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Aspring Sorcerer powers?


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Hey everyone I was just wondering what is the best psychic power to give thousand son aspring Sorcerers, I am hopefully going to play against a sisters of battle army this week but don't really know what power to have. Gift of chaos turning the low toughness sisters into spawns or bolt of change to give the squad a bit of anti tank to kill any penitent engines he has I don't know what list he will take all I know it will be a 2000pt army.


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Bolt of Change.


Your Thousand Sons will slaughter his Sisters with inferno bolts (hitting on 3s, wounding on 3s, no armour saves? 6+ invuns won't save him from rapid-fire).


What you need is something to de-mech him, since everything will be in Rhinos or Repressors except maybe his Retributors (if he has them), and you'll want something to kill his Exorcists (front armour 13, 6+ invulnerable save, and a Rng 48", S8 AP1 Heavy D6 MLRS)!


The most dangerous things you're likely to face are a Battle Conclave (like the GK Henchman squad, but limited to Death Cult assassins, Crusaders, and arco-Flagellants, let by.. lets face it, probably Jacobus, who gives them +1 attack, fearless and reroll to hit when charging) and Exorcists, although Dominion melta-spam is also likely if he knows you're bringing power armour.

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Depends on what is in the rest of the army. I used to run aspiring sorcerers with warptime so that when they came into cqc they would have a little bit more threat. But recently I have been putting bolt of change on them so that there is even more ranged firepower. As it looks right now I have 4 sorcerers with bolt of change, 2 dreadnoughts with a plasma cannon and lascannon, 3 obliterators and a squad of chosen with plasma guns...that's a fair bit of AP1 / AP2.
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In the mighty hands of Ahriman, it's awesome.

On your aspiring champions, it's a waste of points.

--> Doombolt.


I have recently played my first game with the thousand sons, and I was wondering why gift of chaos is bad on aspiring sorcerors? They can still cast it twice a turn (as they have the mark of tzeentch), which is only 1 time less than Ahriman himself. Personally, I found the bolt of change lackluster, and had more success assaulting a vehicle than shooting at it with my psychic powers... :S


May have partly been my dice rolling, though. Still, having seen the devastation gift of chaos can do vs T3 enemies, I don't think it's all that much of a bad power even on aspiring sorcerors. Please explain?

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In the mighty hands of Ahriman, it's awesome.

On your aspiring champions, it's a waste of points.

--> Doombolt.


I have recently played my first game with the thousand sons, and I was wondering why gift of chaos is bad on aspiring sorcerors? They can still cast it twice a turn (as they have the mark of tzeentch), which is only 1 time less than Ahriman himself. Personally, I found the bolt of change lackluster, and had more success assaulting a vehicle than shooting at it with my psychic powers... :S


May have partly been my dice rolling, though. Still, having seen the devastation gift of chaos can do vs T3 enemies, I don't think it's all that much of a bad power even on aspiring sorcerors. Please explain?

Personally speaking, seeing 4T+ on most of my enemy's models, the presence of Psy-hoods or similar psychic defenses, giving my opponent free KP in KP missions, and the cost of the power all make me look elsewhere for my Chaos voodoo. It is fun when it works on something big though.. :lol:
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No worries there then, Sisters are all T3 with no psychic defences.


Gift doesn't work on the Saint, though, since it still removes her from play before replacing her with the spawn.

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No worries there then, Sisters are all T3 with no psychic defences.


Gift doesn't work on the Saint, though, since it still removes her from play before replacing her with the spawn.


Was that ever officially FAQed? RAW supports the spawn AND Celestine, but fluff-wise it doesn't make sense.

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Sure it does. Celestine isn't a physical entity so much as a kind of daemon anyway. She's like the Legion of the Damned - she appears out of nowhere, fights, then vanishes again. Sometimes she sticks around for a campaign, but we don't know if she says anything. It's implied not.


Saint Sabbat has a similar thing, although it's implied she has to possess pre-existing girls' bodies to do her respawn trick.

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I was wondering why gift of chaos is bad on aspiring sorcerors? They can still cast it twice a turn (as they have the mark of tzeentch)


GoC on ASorcerers is bad because they can only cast it once per player turn, and it means they would have to be tied up in combat for a turn unless they charge, which means youre probably losing anyways.


Remember that FAQs for some units do not apply to others. Ahriman can use GoC/Warptime three times in one turn because his faq says so. Even a Mastery Level 3 GK Libby cannot cast hammerhand even twice, just like a (basically) Mastery Level 2 Aspiring Sorcerer cannot cast GoC twice, as per the new 40k rulebook faq. He may use two seperate powers per player turn.


That was unnecessarily long to make a simple point, but with all the GK shannannigans around us, it's imperative that we play our psychic abilities correctly so that we can hold our heads up high with our crap book.

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Thanks for the advice I played against the sisters of battle army last night and found that I like Gift more than Bolt mainly due to the fact my aspiring champion armed with Bolt failed to destroy any thing all game while my sorcerer with Gift owned the sanit twice, and turned his cannoness into a spawn preventing it and it's Celestine squad from assaulting my last plague marine holding the objective to get me a draw, obviously it won't work on an army with a high psychic defense or high toughness but against sisters it was perfect, (I am still writing the battle report for last night so it should be up soon if you want to hear the whole thing)
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I was wondering why gift of chaos is bad on aspiring sorcerors? They can still cast it twice a turn (as they have the mark of tzeentch)


GoC on ASorcerers is bad because they can only cast it once per player turn, and it means they would have to be tied up in combat for a turn unless they charge, which means youre probably losing anyways.


Remember that FAQs for some units do not apply to others. Ahriman can use GoC/Warptime three times in one turn because his faq says so. Even a Mastery Level 3 GK Libby cannot cast hammerhand even twice, just like a (basically) Mastery Level 2 Aspiring Sorcerer cannot cast GoC twice, as per the new 40k rulebook faq. He may use two seperate powers per player turn.


That was unnecessarily long to make a simple point, but with all the GK shannannigans around us, it's imperative that we play our psychic abilities correctly so that we can hold our heads up high with our crap book.


ah, there's the point. I figured as it wasn't a psychic shooting attack, and models with the mark of tzeentch may cast 2 spells per player turn, they could use gift twice, but the main rulebook faq states clearly that unless the psychic power itself states so, it cannot be cast multiple times by the same psyker during a turn. Thanks for clearing that up!

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  • 5 weeks later...

As you can see in one of my topics I plan to field a classic TSons squad in a Kill Team, which means that I have the access to an aspiring sorcerer.


Now after some reading I consider Gift as a viable power on such a small points engagement, I have to playtest it but in theory it sounds solid. Is there perhaps another psyker power more viable or should I remain faithful to my chaos spawns?

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