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Imperial fist sergeant


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Long time no post! I took a 3-4 month hiatus from painting but I've gotten back into the swing of things. Here is my first power armored figure I've done in quite some time, an imperial fist sergeant.


I had a lot of fun painting him and I played around with a few new things. I made up a lot of it on the fly which always makes things interesting instead of just following old recipes. Hope you enjoy, I have more that will be coming along in the future...albeit slowly =)


Comments, suggestions, questions welcomed as always. One thing I think still lets me down is basing, so any tips or links regarding that would be especially appreciated.



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Very nice :tu: May I ask if you used the old or the new paints? Also, what is your recipe? D'you start on a white basecoat?


Looking forward to seeing more of your models!



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Thanks guys. The loin plate thing was one of the spare bits from the terminator kit if I recall, I just then added in the rivets by adding a dap of pva glue with a needle.


Battle-Brother I can post up the recipe later today, but I'm in a bit of a rush don't have time to sort it out at the moment.

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Whoops I wont lie I completely missed those cables, I always do for some reason! Thanks for the support guys I am glad you like them.


Ok so the recipe for the yellow is pretty convoluted and uses a mix of old GW, really old GW, vallejo model color, and vallejo model air paints.

-prime white

-airbrush Iyanden darksun (I think it was actually a mix of Iyanden darksun and golden yellow because it was from an earlier recipe I tried, but I think straight Iyanden won't make a difference as this is just to build a base to work from)

-I then airbrushed vallejo model air sandy brown as a preshade. By this I mean I applied it to the recesses so that the next coats will have slightly darker tones in these areas. There are videos and tutorials online explaining it.

-Airbrush vallejo model air yellow all over

-I then airbrushed vallejo model air us interior yellow as a zenithal highlight


-Now onto the brush work!

-I applied vallejo model air yellow with a brush all over to bring back the yellow, its thin so it worked more like a glaze

-I then added a dab of vallejo off white to the yellow for highlights, and one more dab for extreme highlights

-Selectively apply devlan mud to shade

-Deepest recesses like the lines on the armor and joints lined very carefully with brown wash (the really old blue lid flip top one from GW)



-Chips were added with vallejo model air rust applied with a sponge and tidied up with a brush as I saw fit

-undersides of chips done with a 1:1 mix of vallejo model color yellow ochre: vallejo model color pale sand

-streaks in the armor were done with devlan mud, applied pretty dryly (if thats a word)


Hope that helps, like I said its rather convoluted and you could probably achieve a pretty similar look with much fewer steps. I was just having fun experimenting and trying some new things I haven't done before.

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