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Weathering Red PA

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I asked Brother Syth and MagicMan about their weathering techniques, then tried putting it into practice, plus a bit of experimenting myself. Didn't turn out as well as theirs, so I thought I'd make a thread and ask for opinions and advice.

For starters, here's the test shoulderpad (Ceramite White base, Evil Sunz Scarlet layer, Wildrider Red highlight then Baal Red wash and Bloodletter glaze) with various combinations:


On (our) right are two sections of: Chaos Black -> Chainmail -> Badab Black wash.

On the left two sections of: Wild Rider Red (the basic highlight of the pad again) -> Chaos Black -> Chainmail -> Badab Black wash.

At the top: Calthan Brown -> Chaos Black -> Chainmail -> Badab Black wash.

Bottom: Mechrite Red (thought a darker red might go well) -> (skip the black this time) Chainmail -> Badab Black wash.

Middle: Evil Sunz scarlet (the basic colour of the pad again) -> (skip the black this time) Chainmail -> Badab Black wash.

Other angles if it helps:



Which (if any) looks best? Are the sections of damage too big? Too much black outline? Any other suggestions (aside from the obvious "thin yer paints more!")?

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For chipped armor, you want the darker tone of the armor color on the bottom only, not all the way around the damage. Then fill the chip with metallic, with a very thin line of bright metallic on the top edge. You want all the non-metal, non-highlight lines to be VERY thin. Half as thin as most of the black lines you have here.


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