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Need weapon ideas!


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Okay, more than slightly off the wall here, but bear with me.


Mate of mine has just finished a tour of Helmand, Afghanistan, he plays Khorne and already has 2 Land Raiders. I plan to build and paint him a third as a present. I've been following the work of Brother Morgan and Machinator in the Works in Progress forum and have got a set of spiky tracks from the latter to do a back-to-front design like the former. Who's own 'Heavy Assault' Land Raider looks suitably brutal for the Blood God.


He uses a pair of Vulcan Mega-bolters in the sponsons. :)


Now, since I can't get ahold of these for love nor money (tried every bits site I can think of) and I don't really want to do the Phobos weapon fit (it'll primarily be a display piece), what weapons would you suggest for maximum butchery? I don't really want to do something like the Crusader but any better ideas?


Game legal is not much of an issue here, I just want things that look like they deal max. carnage.

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You could try Punisher Cannons. The bitz stores that I tried seem to be out of them, but ForgeWorld ones might work? Especially since they come with external ammo barrels as well.


Actually, it looks like it could be a very easy conversion from a LR Redeemer's sponsons...

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Gotta say I like Cheexstas suggestion better myself, I think punisher cannons would look awesome.


I did think of the Punishers, only problem is that I have the FW version already and they're really weedy. :P The regular Demolisher ones are also hard to come by. Was going to use the Chapterhouse 'Raider kit, you see.

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