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Stacking Rules


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I am currently building a list for my army and after having recently got

my grubby mits on copys of Badab 1 and 2. There are two character I

have devloped an intrest in, Lias Issoden and Ahazra Redth, the Chapter

Master of the Raptors and Chief Librarian of the Mantis Warriors.


Lias Issoden has the Cunning Strategist which gives your opponants a -1

penalty on their reserve rolls, Ahazra Redth has the Wispers of the Wind

special rule which has the same effect. I am unsure but do these two

special characters special rules stack resulting in a -2 penalty to reserve

rules or not?


Any assistance in this matter would be immensly helpful.

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Rules quotes would be preferred; most of us don't have the books! :cuss


Otherwise, there's no precedent. Some armies with an ability like this do have them stack, some don't.


Dice off is the only answer!

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On a similar note:


Does the Grey knights psychic power "Hammerhands" stack with itself?


I know it stacks with the librarian power because it says it does, but I could not find anywhere that said that Hammerhands stacked with another Hammerhands.

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On a similar note:


Does the Grey knights psychic power "Hammerhands" stack with itself?


I know it stacks with the librarian power because it says it does, but I could not find anywhere that said that Hammerhands stacked with another Hammerhands.




Q: Do the effects of the same psychic power cast

multiple times on the same unit stack? (p50)

A: Yes, unless specifically stated otherwise.


So yes.


As to the reserves rule, it's debatable. We have precedent for some things stacking (psychic powers), and other things not stacking (Nid Hive Commander). But then The Grey Knights psychic communion stacks, although that is a psychic power (which is totally unfair to Nids and another case of GW trying to drive the final nail in the Nids coffin)..... OK, I'm calm again now.


Basically, I'd call this (the reserves question) grey area, discuss with your opponent. There's instances of this stacking and not stacking, so discuss it before game to avoid an argument and ruined battle midgame.

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I appretiate the input you guys have given on this, and I'll talk to

futer opponants on this. I thought it best to ask because I play against

alot of Blood Angels and Dark Angels who both at the moment are opponants

who rely heavily on deep strike

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