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All out brawl with some Nids


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Every few months we run a league out here. The format changes a bit each time, this time it is 2000 points throughout and we are using the adepticon 2012 scenarios. Each round lasts two weeks, to allow flexibility in getting your game in.


We played the moon of skulls scenario last night.


My opponent ran nids. I'm not exactly sure about point values and all that, but his list was roughly.



The Swarm Lord

Flying Hive Tyrant with a bone sword and I think a lash whip?


Two Hive Guard with 24 inch missle launcher equivalents


50 genestealers with Brood lords in each squad


2 Trygon Primes


The Doom of Malantai with a mycetic spore.



My list runs as follows




+ HQ +


* Captain

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack Power Weapon



* Librarian

Shield of Sanguinius, The Sanguine Sword

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack



+ Elites +


* Chaplain

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack



* Sanguinary Priests

* Sanguinary Priest

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Jump Pack

* Sanguinary Priest

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Jump Pack

* Sanguinary Priest

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword



+ Troops +


* Assault Squad

9x Assault Marines , Meltagun , Meltagun , Retain Jump Packs

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Fist



* Assault Squad

9x Assault Marines , Meltagun , Meltagun , Retain Jump Packs

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Fist



* Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines , Meltagun

* Razorback

Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



* Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines , Meltagun

* Razorback

Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

* Veteran Sergeant ()

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



+ Fast Attack +


* Attack Bike Squadron

2x Attack Bike , 2x Multimelta



* Attack Bike Squadron

2x Attack Bike (), 2x Multimelta



+ Heavy Support + (


* Devestator Squad

4x Devestator Marine ), 4x Missile Launcher)

* Rhino

Pintle Storm Bolter

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Bolter



* Devestator Squad

4x Devestator Marine ), 4x Missile Launcher

* Rhino (

Pintle Storm Bolter (

* Veteran Sergeant (

Bolt Pistol, Bolter




To the Battle itself:


It was rough. I was concerned with this matchup as I have struggled against nids in the past. I knew I wouldn't get much out of my librarian and the Doom is a pain in the rear. The deployment was also Dawn of War, so my devastators were short a turn of shooting.


I won first turn and elected not to deploy anything and placed my bikes and jumpers in reserve. My opponent sprinkled genestealers throughout the table.


During my turn 1, I drove the razorbacks and rhinos onto the table and put them against the table edge in a corner with some space between my vehicles and the gene stealers. I used my shooting to thin out some gene stealers. He moved up and the other stuff came onto the table.


During turn 2, all of my reserves came in, and luckily for me none of his entered. I left the Devastators in the Rhinos for the duration of the game as to not lose any more shooting and for fear of the Doom landing on them. The dual storm bolter rhinos were actually pretty effective and I was still able to shoot 4 krak missles per turn at monstrous creatures.


During turn 2 and three I annihilated all but one squad of genestealers camped across the table in cover. I also put a dent in his hive tyrant with shooting and was abile to finish him off in turn 4.


I made a critical blunder though in turn three. I surrounded the Swarm Lord both squads of attack bikes, my squad of jumpers with attached captain, librarian, chaplain, and priest, and 2 melta guns in it, and a Las Plas Razorback.


I was thinking dead bug time, but not so much.


My multi meltas only did one wound. The two melta guns in the assault squad did nothing, and I got one wound from the las plas. No bolt round wounds either. The dice gods were out to get me.


So I charged the swarm lord (who only took two wounds from all that shooting). He killed my captain, chaplain, priest, and librarian in one go! Then the remains of those squads stayed locked in combat with him for the duration of the game.


Then the Trygons and Doom appeared. The Doom ate a few marines, I charged him with my other squad of jumpers and the power fist cleaned his clock.


The other trygon proceeded to attack my razorbacks camped on an objective. I got the guys out of the trucks and between the turrets, melta guns, and missle launchers killed him off. The other Trygon did not make it to the fight before the game ended.



Game ended at Turn 6, I had 50 more victory points, and we tied for objectives.




The obvious thing sticking out at me was I should not have charged the swarm lord with my independent characters. Otherwise, I felt pretty good about the match.



I managed to win by the skin of my teeth. We tied for the objectives, but I had more kill points.


The Deployment

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If I understand correctly, he killed 4 independent characters in one round of combat? I believe the swarmlord is only allowed to direct his attacks against one independent character/unit per round of combat. He is not allowed to split his attacks among different units, meaning he should not have killed four separate units in one round, but maybe I am missing something? Just something to think about for that next engagement with the swarmlord. Just look in the rule book about rules for independent characters in combat.
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Yeah...it's illegal to do that, so next time you charge him, have your opponent choose one unit and one unit only to attack in that round of combat, that way, even if he causes five unsaved wounds on say, your sanguinary priest, it still only counts for one wound towards combat resolution because your priest only has one wound, should help your combat out a little bit. Also in regards to captains, they are so fluffy and cool, but usually not the best hq choice for a blood angels force unfortunately. If you want to run one, then by all means do it and don't worry about what people say. But personally, I feel those points could be better spent elsewhere, another Libby, another priest, some upgrades for your squads, all that good stuff. But hey, if you wanna run a captain, do it and have fun with it! Hope this helps!
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eh? Swarmlord wasn't engaged at the beginning of combat so he can split his attacks freely against those in base-2-base.


A bit unfortunate though with all his attacks hitting and wounding. Never charge the swarmlord without major Ini advantage <shiver> What on the objectives? Only things alive on his side look to be a trygon + swarmlord

I am surprised by the top heavy list - captain, libbie and chappie totals about 390pts. I'd go with the flow and trim one of them.


EDIT: drop the chappie and a jumpack priest for a jump pack honour guard? Spare 35pts for upgrades

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When I charged him, I put the independent characters in base to base with him so that they could attack, and then he split his attacks.



I run the captain primarily for one reason. I've created a Battle Company and he's the captain.


I also like that he has three wounds and a power weapon for only 140 points. I use him to eat wounds at times.

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eh? Swarmlord wasn't engaged at the beginning of combat so he can split his attacks freely against those in base-2-base.


Unfortunately, he can not split his attacks. He must target one unit to attack, there is an FAQ regarding this, here is the link.



attacks can be split if in base with more than 1 unit. That is a 4th edition FAQ you posted a link to.

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