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Vehicle Sponsons


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This came up last night.


I was under the assumption that when you purchase sponsons for a vehicle, you purchased two independent weapons. So, a weapon destroyed result would only eliminate one sponson and for the purposes of firing, you could not shoot both of them at the same time if you moved (except for hurricane bolters as they are defensive weapons).



Other fellows said the pair of sponsons are one weapon, meaning a weapon destroyed result eliminates both of them and both sponsons can be fired simultaneously if the vehicle moves.


So what is the deal?

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The sponsons are separate weapons for all purposes of gameplay as you check line of sight for each sponson, roll to hit separately, etc. One weapon destroyed result will take out only one of the sponsons. The phrasing "pair of sponsons" means that you pay x points for both weapons not only one.


In addition, having a weapon sponson mounted, meerly represents the position a weapon has on a vehicle not a weapon type.

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