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A question about Typhus.....

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Pretty much what it says in the title - where does Typhus' loyalties lay?


Im not completely clued up about all things Nurgle, but is it true that Typhus has split away from the Death Guard? If so, has he formed his own Nurgle warband/legion or has he attached himself to another warband? Or does Typhus loan himself out, for example would he lead other Nurgle warbands such The Cleaved or The Purge?

And finally, whats the relationship between Typhus and Mortarion(sp?) do they not like each other??



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From what I understand, when the Death Guard retreated to the Eye of Terror, Mortarion fashioned himself a daemon world. Typhus was sickened(pun not intended) by the fact that the daemon world resembles Barbarus combined with the fact that Mortarion was just going to sit there that he decided to strike it out on his own. Currently he is residing on a daemon world in the Agrippina Sector where he constantly raids Imperial forces. So I would say his loyalty lies strictly with Nurgle.
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Typhus has only one loyalty, and that is to Nurgle. What's more, he seems to have very specific preconceptions of what Nurgle is/demands that conflict wildly with his Primarch's. Mortarion seems to reflect the utter surrender of hope and will that feeds Nurgle in his aspect as The Lord of Despair; he is the retreat into comforting familiarity, sickening sentimentality; slow and inevitable decay. Thus Mortarion is quite content to conduct vast and extremely ponderous campaigns from his throne on the Plague Planet, casting his minions throughout the Eye of Terror and the material universe in century--spanning campaigns of corruption. Of course, Mortarion has the luxury of time in this regard; he is an immortal daemon lord; highest and most favoured of Nurgle's servants. Insofar as he is concerned, the universe will inevitably rot and collapse in on itself before he so much as has to stir from his throne. Typhus, on the other hand, regards Nurgle very differently; he seems to revere Nurgle in his more active aspect as the lord of fear and disease; whereas Mortarion is the slow burning fever; the decay of ages, Typhus is the pandemic, sweeping across worlds, decimating entire populations. Typhus's loyalty was to Nurgle long before any of the other Death Guard even knew who or what Nurgle was; though it hasn't been specifically determined as and when Typhus swore his fealty to Nurgle, it is known that his blood was corrupted from the get go, born as he was to a strain of humanity on Barbarus whose blood was intermingled with that of the alien overlords who once ruled the planet (and whom Mortarion helped overthrow). It was he who deliberately led the Death Guard to damnation in the Warp, who unleashed the Destroyer Hive upon them, resulting in the Plague Marines. As for Nurgle, he certainly doesn't seem to care one way or the other about this conflict amongst his "children;" both serve and feed him in their own peculiar ways, and the conflict itself seems to help spread his influence on a variety of different fronts.
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He is now the lord of Ulthor, a brand new daemon world in the material realm. And he is also responsible of the Plague of Unbelief, whos turning people into zombies.

He rocks.


Yeah especially if rumors serve true and taking Typhus will turn cultists into zombies!

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you could always create your own. A personalised version of Typhus, and call him Bob, or Dave, or maybe something slightly more fitting :)


Or you could say he was leading them in a raid, or their objectives happened to coincide at that point.

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Cheers again for the replies. So, for example if I had a Cleaved force but wanted to include Typhus how could I do it fluff wise?


Maybe Typhus is sent to The Cleaved as an emissary of Father Nurgle and incorporates them into his forces after they see how blessed by the All Father he is, or perhaps The Cleaved, following the spore of Typhus's actions across the galaxy, finally come to the daemon world he now rules and pledge themselves to him. Maybe they join him temporarily, united by their common patronage, or seek to prve their worthiness in his eyes. There are any number of justifications or narrative possibilities you could concoct; just let imagination free reign :D

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Well for example, this is how I did my terminator lord:


but as you can see, he uses the typhus model and can be easily recognizable as Typhus if I choose to use those rules (for wysiwyg purposes). I usually use him as a terminator lord with a daemon weapon, but we'll see what happens with the next codex. I may end up using him as Typhus quite a bit more. (he's a bit chopped up atm, but he'll get some torn up robes and a nice new base pretty soon)

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