cents about.


Yeah, I've read a few where the characters are so generic that I forget their names and what they're about if they're not in any scenes for too long. One of the biggest strengths of this series is the stand-out personality of nearly everyone who gets a name, even some of the bit players.

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An outstanding series. Among the best. I must say, though, I hated every one of the NightLords and cheered at their fates.


The scum had it coming...


I had a good chuckle (in a completely sane way, of course) at Uzas' fate.


I particularly enjoy a book(s) that make me care about the characters (one way or the other). Sadly, too many BL books have characters that I don't give two cents about. The 3 Dimensional Night Lord characters were VERY much appreciated and I would love to see this type of character depth in all books I read. To me that is more important than combat scenes (which I skim through - really, if you've read one you've pretty much read them all).


The other thing I really enjoyed was the inhuman representation of the Astartes -something other authors (and some people on these boards) sometimes forget. The marines are no longer entirely human and their thought processes/ideas/responses are bordering on the alien.


There's a hell of a recommendation if ever I heard one. "I hated every single character, but MAN it was a good series!"

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I dunno. Perhaps I had my hopes up a bit too much. I enjoyed it and its literary qualities is better than most BL books and through the trilogy I think First Claw makes some nice character developments and there were a few nice surprises in it. Like the Titan Princeps, and the warp storm but otherwise I just waited for them to die.



As for the Bleeding eye raptor, what ever his name was, who got gutted by the Eldar and escorted Decimus in the epilogue might have had some Nurgle taint (being dead but still alive as the Flayer said) after eating what I made out to be some sort of Plague champion in the second book.


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I dived into void stalker right after I finished the emperors gift. This was a fun couple of days for me! And man, was this book depressing for all the right reasons. I knew

they were all going to die, but xarl's death so early on in the book

took me by surprise and really set the tone.


Cyrion. I loved him in the first two books, he was scum like the rest of them sure, but his cocky sarcasm endeared me to him. But

to find out what he was responsible for the death of Arkiah and allowing for Uzas to take the blame and for and the part with the small girl made me hate him so much. But then, at the end where he is dying and speaks his last words to Talos, this made me love that dirty two faced son of a bitch again.



Uzas. I think everyone felt a sting of sympathy for him in the end. If you didn't, you must be one of Deltrians menials. The best part for Uzas in Void Stalker was when he asks Talos what

the name of his dog was when he was still a teenager on Nostramo. Uzas was my second favourite character of the claw and to see him come to and end like he did really, really made me sadface. A fantastic character that didn't deserve the end Talos gave him.



Xarl. I never did take to Xarl as much as the other members of first claw. I liked him of course but he wasn't one of my favourites. But to have

him die so early on in the way he did really was a kick to the chestnuts. As he was head-butting Tolemion I sat there thinking to myself "Xarl you fool, what are you doing?" I still didn't truly believe he was dead when he finally collapsed in front of first claw. I thought he had just collapsed, not died, even if he was flat lining I didn't want to accept it. But it really got hammered home when Talos burned him. I kept thinking he was going to wake up any moment. But no.



Variel. I love how cold this guy is. I liked him and always wished to know what had happened between him and Talos for them to become as close as they did. Enjoyed the part in the Apothecarium where he casually

cut the Night Lords hand off then instructed the servitors to add it to the list of required bionic replacements haha. What a bugger. Felt a bit of sympathy for him dragging his legless form across the muddy ground of Tsagualsa - it was quite a turn of events to see him in such a position. Karma is a bitch.



Mercutian. Hands down my favourite member of first claw. He was never really a main member, but he was always there and I liked how he was in the background for the most part and wasn't twisted by hate and bitterness. So it would seem after a good day or raiding and pillaging he liked to sit down at his desk and do some writing. My kind of Night Lord. And wow, did he

go out with a BANG. Absolute badass. "Now try running...".



Malcharion. While not part of first claw, I just love him to bits. Walking around the depths

of the catacombs owning up the pointy ears and then coming across Marlonah was really great. The fact that he actually protected her gave me the biggest smile.


Marlonah limped alongside the colossal war machine. Her torchlight flickered and died yet again, and this time, smacking it against her thigh didn't bring it back to life. For several seconds she stood in the darkness, listening to the dusty ghosts of the forgotten fortress.

'Our Techmarines and trained serfs constructed servitors in a ceaseless horde. Captives. Failed aspirants. Humans harvested from a hundred worlds, brought here to serve. Can you imagine that? Can you picture the production lines filling this bare hall?'

'I... I can't see anything, lord'


Light returned with a crack. A lance of illumination burned from the Dreadnaught's shoulder.

'Is that better?'

'Yes, lord.'

'Stop using that word. I am no one's lord.'



Fantastic moment that put a grin on my face.


So, thank you for the great books ADB.

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I dived into void stalker right after I finished the emperors gift. This was a fun couple of days for me! And man, was this book depressing for all the right reasons. I knew

they were all going to die, but xarl's death so early on in the book

took me by surprise and really set the tone.


Cyrion. I loved him in the first two books, he was scum like the rest of them sure, but his cocky sarcasm endeared me to him. But

to find out what he was responsible for the death of Arkiah and allowing for Uzas to take the blame and for and the part with the small girl made me hate him so much. But then, at the end where he is dying and speaks his last words to Talos, this made me love that dirty two faced son of a bitch again.



Uzas. I think everyone felt a sting of sympathy for him in the end. If you didn't, you must be one of Deltrians menials. The best part for Uzas in Void Stalker was when he asks Talos what

the name of his dog was when he was still a teenager on Nostramo. Uzas was my second favourite character of the claw and to see him come to and end like he did really, really made me sadface. A fantastic character that didn't deserve the end Talos gave him.



Xarl. I never did take to Xarl as much as the other members of first claw. I liked him of course but he wasn't one of my favourites. But to have

him die so early on in the way he did really was a kick to the chestnuts. As he was head-butting Tolemion I sat there thinking to myself "Xarl you fool, what are you doing?" I still didn't truly believe he was dead when he finally collapsed in front of first claw. I thought he had just collapsed, not died, even if he was flat lining I didn't want to accept it. But it really got hammered home when Talos burned him. I kept thinking he was going to wake up any moment. But no.



Variel. I love how cold this guy is. I liked him and always wished to know what had happened between him and Talos for them to become as close as they did. Enjoyed the part in the Apothecarium where he casually

cut the Night Lords hand off then instructed the servitors to add it to the list of required bionic replacements haha. What a bugger. Felt a bit of sympathy for him dragging his legless form across the muddy ground of Tsagualsa - it was quite a turn of events to see him in such a position. Karma is a bitch.



Mercutian. Hands down my favourite member of first claw. He was never really a main member, but he was always there and I liked how he was in the background for the most part and wasn't twisted by hate and bitterness. So it would seem after a good day or raiding and pillaging he liked to sit down at his desk and do some writing. My kind of Night Lord. And wow, did he

go out with a BANG. Absolute badass. "Now try running...".



Malcharion. While not part of first claw, I just love him to bits. Walking around the depths

of the catacombs owning up the pointy ears and then coming across Marlonah was really great. The fact that he actually protected her gave me the biggest smile.


Marlonah limped alongside the colossal war machine. Her torchlight flickered and died yet again, and this time, smacking it against her thigh didn't bring it back to life. For several seconds she stood in the darkness, listening to the dusty ghosts of the forgotten fortress.

'Our Techmarines and trained serfs constructed servitors in a ceaseless horde. Captives. Failed aspirants. Humans harvested from a hundred worlds, brought here to serve. Can you imagine that? Can you picture the production lines filling this bare hall?'

'I... I can't see anything, lord'


Light returned with a crack. A lance of illumination burned from the Dreadnaught's shoulder.

'Is that better?'

'Yes, lord.'

'Stop using that word. I am no one's lord.'



Fantastic moment that put a grin on my face.


So, thank you for the great books ADB.


Man we had almost the exact same opinions of the book.



Only difference is Uzas was my favorite. The fact that he came to an end like that.....




Malcharion was awesome in this book as well. He seemed far more human than the others. Maybe not more human but more, sympathetic?




Felt the same with Xarl. I actually skipped ahead looking for Xarl's name in the last few chapters and I ended up finding a flashback with Xarl in it. So I thought Xarl was still alive. So kept reading and saw Xarl was lying down "dead" I thought oh well he can't die because he's still talking later in the book....boy was I wrong!


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If mercutian wasn't such a calm and controlled Astartes (For a Night Lord that is) then Uzas would of been my clear favourite. But the fact that Mercutian is so dour, quiet and reserved (again, for a Night Lord) makes me really like him. It contrasted really well against the others of first claw. I guess he reminds me of me in a way ;)


As for Maclharion I consider him one of the "Old guard" from the time where they weren't all twisted by hate and bitterness. He was asleep and never really a part of all that so pretty much remained impartial and in control of himself. He was the captain of the 10th after all and was practically mocked by Night Haunter about his writings and being titled war sage by his brothers and that he would be more welcome in the ultramarines.

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At the very least, he had a concussion just as Xarl did. the difference between the two would be that Xarl's skull was fractured beyond belief. That injury is apparent both in the description of his indescribable pain and how he even thinks his face has been rearranged. Where as the Termie would be in hangover mode.

Well, that's why the maneuvre should've made it easier for Tolemion to kill Xarl, not the other way around.



Although for your experiment, I would suggest either a racing helmet or a motorcycle helmet. They're a little bit stronger and have some more padding to help reduce head trauma. Not to mention they can leave behind some very ugly bruises behind.

Repeatedly headbutting a helmeted opponent with my bare head would improve his chances of beating me. If I'm losing the fight, I doubt the maneuvre would help me turn the fight around.



Besides, Xarl doesn't really come out on top. He smashes his own skull to pieces and practically kills himself

It helps Xarl kill the champion (instead of simply dying). Xarl's headbutts work to his favour. They turn around a fight he's been losing.



just to disorientate the other guy and get him to back off a couple of steps.

Wouldn't the maneuvre disorient Xarl much more? He should be easy prey after smashing his own face to pieces. I just find it rather odd that it helps him kill his opponent.


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Jeez people this is fight, not chess. You should count in such factors as when you intend to do something unexpected, this may actually may surprise opponent and he might not know what you are doing, while you exactly know what are you doing.
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Jeez people this is fight, not chess. You should count in such factors as when you intend to do something unexpected, this may actually may surprise opponent and he might not know what you are doing, while you exactly know what are you doing.


On a side note, the next time I play chess, I'm going to calmly pick up my queen like I'm about to move it, then frog-punch my opponent in the forehead with it, flip over the board and scream "Ave Dominus Nox!"


Seriously though, just finished the book, and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out (though Mercution's death still pains me). Most everyone here covered the big stuff I like, but it was all the little "easter eggs" that really got me excited, such as

Decimus wearing a piece of each of first claw's personal heraldry (nice touch), and First claw accidentaly running into the Bleeding Eyes while they were feasting and having a 'Darth Vader' moment as one of the Eyes tried to reattach his helm, showing the corruption beneath, and First using their screams to counter the Howling Banshees trademark (THAT amused me to no end, lol)

. Also, I enjoyed how the book created as many questions as it answered, leaving me wanting more even at the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A great book I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would say Mercutian and Variel were my two favourite characters.



With regards to the headbutt in the Xarl Toleimon (sp) duel at first I thought what really? Then when I thought about it, I realised it was far from ridiculous. I now see it as something that was so unlikely and unexpected from Toleimon's view that it might just have stunned a company champion and made him hesitate for the split second that Xarl required to gain an advantage.


The fight with Eldar was well done also. I think ADB does a good job of gauging the relative power of the different combatants in the book. No one is particularly overpowered. In my mind the banshees were just as I imagine them; devastating when they are allowed to impose their strategy of charging and then breaking away but fragile in protracted combat. Truly the eldar came across as masters of a particular aspect. The Guardians died much like guardsman as I would expect, lacking the armour and weapons to stand toe to toe with Astartes.


I loved the use of the terminator armour. Just like in TEG I felt the author suitably described the differences between fighting in power armour and TDA.


I liked that the vision/prophecy of Cyrion and Uzas came to pass and it was simply due to Talos misreading the dream. Much like the eldar misreading their prophecy and mistaking Talos as their future nemesis instead of presumably Decimus. It just goes to show that while those with the power to scry the future can have a great advantage it must be in context. I felt the Cyrion-Uzas revelation would have been more powerful if it had happened earlier in the series somehow. I felt sorry for Uzas but as Cyrion died very soon afterwards I felt that emotion drain slightly.



Overall I was really impressed. The author has a gift of painting the impression of the scenes and allows your imagination to vividly fill the gaps. Having now read five of his full novels I won't hesitate to aquire anything he writes. 4.5/5!

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Wow, this thread contains so much censoring so I think my post will add to this a bit!


Personally I loved the entire night lords series especially malcharion for being such an absolute legend. One of the greatest comedy elements in void stalker has to be part of talos' memory where they're pinned down by enemy fire on Tsagualsa and the ultramarines' heavy weapon tropper moves up leading to cyrion shouting "They're bringing up a heavy bolter". This is then followed by Sar Zell firing his lascannon at the squad with such calm and then Cyrion looking out and shouting " They're not bringing up a havy bolter anymore" or something like that.


Out of first claw mercutian has to be my favourite in void stalker for his calm and his death when he partially cripples Jain zar. However, I've begun to wish that ADB hadn't killed off Adhemar in Soul Hunter because after re-reading it recently I felt that he had a lot of potential to be expanded upon as a veteran figure among the squad.

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Yeah almost forgot that scene. I think the one I remember most after Xarl's Epic Fight Scene was Lucoryphus and the Bleeding Eyes having an air battle with the Swooping Hawks. That one was awesome.
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My own feelings about the book: not that great, in fact a boring read compared to Soul Hunter or even Blood Reaver.



Elaborate, please? I'm curious, how was it boring?


To be honest, I'm not sure I can articulate it in a way that will satisfy you.


It didn't have the lure that the first book did in abundance - New Author Syndrome in my case - nor those parts of the second that I really enjoyed. It was more of a chore to read book three, in that when I had a minute spare I didn't think "I know, I'll read another chapter!" like I've done many a time.


It might just be my perception, but compared to the other books in the series, as well as the Guard book, Void Stalker fell short of the standards already set.

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My own feelings about the book: not that great, in fact a boring read compared to Soul Hunter or even Blood Reaver.



Elaborate, please? I'm curious, how was it boring?


To be honest, I'm not sure I can articulate it in a way that will satisfy you.


It didn't have the lure that the first book did in abundance - New Author Syndrome in my case - nor those parts of the second that I really enjoyed. It was more of a chore to read book three, in that when I had a minute spare I didn't think "I know, I'll read another chapter!" like I've done many a time.


It might just be my perception, but compared to the other books in the series, as well as the Guard book, Void Stalker fell short of the standards already set.


Fair enough -- to each their own.

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I just finished reading the book moments ago...



most of what i think has already been said (and probably said better than i could say it), but i just have to say i loved the living crap out of this book. I felt odd several times reading it, as i was rooting for some truly foul beings, who deserve the fates they eventually have...


so why do i feel conflicted about the deaths of First Claw? (all i can say, is that is proof of some damn good writing) even as they fell, one by one, i was saddened at the death of brutal murderers, sadists and psychopaths. A D-B, you are a magnificent bastard.


a few last things i want to chime in:

1) I believe Decimus is the offspring of Octavia and Septimus.

2) I believe that Malcharion died at the end, finally going to "sleep". As the least repulsive NL in the book, he deserved some freaking peace.

3) I want to know where Malek and Garadon where during the events of the story, and how they found (or were found) by Decimus.





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Having just finished the book (hey, I only got it last week)...




I am, for some reason, ridiculously bothered because Uzas loots a bolter from one of his dead squadmates in a flashback since his own is broken. Since Uzas' bolter in Blood Reaver (or Soul Hunter) was given to him by Malcharion (I believe at the Siege of Terra), this created an apparent minor inconsistency. Which is, of course, much more annoying than a major inconsistency. :D


I don't think Decimus is the son of Octavia and Septimus. I think he's named that because he's the tenth slave of Talos, in that he's carrying on Talos' mission/work/complaining. Also, him being the son of Octavia and Septimus would be the official Least Subtle Thing To Ever Happen.


Uzas' death was like kicking a puppy, but meaner. And with less drool.


Xarl headbutting the guy does seem like the sort of thing that would be break-even at best, but I'm prepared to believe the other guy didn't expect it.


I am amused that Malcharion's actions with whatsername actually sort of justify the idea that there was more to the Legion than slaughtering people for giggles. No doubt this was Talos' plan all along - to cunningly demonstrate the nobility of the Legion by slaughtering millions, getting thousands killed in a battle, then getting the remains of two companies wiped out, all so one Dreadnought could save one slave with a bionic leg. After all, death is nothing compared to vindication.


I do suspect A D-B was trying to remind us that the Night Lords are horrible people. Which he succeeded admirably at.



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