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CC Honour Guard and Seth?


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Basicly I'm working on a Flesh Tearer Army for about 1000 - 1500pts.

I'm trying to work Seth into my army because well he's extremely fluffy, he's badass, I love his model plus it'd be rude not too. The problem is finding a place for him.

Current idea was to give him a combat orientated Honour Guard, something like:


Sanguinary Noviate

Banner + Power Weapon

Blood Champion

Power Weapon + Infernus Pistol

Power Weapon + Infernus Pistol

= 225pts


In a Rhino?


The current status seems to be load out Honour Guard with Melta/Plasma/Flamers but not too keen on them.

What do you guys think?


Any suggestions very much appreciated.

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Basicly I'm working on a Flesh Tearer Army for about 1000 - 1500pts.

I'm trying to work Seth into my army because well he's extremely fluffy, he's badass, I love his model plus it'd be rude not too. The problem is finding a place for him.

Current idea was to give him a combat orientated Honour Guard, something like:


Sanguinary Noviate

Banner + Power Weapon

Blood Champion

Power Weapon + Infernus Pistol

Power Weapon + Infernus Pistol

= 225pts


In a Rhino?


If you really want to run that set-up then yes, I would put them in a Rhino. Because every model in your unit either has a power weapon or is the priest, not to mention the infernus pistols, so they cost a lot of points each, which means they will need protecting somehow. A Land Raider may be more appropiate as well but then you are using six models in a ten space land raider.


As far as suggestions go, I think maybe two power weapons is enough. The Blood Champion may not be worth the upgrade really. So this will give you 2 models for room for casulaties before eating away at your sepcial weapons.



The current status seems to be load out Honour Guard with Melta/Plasma/Flamers but not too keen on them.

What do you guys think?


Its because the squad has the ability to take four special weapons. I take 4 meltas in mine to pack a punch on a vehicle after deep striking. Other may feel that for killing troops plasma or flamers work better.

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For a close combat Honor Guard, I'd like to see 1 powerfist or thunder hammer. Also meltaguns are great additions on guys with a single lightning claw, a storm shield or a powerfist.
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I used to run Seth Honour Guard Unit.


Mine Went





Honour Guard


2 Power Weapons

Power Fist

Chapter Banner

Land Raider Redeemer w/ MM


I used to dump d3 attacks on Seth and laugh all the way

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Some good ideas here guy's cheers, was thinking of chucking a librarian with them but thought it might be too much of a points sink.

Might play around with some of your suggestions. Thanks

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If your unit's only six models, consider a razorback in place of a rhino. They're only 5 pts more base, same armor stats, there's just enough room to fit your squad and now you have covering fire. TLPlasLas seems to be the preferred razor load out, though. Plus considering the aggressive nature of the FT I don't think it would go amiss that the Chapter Master would want a gun on his transport.


Just a thought.

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the question is what kind of role does this unit play as part of a larger force?


I've used him with HG in a razor in a 2000pnt list before and while I liked it, a 6 man unit doesn't make a great hammer type unit (death company in a FT army are so much better for this anyways) so they usually end up playing a back up role: adding their charge against a big combat unit that a RAS has already tied up in combat so the slower HG get to them


how have the rest of you more experienced gamers used the unit?

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This is exactly how I would run that unit and the rest of the list I'd take with it.


1850 points



* Honour Guard

Blood Champion, 3x Bolt Pistol, Chapter Banner, Power Fist, 2x Power Weapon

* Land Raider Redeemer

Pintle Multi Melta

* Sanguniary Novitiate

Bolt Pistol



+ HQ +


* Gabriel Seth



* Librarian

Blood Lance, Might of Heroes

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol



+ Elites +


* Chaplain

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol



* Sanguinary Priests

* Sanguinary Priest

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword



* Sanguinary Priests

* Sanguinary Priest

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword



+ Troops +


* Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines, Meltagun

* Razorback

Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



* Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines, Meltagun

* Razorback

Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



* Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines, Meltagun

* Razorback

Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon



* Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines, Meltagun

* Razorback

Twin Linked Assault Cannon

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Fist



* Assault Squad

4x Assault Marines, Meltagun

* Razorback

Twin Linked Assault Cannon

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Power Fist







I ran a version of this a few times with only 4 assault squads and adding 4 mm attack bikes. It did pretty well in a tournament and league. Seth, Chaplain, Librarian, and the Hguard in the Redeemer. Send it into the biggest bunch of infantry you can find and keep doing it till they are dead. The mobile razorback squads are heavy infantry killers and fast scoring units.


I broke a mob of 30 ork boys with a pain boy and warboss with that squad charging out of a land raider. I believe I suffered one casualty.


The only downside of running seth with an honour guard is that there are no chumps to eat wounds, which is why you need to protect them and support them with the Land Raider. Get them where you want them and put them to work and be prepared to watch some of them die.

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Just a side question... is it true that a "Blood Champion" cannot be equiped with a stormshield?? (I know regular HG can, but and blood champion is technically not a regular HG anymore)

Please don't ask me why I want to do it, cuz I didn't I would anyway.

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