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Golden Demon Berserkers - Take Two.


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Some of you guys may remember these guys from a few years ago.


Well, I was recently contacted about doing another squad as a commission project, and here we are!


Made from a mixture of Goliath Ganger heads, Beastmen Gors Torsos/arms, various marine bits, and a good amount of greenstuff, it gave me the opportunity to fix up a few of the blunders I made on the original squad (such as that horrible skin tone!).


Some weeks later, and many dozens of hours, we're finally done! I'd planned on adding some tattoo's/blood/armour runes at the end of the project, but the client expressed an interest in backing out of the deal at the last minute, if an alternate buyer could be found, so we decided there was no point in adding a bunch of extra stuff in and increasing the cost.


Either way, I'm pretty happy with the result. The lack of end-of-project details gives them a more striking and clean look when compared to the original unit, and on the whole, I think they're an improvement!



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I loved the original squad and these guys look great too. I think I prefered one or two poses from the original squad though, particularly the guy flying through the air with an axe :) And what about the ogryn?! :P


I took inspiration from the original squad when I built my own 'zerkers too.

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Redmoon - The torso's are from the Beastmen Gors fantasy boxed set (arms from the same place). They suit marine scale pretty well, but leave a huge problem finding suitably scaled heads, since I found that power armour helms look like big bobble heads compared to the slightly finer scale of the torso's. Might be something to bear in mind if/when you're going through the process yourself. Bare IG heads might be a suitable scale, or very maybe Scouts?


Spiny Norman - The original poses that got dropped for this squad were either dropped because the client wasn't fussed on that particular pose (the 300-esque SPARTA! pose, for example), because it's practically impossible to get the parts (the crouching guy), or due to the cost (the Ogryn would have added a big cost in terms of the actual parts, and then further cost simply because it would take much longer to convert and paint). Since the client wanted a unit he could use for gaming purposes, we figured we'd go with some more standard, less fragile posing, or, in the Orgyns case, something that wasn't going to stick out like a sore thumb from half way across the table :D


HJ75Steve - Original blood effects were Tamiya Clear Red applied straight from the bottle by being flicked on with the bristles of a toothbrush. It's pretty awesome stuff for doing that kind of fresh blood effect!



Thanks for all the feedback guys. It's great to see them so well recieved!

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on the whole, I think they're an improvement!

An improvement?! You're kidding me, mate. Your first batch is frankly awesome already -- and these are yet much, much better! Simply amazing! Consider myself a fan of your's.


Cheers, JT

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Yeah, I'm not suite sure why that is, Aqatone. I've had a couple of people mention having that problem. Could be my webhost freaking out or something. The CMON link finally got verified though, so you should be able to check them out there.
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