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Marines Allegiant Painting and Modelling Thread

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Without too much preamble, I intend to document the slow, grueling process of taking my marine army from concept to proxy to reality. The chapter in question is the Marine Allegiant. Their color scheme is golden armor (although it washes to a coppery color), silver details, white markings, red leathers and blue eyes. While the chapter's fluff and demeanor is relatively serious and Grimdark, my own commentary is not. Let's get rolling.


Tactical Marine




I'll be honest, I don't really like the arrows on the shoulders. But, I also dislike grinding them down smooth, so it's somehow lazier to do more painting than more work modelling. I've enough of the arrow guys to give them their own squad, at least. Squad Pointifier or something.

I like the gold armour. I think there may be a little too much of it though. I would paint the soft armour ie behind the knees and at the hips and elbow joints in black maybe. Looks good so far though. :tu:

I'd go with a dark grey instead of black, it would be less of a contrast and so look better, I think.




Edit: Maybe you could also try a black bolter casing?


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