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Paint comparisons


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I've been (slowly) collecting and painting for a loyalist DIY chapter, and have over a few years arrived at a paint scheme that I like, and that is fairly easy to paint. I have very limited hobby time as I have a young daughter, and I'm not keen to change a system that works for me. Unfortunately, good 'ol GW have changed all the colours. To be fair, I've tried a few of the new paints and they are, in my opinion, a pleasure to work with, it's just that there isn't a direct colour to colour comparison and I'm struggling with working out a new scheme.

My guys use a catachan green/regal blue/shining gold regalia in old money. Any ideas for how that translates to the new range? I'm also open to suggestions from other manufacturers.

I can post a picture of my current paint scheme if it helps?

Thanks folks.

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On the other manufactures you could always look into Vallejo! Good paints nice dropper bottles. Metallics arent as good in there normal range in my eyes. They have direct comparisons with GW painst with slightly

diffferent names!

Just look up a vallejo comparison chat on the net and it will tell you the exact vallejo paint replacement to use!

I would avoid trying to match the new paint line to the old paints. The aren't meant to match and the GW color guide trying to draw a parallel between the two paint systems is not accurate and should be regarded as a loose match at best. I've tried it with blues and reds and they aren't even close to my eye. Especially in sunlight.

I am in the same position that you are in and have switched to Vallejo Game Color for the colors that I must match am am very pleased with how close they are in color. I agree that the metallics aren't as good as GW had the best metallics in the business. I've actually been pretty impressed with the new GW paints overall and I'm already a big fan of the new Base line of paints that replaced the Foundation line.

I am confidant that if you find a match online in the Vallejo Game Color line and order it you will be happy with them once your used to the different bottle and paint consistency. The Vallejo paints are a little thinner overall but that's actually a good thing once you get used to it.

Thanks for the input everybody. Sounds like Vallejo get a good press if I need direct colour matches. I'm lucky in that I was able to pick up a few pots of each of my main colours before they went off sale. I'm going to give some of the new line a go too, as the ones I've tried are very good.


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