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Unfortunately he died on turn 1

Annhilation mode, and table halves deployment. I went first, He lined up a Meganobz squad directly in front of my Redeemer. It ended poorly for me


How did he get a first turn charge against you when you had the first turn?

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Unfortunately he died on turn 1

Annhilation mode, and table halves deployment. I went first, He lined up a Meganobz squad directly in front of my Redeemer. It ended poorly for me


How did he get a first turn charge against you when you had the first turn?



If you reread my post you can see that I mentioned it was Corbulos furious charge bubble that saved me in the turn 1 assault, meaning i charged him. I would rather not let a squad of meganobz get the furious charge bonus against me so I went in first.


I ended up popping 3 of the meganobz, wounding another, and dealing 3 wounds against ghazgul in the assault. Meaning he failed 2+ armoursaves for most of those. I dealt 27 attacks at Str.5 because I charged first(that was just the assault squad, not including the attacks from Corbulo and Gabriel Seth) And 3 PF hits from the sgt. at str 9.

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Nice piece Morticon. I have often wondered why all your list have Corbs in them. Thanks!


As far as when to use that reroll, I play fantasy with Dwarves and can buy a Lord or Hero his own personal reroll. I won't use it unless the odds are better that 50/50. I don't even like to use it unless it's to get that all most sure thing (need a 2+) off.

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I tend to lean more towards having a general goal for the re-roll rather then just using it at random. Two reasons, when you have a spefic goal you tend to use it earlier(aggressive deploment of deep strikers, first turn alpha striking armour), and it alows you to play more aggressive with Corbulo himself since if he dies and you havent used it you lose it. Now i will say that he is pretty narrow due to his wargear and lack of a JP hes only really going to fit into a mech/hybrid list, most pure mech dont really have enough bodys on the field to really take advantage of his bubble. I've been tring him out with mixxed results using a VV sqaud to threaten back field threats
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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for writing this up, it's very thoughtfully done, well presented and echoes my own thoughts.


Corbulo...what a guy..he's a little legend!


I suppose it depends on if he fits with your list or not. I wouldn't try to build a list around him, but if you have a non-jump pack assault unit in your force which is going to find itself attacking or trying to hang on to seriously contested objectives, Corbulo can increase their lifespan by a value which far exceeds the difference between his own PV and that of a normal Sanguinary Priest's. Taken with his re-roll and his CC strength and rending, he is much more powerful than his statline suggests.


Tanking in the enemy shooting phase. Tanking overwatch. Tanking close combat. Stepping up to take challenges and actually having some fair chance against 2+ armour characters. The FC and FNP buff. Oh yeah and that re-roll...


I don't even think of him in the way you would a normal priest i.e. buffing his unit, it's more the fact that he has one of the most awesome saves in the game and taken with his re-roll, many times he has caused frustration to my enemy as they find themselves having to divert way more firepower than they expected just to whittle down a scoring unit. That distraction can in itself be a game-changer.


Anyway I can't really say much that you haven't already. Like you, the moment I dropped Corbulo from my army I regretted it in my next game, really missed him so much that he came back in and hasn't left since. There can't be too many units which we feel that way about.

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Can't go wrong with Corbulo in the army.  If he were an HQ choice, I'd drop the ML1 Librarian in a heartbeat.  I've lost track of the number of  times he's stood on his head and tanked small arms fire for an entire turn to keep a squad holding the relic, or on an objective intact.  On top of that, he fights fairly well for his point cost.  He's no Abaddon, but he's also less than half the cost of Abaddon.

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I recently played an Apoc game where I fielded the 5 psyker formation, lead by Mephiston and supported by Corbulo.

These badboys tanked: 1 Hellhammer, 1 Squiggoth, 1 Stompa and uncountable small arms fire. When the dust settled, Mephi was down to 2 wounds and only Corbulo had died biggrin.png


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  • 5 weeks later...




I may have stumbled on a new use for Corbulo.


The way the Far Seeing Eye rerolls work allows us a rerolling of something- be it an LD check or scatter or whatever.  


Most players know that with the wording as it is, if for example we were rerolling Mind Shackle Scarabs or a Shadow in the Warp test, we could not reroll one dice, but had to re-roll all three.


Some of you may already be seeing this.   This gives us a very, very handy reroll for psychic checks as the dice pool we choose to roll is a single roll, not a set of individual rolls.  



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I like it! Can be a game-changer used in such a manner for sure!


Looking for everyone's input on this question: Can Corbulo's Far Seeing Eye be used to reroll one of your rolls when obtaining your psychic powers?


I say no: The Far-Seeing Eye allows you to make "a single re-roll once per game," and "Psykers generate their psychic powers before the game begins."


Therefore, I don't see how it can be used before the game begins.

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