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Blood Ravens


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Brothers of the Blood Raven’s Chapter


The Blood Ravens are unique because they have lost all knowledge of their primarch and simply refer to their genetic father as The Unknown Primarch. The history of their founding has simply been forgotten through history… Or intentionally obscurred.

Furthermore the Chapter is obsessed with knowledge and secrets (ironic considering their ignorance of their past) and takes great pride in documenting their endavours akin to the warrior-sages of old Terra.

To this purpose each space ship in this fleet borne chapter carries massive Librariums where records and artefacts are stored. This goes hand-in-hand with the gene seeds apparant ability to enhance the psyker gene, which results in a chapter with an exceptional amount of Librarians, but also a chapter where a Librarian holds significant rank.

For all this the Blood Ravens have a split relationship with the Inquisition. On one hand the Inquisition is grateful for the Blood Ravens’ vast records which allows them to uncover significant details in their work, on the other hand the Blood Ravens sport a massive amount of artefacts where less than all of them have been confirmed to be pure. The Blood Ravens claim to destroy any item that carries taint, but because only the secret masters, an unknown group of individuals spread across the chapter rumoured to be the true leaders of the chapter, though their existance have never been confirmed, and the Chapter’s Librarians have acces to the Librariums it can never truly be confirmed…


This is the story of the Blood Raven II company. As all Space Marines it sports veterans of a thousand battles, who have faced the grim darkness of this time and defied death more than once.

In recent history the second company earned much honour in their fight in the Dark Crusade on planet Kronus. Here the second company ensured victory against the Necron who rested under this world, which resultet in many battle brothers earned a Silver Skull for their efforts in that conflict and the Company placed a necron skull on their standart and adopted the motto Victory over Death.


First squad, second company

The first squad have come to play a very special role in the second company. This may be due to the very low amount of casualties sustained by the squad or the seemingly guidance of talented members to the squad. It is rumoured that the secret masters of the chapter have played no small part in the names presented in the first squad.




from left to right:


Ikarion Ser

Recruited from: Cyrene

Role: Special weapon support

Ikarion originally served under the command of Gabriel Angelos and the third company. Though a dedicated and loyal marine, Gabriel and the Inquisition’s destruction of Cyrene took a harsh toll on Ikarion. His frustration earned him no small attention from chapter command and he was called in for several meetings with the chapter chaplains.

Though the cause is unknown, perhaps a personal request from Captain Validar or from Sergeant Kaidor, Ikarion was moved into service to the first squad, second company. Here he quickly fell more appeace which revealed a hidden psychic potential within him. Researched by the Chapter Librarians it became clear that the traumatic experience of watching ones world burn had trickered the sleeping psionic pressence in Ikarion, however even though awake it was never strong enough to allow him to enter the Librarius. Ikarion is a latent psyker, a pyromancer, and when he combined his powers with the heat-based weapons of the specialist weapons, the plasma, the melta and the flamer, he becomes a thing to admire and fear.

Though not librarian, Ikarion was allowed to select wargear kept within the chapter Librarius, finding pairs of finely crafted hand-weapon versions of the special weapons that binds perfectly with his latent powers.



Inael Choria

Recruited from: Meridian

Role: Tech Specialist

Inael served for many years in the Chapter’s Armory after heavy exposure to the Necron’s Gauss technology had sundered his body. Many feared that the Astartes would come to hate his duties as the irony of machines dooming him to work with machines, rendering him unable to join his battle brothers in combat, was too obvious to be overlooked.

However, even as Inael became capable of rejoining his battle brothers he choose to continue his duties in the Armory. The Techmarines, who were often viewed with distrust and suspicion due to their split loyalities between the Chapter and the Mechanicus Omnissiah, were more than pleased to teach the Astartes warrior.

Before the techmarines could conduct a request for his introduction into the techmarines to Chapter Command and the Tech-Adepts of Mars, Inael met Firan and learned of his fate. The two of them bonding quickly and soon hereafter beind seconded to second company’s first squad, where Inael singlehandedly maintains much of the squads armor and weaponry, including the maintainance of the dedicated Rhino ’Retribution’.


Sergeant Kaidor Rex

Recruited from: Cyrene

Role: Squad Sergeant

The sergeant of the first squad holds a special place in the second company. He is relentless in command and thoughtful in advice which have yeilded him a position as second hand for the Captain, above even the members of the command squad. Having earned honours enough times to be elevated to the command squad himself or join the venerated first company, Kaidor chooses to remain with his squad and under his command the squad has grown to become a strong specialist force, the brotherhood amongst its members rare even amongst the Space Marines.


Firan Erion

Recruited from: Meridian

Role: Bionic marine

Firan was burned beond recognition by the Necrons on Kronus. He was in stasis for much of the aftertime and the Apothecaries were forced to replace vital parts with bionics, fusing them with some of his battle plate. After his awakening Firan found himself bitter beond words for the scarring of his body. When Firan were battle ready again it was clear that his hatred made him unstable.

Through unknown strings of fate, or perhaps the careful manipulation of a secret master, Firan came to meet Inael, however. Through their shared fate they found balance within one another and though Inael retained his love for machines and Firan his hate for xenos, there was a balance between the two that were unmistakable. For this they were soon to be elected, side by side, to join the first squad.



Illarion Vy’est

Recruited from: Cyrene

Role: Scribe

Illarion is in essence a sage more than a warrior. Though a formidable combatant on the battlefield, Illarion considers his primary duty to write down everything the second company endures.

His works have filled several tomes and word has it that they take up quite a special place within the librarium of the second company and his works is certainly referred to many times in debates of tactics and philosophy within the second.

Illarion have created some rituals for himself during his time in service, the most significant that he feels that the pages alone cannot truly describe the horrors and the glories the second encounters without the actual experience. Thus he adorns his armor with book and paper, to let the blood of the enemy splatter upon it and show exactly the meaning of the words they are meant to hold.




From left to right


Mikael Delinsun

Recruited from: Rahe’s Paradise

Role: Squad spotter or scout

Mikael showed much talent through his training in the tenth. He was even one of the five selected to train directly under Torias Telion when the Ultramarines was repaying an old depth to the Blood Ravens and it has been said that the veteran sergeant had laughed at the young marine’s talent.

Though Mikael would have made for a fine Scout Sergeant he had a passionate wish to learn all the different aspects of what it meant to be a Space Marine which eventually lead him to the first squad and though his abilities as a tactical marine is no less than his peers, it is his expertise and knowledge from the tenth that earns him respect.




Recruited from: ++records sealed++

Role: Melee support

The first thing one notices about Anon is his sheer bulk. Too large for ordinary power armor, the techmarines of the Chapter forged him a special armor using parts from Tactical Dreadnought Armor to allow it to fit him. In spite of his size Anon is a quiet and gentle creature.

He is also the oldest serving member of the second company, the history of his past and origins hidden well within the depths of the Librariums, though it is certain that he have participated in many campains over the years of his service. In spite of his many years of service, Anon have never been officially invited to the First Company or the command squad of another company, though he is certainly a veteran of enough campaigns to have earned it.


Karim Khar

Recruited from: Caldaris

Role: Heavy Weapon support

Through many years of service in the 9th company under captain Ulantus as a devastator marine, Karim quickly earned a reputation for his unforgiven and merciless manners.

It is well known that Anon holds no love for the unaugmented masses of the imperium. The imperial guard especially have failed to earn Anon’s respect through their lack of faith and courage.

More than equal is his hate for the enemy, his wrath guiding his hand as he purifies the enemy. It is a well known fact, that whenever Karim aims his weapon of choice, the Plasma Canon, chosen for its ability to burn through anything the xenos and the heretics might present, he mutters litanies of fury and retribution that he have learned by heart to rain down wrath upon the enemies of the emperor. For this he has earned much renown in the Chapter’s reclusiam and this appears clearly in the sheer amount of purity seals adoring his armor.


Qionex Shar

Recruited from: Caldaris

Role: Veteran

Qionex have earned himself the right to fight amongst the First Company in a fight against heretic marines of the III legion, the Emperor’s Children. He refused the honour, however, and chose to remain with the first squad in the second company, functioning as the second hand of Kaidor and often commanding the second combat squad.


Raril Seakun

Recruited from: Typhon Primaris

Role: Deathwatch Veteran

Raril has served in the mysterious Chapter Militant of the Ordo Xenos for about four decades before returning to the second company. Clad in an old, yet complete, version of Mark VI Corvus Power Armor he carries his Deathwatch shoulderplate with pride. Ready to adept to any situation, Raril’s skill with his bolter has earned him much renown throughout the second.

Though his oath of silence keeps him from any specifics about his time in the Deathwatch, his knowledge of xenos hunting have yielded unmistakable results in several campains.



I know this is an alternative way of doing things and if you do not like it - fair play! I'm not the best painter, nor the best converter out there. Any feedback on either of these two are, ofcourse, appriciated, but if you'd like to comment on the stories aswell, I'd love that :)

Storywise my Blood Ravens are not the ones pictured in C.S. Goto's omnibus or the dawn of war games (though both have their moments), but goes back to the original index astartes by Graham McNeil in WD 305 :)


Knowledge is power.

Guard it well.

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Looks like the left arm from the Master of Recruits from the Masters of the Chapter set.


Lovely looking Blood Ravens, must say. I do always like the fluffy approach to models and giving them names/backstories. Makes them feel more like Marines and not just models you throw away, as you then have an investment.


"One Marine down? Sure thing. No problem."




"You *£%£ing $&%£er. That was Brother xxx! How could you!?"


Looking forward to seeing where you go with this. Especially looking forward to your interpretation/own version of the Captain of the Second and the other Headquarters staff.

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It may take a while for me to get new pictures, since I'm depending on a mate to help me with pictures. My painting skills does make for an army you have to look at from a distance, though :P


Raril has indeed gotten his left arm from the master of recruits (the coolest of the 4 masters of the chapter, in my oppinion, still deciding what happends to him).


Darvell: Right on spot, brother! I made this tactical squad for the simple reason that I was tired of all the marines looking rank'n'file AOBR like, as if marines are simply foot soldiers that you can simply throw away.

Every Astartes is a hero and a veteran beond even trained and tested human commanders. They all have their personal story and are as unique and diverse as any main character in a well told story. This is what I have attempted to reflect.


There will be more comming :P

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Tenth company support: 7th scout squad: Secret Killers

Tenth Company presence in second company deployments have been rare since the assault on sub-sector Aurelia. However a single squad have been selected to join the second on their campaign as the recruits are almost ready to throw off the mantle of initiate and become a true battle brother.

It remains yet to be revealed whether the name of the squad implies ‘killers in secret’, implying the stealthy nature of scout deployment, or ‘killers of secrets’, which implies the Blood Raven quest for enlightenment and knowledge. Though it seems unimportant the squad sergeant takes great pleasure in giving out both interpretations at as many occasions as possible.


Scout Sergeant Kiatel Zark’Carn

Recruited from: Cyrene

Zark’Carn have served the chapter for many years, ranking him amongst the oldest member of the 10th company, older than even the revered Captain. Zark’Carn takes great pride in his squad and is well known as a harsh tutor. For this he actively searches for challenges for him and the scouts currently serving under him, making sure that they face challenges that matches their skill but pushes them to the limit.

For a deployment in the Jovian Cataclysm where Zark’Carn and his scouts took out a chaos champion set on destroying a mechanicus facility on Jovian VII Zark’Carn were awarded a Psyber-Raven that could act as his eyes and ears on the battlefield.


note: The Jovian Cataclysm is an actual campaign played between ~20 people

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thank you for the response, I try to make the fluff texts short and to-the-point so that people don't have to work through a wall of text, but simply get a few lines to describe the "feel" of the minature and its story.


Now, pictures:




++Files sealed++

+assigned name: Warriors of fire and death+

++numeric value 98544++

+report: These mystical warriors are rumoured to have intervened on several occasions on the field of battle. Though where they come from or why the fight in our favour is a secret lost to us. Fact is that they have saved lives by appearing out of nowhere to the place where the fighting is thickest and that they vanish as soon as the battle appears to be won or the retreat have been fully executed+

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