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Are three Stormravens too much for 2000 points?

Sir Blayse

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I've pretty much decided that I'm going to get one SR for my DC and their Dread. That's a pretty easy choice. I also know that if I run one, then I should run two. It makes target priority harder and also helps the Libby get in faster. Plus, then I can also run a furioso to boot.


The question now becomes, should I just stick with those two or would it be worth while to go for a third? I'm really tempted to do it, but would it be a waste? If I don't then I will run a few Lasback/Assback Razorbacks or Rhinos. I can basically do 2 SR, 3 Ass/Lasbacks, and 2 Dreads-plus the usual other parts to the razorspam list. ( No priests)


Would the Libby's Shield be even better coming from the SR large hull? Or should the SR just use the all out move?


Thanks guys in advance, I'll hold off on get more than 2 for now.

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turn 1 3 ravens flat out forward pop targets that can kill them no way they all got killed with the save thank the got of potms for our lucky shot and unload cargo and unleash every gun still on the ravens should anhilate everything xp if fails there is always that blood taloned furioso and a death company chappy force that's at there frontdoor xp
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turn 1 3 ravens flat out forward pop targets that can kill them no way they all got killed with the save thank the got of potms for our lucky shot and unload cargo and unleash every gun still on the ravens should anhilate everything xp if fails there is always that blood taloned furioso and a death company chappy force that's at there frontdoor xp


That pretty much the whole strategy in a nutshell. Pretty much hoping opponent's anti-armor gets blasted on your first turn with Twin-linked melta in their face. After that it should be all about combat and smashing things up.


The furioso would use his claws an the DC dread would have talons. Model count is low, but if you can drop a large chunk of your enemy's reliable armor killers, then should do pretty well. It would also help me against the MC bug problem that is common at my LGS. First off I can out distance them and make it hard for them to even land hits, plus putting wounds on them pretty easy.


Of course the model count is incredibly low, but the mobility really gives a lot of bonuses to it. I can pretty much ignore terrain slowing me down, since I just fly over it. Easy chance to get around enemy getting cover saves, while still keeping my own. Plus anything getting up close is going to feel the hurt next turn. Also, with all the melta heavy lists floating around, ceramite armor really helps out. It's great when meltas glance on a 4 even inside of 6 inches...


I'll probably have to play test the two and see what I think about that. Maybe have to wait to 3k to do the third, but not doing those at our LGS just yet. ( Not really enough room or time.)



... Another idea for running this would be sort of Attack Run build. Using 3 Stormravens, 3x 2- MM Landspeeder squadrons, plus the same dreads above. The DC and RAS would be minimal, but wearing jump packs. Pretty much the entire list can turbo-boost as needed and also move 12" and lay down heavy firepower. It's only got 2 scoring units, but a serious amount of melta firepower, it might be a good idea to move some points around to put flamers on all the speeders. Just in case you need to face a horde army and actually clear them off of some thing.

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I think with 3 ravens in 2000 points it's wise to move away from the assault rock delivery role and into the gunship role. Probably field at least two TL lascannon mounts, and definately hurricane- bolter sponsons. Then fill the rest of the army out with alphastrike units; pods and razors in troopsand elites, baals and attk bikes/speeders in fast, minimal HQ.


Transporting a large amount in the ravens in 2000 points is a bad idea.

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I'm not even sure that one at 1,5 is a good idea because its a bit rubbish without a suitably nasty payload (you're going to need a dread and a killy-death squad, otherwise you're better off with a land raider most of the time), so I'd say that 3 is too many at 2k. Very much "All eggs, allow me to introduce you to solitary basket". At the 2k tourney I played a few weeks back though there were a couple of dual-raven armies (admittedly one was GK, but still) that seemed to do quite well, so 2 is probably manageable. After you've shelled out the points for 3 ravens you won't have a huge amount left for men, unless as Mezkh says you go the gunship route. I'd have to say that two is the limit I'd feel comfortable running, as otherwise you're leaving yourself spread far too thin on the ground, as those 3 models will count for just shy of a third of your army pre-upgrades.
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I used to take three demolishers in a 1500 army, so its not that crazy.


Add on three dreads and 36 infantry and its pretty much your full army though.

That said, they seem like they would work well as gunships.


I'm considering three, one carrying 11 DC, a reclusiarch and a dready, the other two just as decoys and gunships

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Dude, call me crazy but I run three at 1.5k and than just expand the list at 2k. I've gone with a melta/plasma combo on all of them, single blood talon DC dread, 24 DC plus Astorath. At 2k I chuck in two more dreads (dc blood talon and dc fist) and a squad of terminators.


So far I've been relatively successful. In my opinion getting the first turn and deploying quite far up table has been the way to go as I prefer to only move 6" on turn one, unleash hell and then soften things up on turn 2. My assualt usually comes on turn 2 or 3 depending on how successful I've been at neutralizing the opposition big guns/nasty units.


If I end up with the second turn I tend to sit towards the back of the deployment zone and then the assault has to wait until turn 3 after the inevitable gunshow.

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The major down sides to a 3 Raven list are.


1.) Not going first = no cover saves = dead Ravens far from the enemy. or Reserving everything

2.) Reserving Everything = potential to come in Piecemeal, at which point Ravens are too easy to deal with.

3.) What goes in each raven, if they are not all equally threatening it makes deciding which to shoot far too easy.

4.) worst of all winning first turn and getting seized.


I have played against 2 Raven builds before, and frequently both die on turn 1 or 2.

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If you get first turn against a shooty list, you've already almost won with guaranteed turn 2 attacks. If you dont go first, I still havent figured out how to protect the ravens effectively.. using scouting flamestorm baals as firemagnets is useful, but still..
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I wouldn't say you auto-win against shooty lists by winning turn 1. There are plenty of GK builds that will out shoot you, and still have a good number of units that will beat down your CC units. Furthermore if the shooty opponent spreads out it is easy to sacrifice some units and still gain an advantage. Turn 1 makes it a game. Having non-SR units in your army helps with this, if your entire army (or nearly the entire army. Is in storm ravens it is just too difficult to consistenly have the advantage.
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Well GK doesnt count here, but usually a shooty list doesnt have the units to deal with the stuff your ravens carry once you're too close ^^ But yes it sure helps to have some backup on the table, I wouldn't field more than 2 ravens on 2000 points myself.
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