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Throne of skulls at GW HQ


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Hi guys,


I know i'm not a regular poster on this forum but im an active reader and have learnt a lot from the tactics and discussions on here. Keep it up guys. For example very interested on the Corbulo tactics Mort just started. Very keen to try out a list with him in now :D.


Well ive just got back from Notthing where i took part in the recent Throne of Skulls tournament. An excellent event and a chance to meet up with friends. Its great that past opponents become buddies over time and we all meet up in the bar after to chat. A good time was had by all.


I took along my trusty blood angel list but really had a struggle cutting the list down to 1500 points. Thought i would post the list and a small bat rep in case anyone was interested. I've still got a lot to learn.


The List



Furiso librarian with wings and shield

Furiso with talons

2x Baal predator with assault cannon and heavy bolters

2x Preds with autocannon and laz sponsons

5 RAS in razorback with laz plas

5 RAS in razorback with Heavy bolters

5 RAS in rhino.


Tactics were the armoured colum sticks together benefitting from the librarians shield. It shoots, it advances to take objectives and if anything assaults mephy and his furioso tag team go out to deal with it. The lib had wings to keep up and support mephy.


Game 1: Tyranids


1 Flying hive tyrant

1 walking tyrant with hive guards

2 tervigons

1 doom of maly in a pod - god how i really hate this thing

1 guant squad in pod

1 carnifex in a pod

lots of guants.


Game was standard deployment and annilation. I won the toss and deployed first planning to kill as much as i could before it got to my lines.


From past experience i've seen the damage out flanking tervigons can do via hive commander so i deployed everything in the centre along my board edge.


His army walked on from the board edge, using guants to give cover to the guard and the hive tyrant which got a nice cover save. I opened fire with everything. It was shocking i killed 4 guants :) Not a good start. His turn 1 he ran forward. Both tervigons pumped out gaunts - 4 and 8 respectively but then rolled a double - ops


Turn 2 i realised a crucial mistake, in deploying in the centre a building in the centre meant i had blocked my LOS so i spread the armoured colum left and right to fire again. Mephy and the dreads stayed back. I opened fire again and this time wounded a guard and killed another gaunt. oh boy...... He then ran forward again.


The next couple of turns got messy. My firepower finally kicked in and i started killing gaunts. The doom of maly dropped down so i focus fired on that but didnt hurt it. His tervigons and gaunts moved left and right to engage my retreating tanks


The winged hive tyrant jumped right in front of my line. Mephy and the furioso marched forward to engage. Thank goodness the combined firepower of the armoured colum took it out in one round of shooting and the combat was not necessary. The carnifex dropped down amoungst my retreating baals on the right flank so the libby dread rushed over to assist. The baals opened fire and left the carnifex on one wound but it was not enough as in the next turn he charged and destoryed the nearest baal. However the libby smashed the last wound and turned to take on the advancing horde.


The gaunts broke up 2 transports and the hive tyrant finally hit home engaging the furioso, luckily mephy was too far away. The furioso did admirably and only lost an arm to the HT, he then wounded a guard in return.. Mephy jumped in making sure he was not in BtB with the HT and took on the guard killing another, I hate taking the pyshic test on 3d6.


It was mephy and the furioso up against the HT. Mephy prepared to do his magic but then the doom moved in and boom, mephy disappeared losing 4 wounds in one shot - ouch. I really hate that ability. Thats 2 recent games now where mephy has been one shotted. Furioso amazingly managed to stay in comabt and just lose one arm then finally blew up in the following turn.


I had shot most of list to pieces but he still had the doom, and the HT and the two tervigons left. I formed a hasty retreate left and right towards his board edge shooting as i went and the libby rushed back to the centre to act as the sacrifical lamb and hold up the hordes. I was down on kill points then noticed the pods. The baals and razorbacks opened fired and took out all 3 and the doom - phew. I was now one kill point up. Then his last turn his tervigon managed to charge my retreating baal - hit, pen, boom :(


A great game and a draw - what a fight. Then my friend enquired did your tervigons spawn gaunts. Yes he said - oh..... they are kill points too - your game - Whoooooo :)


1 win to me.


Poor old mephy - with the HT forcing mephy to roll on 3d6, the whips forcing initiative 1 and the doom he had little chance but i got the win. I love fast moving shooting tanks.


Game 2 - 5 to come if you are interested

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Definitely interested to see how you went on...I was there too with my Angels Sanguine! Great weekend, hadn't been before and had a good time.


I just finished throwing some pictures up on a blog post so feel free to have a browse, I had to go with battle summaries rather than reports (it's too late and I watched too much TV...)


Here's the link: http://rebelsgrotto.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05...ctures-and.html


I'm going to be writing a little bit on here before weekend about the 5th game I had, especially about my über-priest!

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Hi guys,


It was mephy and the furioso up against the HT. Mephy prepared to do his magic but then the doom moved in and boom, mephy disappeared losing 4 wounds in one shot - ouch. I really hate that ability. Thats 2 recent games now where mephy has been one shotted.


Sounds like a job for our favourtie Sang Priest :lol:

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Hi guys,


It was mephy and the furioso up against the HT. Mephy prepared to do his magic but then the doom moved in and boom, mephy disappeared losing 4 wounds in one shot - ouch. I really hate that ability. Thats 2 recent games now where mephy has been one shotted.


Sounds like a job for our favourtie Sang Priest :)


That is a really good point - there are a few times when you really dont want to roll that 1 to save or 1,1, / 6,6 perils - you've got me very tempted my corbulo now

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Game 2 : Grey Knights


Oh dear, one codex i was really not looking forward to facing. From what i've seen in recent tournies they can outshoot you and then out assault you - bit depressing. This would be my first GK tourny game.


Fortunately my oponent was really friendly and had just started playing. Great guy and we had a really fun game. Wasnt easy though


Grand Master with all the goodies

Squad of terminators 1 hammer and lots of fancy swords

Land radier redeemer - gulp

Justicar terminator who could get back up after he died - Thrawn i think his name was

2 dreads with psy autocanons

2 squads of GKS in razorbacks



Mission was 3 objectives and dawn of war and i won the roll. Scenery was a big building front centre for me with trees on the left and hill on the right. On his side he had a building to his left and trees to his right.


My plan was to get him to split his forces and with luck nuke the raider and let the baals whittle down the terminators. With only 2 troops i could hopefully grab an objective and contest the others.


First mistake - forgot the Grand Master could make units troops - straigt away his vindicar and 2 dreads could score. oh.


I placed one objective in the open to the left of my building. He placed the other 2 objectives, one nect to his building and the other in the woods to his right.




I deployed mephy behind the building in the centre along with the laz plas razorback facing out left where i thought the land raider would go. The other razorback hid next to mephy. He placed the vindicar in the building on his right.


Turn 1:


Unfortunately he managed to seize the initiative. Thats ok dawn of war should save me. Nope. His vindicar rerolled saw the laz plas RB and boom destroyed. He them moved one dread and the razorback to the forest on the right, moved the redeemer in on the centre and the other dread and razorback in behind his building.


My tactic was to deploy the preds on the left behind the wood where the dreads could not get an LOS and fire on the landraider. I moved all the other vehicles and dreads to the right, advancing slowly to appear non threatening. Mephy jumped up I wanted him to charge straight for the preds leaving me to race up the right flank. I moved one unit of RAS onto the board behind my building to give an indication of claiming that objective. I fired but dawn of war meant i saw nothing.


Turn 2:


Thankfully he took the baite, an open objective and 2 threatening preds triggered his landraider to move straight forward. He got shots off with the dreads and redeemer and took 1 laz cannon off 2 preds. The vindicar blew up the leading razorback. For once a vindicar was being a real pain.


In my turn the right flank rushed forward. The baals moved up and fired everything they had at the vindy - he took 1 wound :lol:. The surving RAS from the RB ran forward with mephy in support. The rhino rushed 18 inches and the other baal charged ahaed but failed to wound the vindicar. Shooting was limited due to the rush. I prepared for the counter.


Turn 3:


Realising his mistake he turned the redeemer and rushed back to support his flank. He moved his RB and dread to support the vindcar and fired everything at the armoured column resulting in 2 imobilised baals. Ouch. Libby shield came in useful here. Crunch time as he charged his Grand Master and termies into the RAS - i was hoping his squad were too far away from mephy but the GrandMaster just got there and tapped mephy on the shoulder.


He activated all his powers as mephy failed to counter any of them, i was in trouble. Thankfully he made a mistake though and told me afterwards that forgot his grenades, so Mephy was going first. Fortune was with me and mephy took down the grand master. However victory was short lived, a termy force weaponed mephy and he was gone again as quick as the last game. The remaining RAs were also butchered.


Then my 2 heros stepped in and i found a real counter to GK's. My two furiosos. One baal killed the vindicar and the other ripped into the termies killing a few. My preds exchanged fire with his dreads. Then the libby and furioso charged the terminators. The only real threat being the hammer. They did me proud. Thrawn dropped and all but 2 terminators remained with no damage taken. Even better was the dreads could not be fired on next turn. I was starting to turn his flank.


Turn 4:


He tried to fire on my baals again to little effect and the land raider could only fire its melt to no effect. He moved his dread and other razorback to fire on my rhino and keep hold of his objective but the dread combat block LOS. My preds were stunned again. Not too bad. Combat and the dreads did me proud and stomped on the termies and massacre moved towards his dread and RB. Thrawn failed to get up


The furioso melta'd his RB and blew it up, the men got out and they were sitting ducks for the talons - bye bye. The libby then assaulted his dread and ripped an arm off. The rhino hid on the objective with the men inside. i was trying to play for a draw now with us both camped on one objective. I would have raced the preds forward but they kept getting stunned.


Turn 5: He fired everything he could at the rhino and it got destroyed, 5 men got out. He shot the squad with the land raider and i lost 2 - nooooo please hold the objective. The libby fought another round with the dread to no avail.


My turn the furioso ran in to assist the liby and the dread went down, they they ran back infront of the rhino creating a road block to stop the land raider contesting. The men hid


Turn 6: I could believe it. Thrawn got back up and was within charge range of my 3 RAS on the objective. Gutted. He ran in and assaulted. 2 wounds 2 dead RAS. My sergeant hit back, 2 hit, 2 wound. omg he could win this ........ Thrawn failed the save and went down. I had a man left on the objective. It was a draw.


What a fight. Intense and very brutal. Both made mistakes but it was a fun game. The rush really suprised him but it was sad to see that his terminator unit just totally outclassed mephy yet again. Even forgetting his grenades it was so easy. Still my dreads saved the day they were amazing anf he just couldnt stop them.


So 1 win and 1 draw and on to the next game

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Game 3:


To save boring you all i will skip this battle rep - it was the capture bases mission vs a black templar deep striking terminator list.


It was one of the most boring unpleasant games of 40k i've ever had. An opponent who checked movement distances and LOS constantly. It ended up with a dispute over which turn we were on. An agreement was made between both of us which he then later disagreed with and refused to play the final turn. It cost me the draw. I lost, i didnt care i was glad for the game to finish but i told him what i thought of his sportsmanship.


Game 4:


Day 2 arrived and i was W1 - D1 - L1, i had some work to do.



3 broadside units with lots of shield drones

2 other suited units, 1 of which was deepstriking

1 squad of 32 kroot hounds with etheral

3 squads of 20 kroot and hounds

5 firewarriors


Scenery included a big building in the centre with forests left and right. Mission was 5 objectives using dawn of war.


With only 3 troops i wanted to keep the objectives close together and force his units in to the centre. 3 ended up near the centre, one in the forest on the left one on the right.




I won the roll and placed mephy as far forward as i could in the building with the two empty razorbacks 7 inches on. He placed nothing down.


Turn 1:


Everything of mine rushed forward aiming to get on those objectives asap. Mephy moved forward in the building, hoping to hunker down and not get hit next turn then pounce. Nothing was in range to shoot.


He placed 2 units of broadsides in the top left corner. Next to them he placed the 32 unit kroot and etheral. near the centre he placed a squad of 3 suits. In the top right corner he placed 1 broadside with 5 fire warriors.


He rolled poorly for night fighting and i took no damage. he ran his kroot forward towards a 3+ cover save. This turned out to be a huge mistake.


Turn 2


I decided to ignore the broadside on my right and focus fire and take the left flank.


The baals moved up and opened up on the suits near the centre - it was lethal and only 1 suit survived. My preds fired at this broadsides on the left killing lots of shield drones.


The furioso ran forward to try to back mephy up but made 1 inch. The libby stood with the tanks ready to hold the centre objectives


Mephy flew forward, landed, fleeted - at this point my opponent looked shocked and said - "can he fleet....oh bugger". I had wanted to charge the remaining suit in the centre but it looked too far so the only other target was the huge kroot unit. Statistics were against me but i thought what the heck im a BA player so mephy charged the 32 kroot and the etheral. This was going to get bloody


Mephy killed a handful but in turn took 2 wounds. Ouch, not so good. His kroot lost more to fearless wounds.


Reserves brought on the remaining 3 kroot units, two came on to back up that mephy fight and the last unit of 20 came on on my right to head towards the objective in the wood.


He opened fire with the broadsides but rolled 3 ones to penetrate and i took no damage. Mephy killed more kroot and thankfully failed to take a wound. My opponent really didnt like mephy.


Turn 3.


My RAS in a razorback that had rushed forward to help mephy last turn got out to assist in the fight. One baal killed the last suit in the centre and my preds starting hurting the 2 broadsides on the hill. my RAS in the rhino and the libby dread moved to counter the new threat of the kroot on my right. That baal fired on the fire warriors covering the broadside on the right as i didnt want him taking down the libby.


Mephy was a star and took down more kroot, the ras helped out and killed another 8 but were all killed in return. The squad was now decimated, down to about 5, but there was now space for the next kroot unit to charge. gulp.


Firing in his turn was rather ineffective as he had lost so many suits. His kroot on the right ran back from the libby as they couldnt touch him and the broadside tried to take him out but failed jsut a stun - phew.


The 2nd unit of kroot charged mephy. Luck was in and he took no wounds but killed lots. It was turning my way and i was defying the odds.


Turn 4.


My firepower took out one squad of broadsides on my left leaving 1 sole broadside. i killed the remaining firewarrior on my right and the shields leaving the 1 broadside all by himself in that corner - i love baals. My vehicles in the centre moved to contest objectives while the rhino rushed to cover the objective in the forest. The libby stood there doing nothing as it was stunned.


Mephy took down more kroot and with fearless wounds wiped out the remainder. He was awesome. Furioso had given up trying to assist as he ran another 1 inch.


In his turn his broadside on the right again stunned the libby - sigh, it was going to be up to the rhino RAS to hold up.


His next unit of 20 kroot stood facing mephy but had little choice but to charge or be charged. They ran in and mephy cut them down with no wounds. in return they failed their leadership test and he wiped them out and moved towards the broadside. His kroot charged the rhino hoping to reveal the troops inside but no damage was done.


Turn 5.


Mephy killed the remaining broadside. My shooting took down the other broadside on the right. The baals opened up on the kroot in the right forest near the objective.


His turn the deepstriking suits dropped and fired on the libbys rear immbolising him.


Turn 6.


I ignored the deep striking suits and my whole army moved to shift the kroot off the objective. I fired everything i had and left 5 alive. they failed their leadership check and ran. I held one objective in the middle and one on the right. I had virtually wiped out my opponent and had lost 1 squad of 5 RAS and their razorback transport in return.


Game over and what a vicotry.


Mephy was awesome and terrified my opponent. he had effectively cleared the whole left flank - personally taking out 68 kroot, 1 broadside and an etheral.

The baals were devastating and hurt suits and kroot alike and i had hardly taken any damage. Very happy.

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